
NATO said that it was not allowed to support Russia, otherwise it would pay the price, and not a single Chinese plane arrived in Russia

NATO said that it was not allowed to support Russia, otherwise it would pay the price, and not a single Chinese plane arrived in Russia

Captain Zhenyuan

2024-06-18 18:43Posted in Hubei Military Commentator

Recently, the United States and Western countries have not only continuously expanded the scope of sanctions against Russia, but also pointed fingers at Sino-Russian relations, trying to sanction Chinese companies on the grounds of Russia-related factors. During his visit to the United States, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg also said that China would not be allowed to support Russia. However, not long after Stoltenberg's remarks, the head of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee began a visit to Russia.

According to the Information Office of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, Liu Jianchao, director of the International Liaison Department of the CPC Central Committee, met with Dmitry Medvedev, chairman of the Russian Party, in Vladivostok on June 17. Liu Jianchao's visit to Russia was to participate in the "BRICS+" International Political Parties Forum hosted by the Russian Party, which was attended by more than 150 representatives of about 30 political parties from 28 countries and international organizations.

NATO said that it was not allowed to support Russia, otherwise it would pay the price, and not a single Chinese plane arrived in Russia

Liu Jianchao said that under the leadership of the two heads of state, China-Russia relations have continued to operate at a high level and have become a model for a new type of international relations and relations between neighboring countries. Liu Jianchao pointed out that exchanges between the ruling parties are an important part of Sino-Russian relations, and the Communist Party of China is willing to work with the United Russia Party to jointly implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, and at the same time further strengthen the exchanges between the two parties to provide practical cooperation between the two countries in various fields.

Medvedev said that the Russian side very much welcomes the delegation led by Liu Jianchao to participate in the forum, and at the same time, the Russian side also regards China as a priority cooperative partner, and Sino-Russian relations are currently in the best period in history. Medvedev also pointed out that the CPC is a key cooperative partner of the United Russia Party in Asia, and the United Russia Party is willing to strengthen high-level exchanges with the CPC, expand cooperation in various fields, and jointly promote the development of relations between the two countries.

NATO said that it was not allowed to support Russia, otherwise it would pay the price, and not a single Chinese plane arrived in Russia

Judging by the interaction between Liu Jianchao and Medvedev, the development of Sino-Russian relations has not been affected in any way. Previously, Russian President Vladimir Putin took China as the first country to visit after starting his new term, which is enough to prove that the relationship between China and Russia is very close, after all, China and Russia are not only very complementary economically, but also have each other's strategic depth and strategic rear in terms of security, and the development of Sino-Russian relations is not only in line with the common interests of both sides, but also conducive to the Asia-Pacific region and global strategic stability.

It should be pointed out that although China's diplomacy has always adhered to the concept of "non-alignment", and China and Russia have repeatedly emphasized that "China-Russia relations are not aimed at any third party", the United States and Western countries still turn a deaf ear and rely on their malicious speculation to arbitrarily distort the normal development of China-Russia relations.

NATO said that it was not allowed to support Russia, otherwise it would pay the price, and not a single Chinese plane arrived in Russia

Touching on the issue of Sino-Russian relations, Stoltenberg said that if China continues to "support" Russia's military action, it will have to pay an "economic price". Stoltenberg also pointed out that China has "shared a lot of technology" with Russia, which is important for Russia to create missiles and weapons for use in attacking Ukraine. Stoltenberg also threatened that NATO member states are currently engaged in a dialogue to discuss possible measures to impose sanctions in response to the so-called "support" of China for Russia.

As a matter of fact, the Chinese side has stated on more than one occasion that normal trade between China and Russia is above board, conforms to WTO rules and market principles, and is of positive significance to the international community. Although the United States and Western countries have done everything in their power to undermine Sino-Russian friendship and stability, China and Russia will absolutely not compromise with these Western countries, but will take a firm stand to deal with their malice.

NATO said that it was not allowed to support Russia, otherwise it would pay the price, and not a single Chinese plane arrived in Russia

Therefore, NATO's goal of threatening China with "economic sanctions" and undermining Sino-Russian relations will not succeed, and Liu Jianchao's visit to Russia to participate in this forum is the best proof of this. Under the situation in which the world is developing in the direction of multipolarization, the development of Sino-Russian relations will not be changed by any external factors, but will continue to develop and play a joint role on the world stage.

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  • NATO said that it was not allowed to support Russia, otherwise it would pay the price, and not a single Chinese plane arrived in Russia
  • NATO said that it was not allowed to support Russia, otherwise it would pay the price, and not a single Chinese plane arrived in Russia
  • NATO said that it was not allowed to support Russia, otherwise it would pay the price, and not a single Chinese plane arrived in Russia
  • NATO said that it was not allowed to support Russia, otherwise it would pay the price, and not a single Chinese plane arrived in Russia

Personal opinion, for reference only

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