
Which car company has the best discount during the car buying season? Three cars are waiting for you to reveal!

The 618 promotion is in full swing, not only the e-commerce platform has set off a shopping frenzy, but also car companies have joined this mid-year carnival, bringing a wealth of limited-time car purchase rights and interests to car lovers. No, Tesla, Zeekr, Denza and other brands have launched attractive car purchase discounts and courtesy policies, and friends who want to buy a new car can be regarded as a good time to catch up. Today, let's take a look at the preferential policies of these car companies to see which car best meets your needs, so that you can be both worry-free and affordable in the 618 car buying season!

Which car company has the best discount during the car buying season? Three cars are waiting for you to reveal!

Speaking of the right to buy a car for ZEEKR 001, it is really a wave of benefits. During the period from June 6th to June 30th, if you make a decision and lock the monopole krypton 001, you will have the opportunity to participate in the blind box lottery, and the prizes are all real discounts. Think about it, if you draw the 3500 kWh electric card worth 4900 yuan, isn't it equivalent to saving so much money directly! Of course, other prizes are also good, such as camping table and chair sets, high-grade aluminum-magnesium trolley cases, which are good helpers for daily use of cars and travel. But then again, even if you don't want to challenge the grand prize, the most basic 600 kWh electric card also has a discount of 840 yuan, who doesn't want to see it! The performance of the car itself is also good, with an acceleration of 100 kilometers in 3.5 seconds, and the whole system is equipped with lidar as standard, and the cost performance is really high.

Which car company has the best discount during the car buying season? Three cars are waiting for you to reveal!

As for the purchase rights of Tesla Model Y, although it also has its attractiveness, we have to look at it in combination with the actual situation. The price of the Model Y is 249,900 yuan, which is relatively more affordable. With a down payment of 79,900 yuan, you can enjoy a discount of 0 interest for 3 years, which really relieves a lot of pressure to buy a car. However, if you take into account the cost performance of ZEEKR 001, such as faster acceleration of 100 kilometers, richer intelligent driving hardware configuration and higher charging efficiency, it may be that ZEEKR 001 will be more preferred. After all, when buying a car, in addition to the price, it also depends on performance and practicality, right?

Which car company has the best discount during the car buying season? Three cars are waiting for you to reveal!

The purchase rights of the Denza N7 are also quite attractive. The price is 259,800, which is a good choice for consumers who want to buy mid-to-high-end electric vehicles. Pay a deposit of 2,000 yuan to deduct the balance of 10,000 yuan, which is not a small discount. What's more, there is also a three-year VIP service, including free pick-up and delivery, parking, and travel substitution, which is really convenient for everyday car use. However, compared with ZEEKR 001, DENZA N7 is slightly inferior in charging power and intelligent driving hardware configuration. Considering the combination of performance and price, ZEEKR 001 may be more suitable for consumers who pursue high cost performance.

Which car company has the best discount during the car buying season? Three cars are waiting for you to reveal!

On the whole, the rights and interests of ZEEKR 001 during the 618 promotion period are indeed attractive. Compared with the Denza N7 and Tesla Model Y, the ZEEKR 001 not only has a reasonable price, but also has a rich hardware configuration and higher charging efficiency. Although the Model Y is more affordable, the performance and benefits of the Zeekr 001 are superior. Although the Denza N7 also has its advantages, on the whole, ZEEKR 001 is undoubtedly a more cost-effective choice.