
Clamor for immunity of the woman turned out to be guilty of more than violating the stop and shouting: more secrets were exposed

author:Born to the light after the 70s

#警方: "Clamor for immunity" woman fined ##开使馆车叫嚣有豁免权的女子道歉##外交豁免权女司机后续#

Clamor for immunity of the woman turned out to be guilty of more than violating the stop and shouting: more secrets were exposed

The woman who drove the embassy car and shouted "immunity" must have been anxious for the past two days-

She was exposed and became a hot spot, and her personal privacy and a series of bad deeds were revealed: it turned out that her name was Yu Qi, and she was the secretary general of an international organization, and she was indeed not an ordinary person. However, this matter is not so simple -

Clamor for immunity of the woman turned out to be guilty of more than violating the stop and shouting: more secrets were exposed

One of the cases dealt with by the police was that she was fined for a traffic violation. The other is that she also illegally kept dogs, and will also be dealt with. Another is that the swearing behavior is a public security violation, and a case has been administratively investigated. But what people didn't expect was that-

Clamor for immunity of the woman turned out to be guilty of more than violating the stop and shouting: more secrets were exposed

In fact, it was not her own driving when she parked illegally, but her husband drove to pick her up and her dog, and then replaced her husband after taking a video.

So whose car does it belong to? Is this a bus? Are there any other issues that will be addressed here?

Look at what's going to get bigger. This is just the beginning, and if we continue to pick it up, what will happen?

Clamor for immunity of the woman turned out to be guilty of more than violating the stop and shouting: more secrets were exposed

Now, she apologized, perhaps because she couldn't withstand the sudden pressure.

Why did she get to this point? To put it bluntly, it's all strange done by "superiority"! I always think that I am different from mortals, you are all nothing, you have to circle around me, look at my face! If you dare to mess with me, I won't scare you to death!

A little bit of power, a little bit of money, always think that I am superior. Then why do the people bite these people and hold on-

Virtue is not worthy!

You stand in a position admired by the people, and your quality must be the best, however, it is so low that it is not as good as ordinary people, you are not worthy!

If you don't deserve it, you can't get through it in your heart! It's up to you!

So, either improve yourself or don't stand in that position!

Otherwise, either you hurt the people, or you reap the "disaster" yourself!

(The picture comes from the Internet, such as invasion and deletion)

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