
Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

author:Lele Storyteller
Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

It is said that those who read my articles have become big bosses, please use your golden finger to make a fortune, pay attention to it and like it, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to get rich

Like and walk, love you to eternity, focus on a little, get rich forever, I wish you good luck in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and meet noble people in the southeast and northwest

Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

Since 2005, she has founded the "Sheyu" Charity Foundation under her own name, and has embarked on another life journey full of noble virtues.

Since "Supreme Red Face", Yang Tongshu's life seems to have been pressed the fast-forward button, honor and troubles go hand in hand, but it also makes her inner choice more firm. In an interview, she said: "Every role has made me grow, and this growth is not only reflected in my acting skills, but more importantly, my deep reflection on life."

It may be this kind of thinking that makes Yang Tongshu keep his pace in the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry and embark on a unique and wonderful life path.

Late that night in 2009, Yang Tongshu, who was 25 weeks and 1 day pregnant, lay on a hospital bed, her face full of anxiety and uneasiness. The sudden burst of the amniotic water caught the woman who was expecting to be a mother off guard.

Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

However, the bigger test is yet to come. The doctor on duty told her with a solemn look: "If you give birth at this time, the chances of the fetus surviving will be very small; However, if fetal protection measures are taken, the daily fetal survival rate will gradually increase to 3%.

This means that Yang Tongshu must maintain a posture with his head down and his feet high all day long, and the slightest carelessness may pose a threat to the life safety of the mother and child.

In the face of such a grim situation, the experts in the hospital have advised: "Child, you are still young, you can not have this child, and you can have another child in the future." However, Yang Tongshu's eyes flashed with determination, she stroked her high bulging abdomen, and although her voice was weak, it was loud: "I have to give birth to this child!" This is a living life, and as a mother, I can't decide his life or death at will.

In this way, Yang Tongshu began a difficult process of protecting the fetus. Every day, her family members are required to sign various consent forms, which list every possible possibility and make their hands tremble.

Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

In the first few days, the family tried to persuade Yang Tongshu to change her mind, but when they saw her eyes full of determination, they had no choice but to sign the consent form.

During that time, everyone was silently praying for the mother and child to get through the difficult time.

After lying in the hospital bed for seven days, Yang Tongshu finally gave birth at 26 weeks and 1 day of pregnancy. The moment she was pushed out of the operating room, the first thing she said was to ask about the child's condition.

After learning the news that the child needed to be admitted to the intensive care unit, but it was fine, her hanging heart relaxed a little.

Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

However, challenges remain. Because the baby is born prematurely, the baby needs 24-hour oxygen and needs to be accompanied at all times. Yang Tongshu and her husband take turns to guard, and every late at night, she always silently takes over her husband's shift and guards alone until dawn.

Although her husband was always too tired to be woken up, Yang Tongshu never complained once. She only has that little life in her heart, and she is willing to give everything for him.

It was this unforgettable experience that gave Yang Tongshu the idea of adding a mother and child fund to the "Sheyu" charitable foundation. She is deeply aware that in some economically impoverished areas, many pregnant women choose to give birth at home because they cannot afford the high cost of medical care, which can easily lead to life-threatening mothers and babies.

Yang Tongshu hopes that through his own efforts, every mother can be properly taken care of during the birth process, and ensure that every new life can come into this world safely.

Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

In 2015, Yang Tongshu took his healthy son Xiaohulu to participate in the filming of a public service announcement film for caring for premature babies. When the camera focused on the boy with a small mouth and curious eyes, Yang Tongshu's eyes were hazy with tears.

She clearly realized that the value of life lies not only in the nine months of gestation, but also in the selfless protection and dedication in the long years that followed. For every mother, this is their life's mission and pride.

When the mystery was revealed, it turned out that Yang Tongshu's husband was just an ordinary businessman, many people sighed that true love was so simple. However, in reality, maintaining a marriage is not an easy task.

As Yang Tongshu said in an interview: "Marriage is not a simple 1+1=2, but 0,5+0,5=1, both parties need to give up themselves and accept each other, in order to make this marriage go further."

Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

In this high-profile family, Yang Tongshu's husband chose a low-key life and rarely appeared in the public eye. He did this not only to protect his privacy, but also to support his wife's career.

Yang Tongshu has always silently protected her husband's peace and never talked too much about their private life in public.

However, there will also be disagreements on ordinary days. Once, their son accidentally broke his jaw while playing, and the entire lower half of his face was covered in blood.

Yang Tongshu was shocked when he saw the child's abrasions and immediately suggested that the child be sent to the hospital. However, her husband thinks it's just a minor abrasion, there's no need to make a fuss, and that they have experienced more serious injuries than this in their childhood.

Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

In the face of her husband's attitude, Yang Tongshu was not stubborn, she understood her husband's worries. The husband was worried that the suturing process would cause additional pain to the child, and that frequent movement might affect wound healing.

Eventually, they decided to observe at home to see how the injury had changed, and then seek medical attention if there was any abnormality.

This vignette vividly illustrates the wisdom that Yang Tongshu has shown in her marriage: she understands that husbands and wives do not get along in black and white, but need to find a balance in their differences.

As she often says, "Although we have different ideas, we all start for the good of our children, and this is the most important thing." ”

Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

In addition to the spiritual connection with her husband, Yang Tongshu's relationship with her mother-in-law is also enviable. Whenever she returns from work, she can always taste the hot meals carefully prepared by her mother-in-law; learned that Yang Tongshu loved sauerkraut, and her mother-in-law even pickled several jars herself, which moved her daughter-in-law.

These seemingly ordinary daily lives weave a warm family harbor for Yang Tongshu.

In this small family full of love, no one is superior, and everyone is managing this fate with their hearts. Perhaps, as Yang Tongshu realized: "True happiness does not lie in vigor, but in sincerity in the ordinary."

In her heart, it is the luckiest thing to be able to spend her life with someone who understands her and supports each other.

Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

On the stage of Yang Tongshu's life, in addition to the glory of his acting career and the sweetness of family life, philanthropy is also an important chapter that cannot be parted.

In 2005, when her career was in a thriving stage, Yang Tongshu made a decision that surprised many people——, she founded the "Sheyu" Charity Foundation in her own name.

Since then, she has really spread all over the country with practical actions, helping countless people in need, and lighting the way forward for those in need like a bright beacon.

During the winter and summer vacations, Yang Tongshu will go to the front line of schools in remote mountainous areas to understand the situation on the spot and ensure that the use of each donation is transparent and visible. Her hard work is only to maximize the social value of the use of donations.

Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

However, she deeply understands that personal power is limited after all, so she often invites her friends to participate in public welfare activities. With their joint efforts, one Hope Primary School after another has sprung up, lighting up the dream of chasing knowledge for children in mountainous areas.

In addition to focusing on basic education, Yang Tongshu also paid attention to the field of higher education. She found that among many poor college students, a considerable number of them had enough ability to enter the university campus through their own efforts, but had to give up their dreams because of the problem of tuition fees.

To this end, Yang Tongshu has set up a college student assistance program in the foundation to help students who study diligently to successfully complete their studies. When she received the letter of thanks from the sponsored students, Yang Tongshu always felt relieved and said, "Their future is the future of our society."

A premature birth experience in 2009 made Yang Tongshu deeply realize the preciousness of life and the joy of becoming a mother. Therefore, she set up a mother and child fund in the "Sheyu" foundation, hoping to provide the necessary prenatal check-up and midwifery conditions for expectant mothers in poor areas, so as to ensure that every new life can come into this world safely.

Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

In 2015, she and her son Xiaohulu, who has grown up healthily, filmed a public service announcement film on caring for premature babies, using her own personal experience to give more encouragement to similar people.

Yang Tongshu has always kept a low profile towards charity, believing that charity is not a tool for individuals to show off, and that true public welfare should enable those receiving help to be helped with dignity.

As a result, it's hard to see her in the media touting her good deeds.

Yang Tongshu, who is now 47 years old, still maintains a strong creative enthusiasm and dedication to public welfare. In the 2023 special TV series "Wish You Ten Thousand Lights", she successfully created a role that perfectly interprets her life credo - no matter what situation you are in, you must have hope in your heart and illuminate others in your own way, as well as yourself.

Yang Tongshu: I am not Yu Hewei's wife, my husband is an ordinary businessman, and I have been in love with my husband so far

In this flashy vanity fair, Yang Tongshu is like a clear stream. She does not hype or sensationalize, and always moves forward firmly on the road of acting and charity. Perhaps, in her view, true success is not only personal brilliance, but also to be able to leave a warmth for the world and light a beacon of hope for those in need.

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