
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

author:A pen in the Chinese culture forum

Liu Bingsen carried forward the quintessence of the country and was the first person to criticize "ugly books and chaotic books", and he is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years!

Some people are crazy with capital; And some ignorant people have no capital to go crazy, that is because of their character; Didn't Fan Zeng say, if you don't accept it, you can compare, do you have the capital to compare? No, keep a low profile, be honest, don't be ashamed, go home and study hard, and then come out crazy when you have capital.

A lot of people, who can paint two strokes, is a famous artist, parents don't know each other, comment on this writing is not good, that writing is not good, he has his own level, speak with his work, how many people recognize your work? You must know that the hardware that a famous artist needs to have is the "cultural" foundation, followed by the professional foundation.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Inheriting Chinese culture and promoting the style of calligraphy, Liu Bingsen is the first person to expose "ugly books" in modern times, Liu Bingsen criticized "ugly books", and after 29 years, he is still praised by the righteous style of calligraphy, and many people hate "ugly books".

Talent is envied, and mediocrity is not cared for. People who are envied by others are talents, even great talents, and people who are not envied by others are mediocre and stupid, and no one pays attention to them. is envied because of status, wealth, and achievements that surpass others, others are red-eyed, the trees are big, and the heights are unbearable;

Isn't it okay for Liu Bingsen to write words that ordinary people like? The ugly calligraphers made him saddled with the infamy of "vulgar books". Aren't ugly books good?

Ugly books are "ugly, evil, vulgar; Dirty, messy, poor" is the embodiment of the dark side, "polluting the style of writing, polluting the environment, polluting aesthetics, polluting morality, polluting aesthetics", only people with dark hearts will regard "ugliness" as "beauty", take ugliness as pride, promote evil spirit, and delusionally suppress good with evil.

No one wants to slash their face and get dirty. There is no one who calls "ugly women" "beautiful women", right? Beauty is beautiful in appearance and soul, and it can be called a beauty. The beauty of calligraphy and painting is "the beauty of the body and the beauty of the charm", and only the beauty of the god can be called "artistic beauty". "Calligraphy and painting itself, words are like their people", from people's calligraphy and painting can be seen a person's character, essence, this is the ancient sages "on calligraphy and painting character" in the summary of the conclusion. It can be seen that what kind of calligraphy and painting is what kind of character of calligraphers and painters is.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen criticizes "ugly books"

"The real line and the grass seal are all subordinate, and the turning point is frustrated and let me go." Since that time, Liu Bingsen has definitely been the pride of the calligraphy world.

Forget your ancestors! These are the four words that Liu Bingsen bitterly criticized for "popular book style" and "ugly books".

He pointed out that Chinese calligraphy is blindly in line with foreign art, and takes other people's shortcomings as a tonic!

Calligraphy is the traditional culture of China, rooted in China, foreign calligraphy is learned from China, the ancestral things are the essence, the essence of the things do not learn, the near and far to pursue things that have nothing to do with Chinese calligraphy, is the "cultural traitor", betraying the Chinese culture. Today, 29 years later, when ugly books are prevalent, criticizing the good atmosphere of "ugly books" has always been praised by the righteous style of books!

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

The period when ugly books were prevalent

Ugly books, since when did they start?

There are two time periods for the history of calligraphy: one from 1989 to 2002 and the other from 2002 to the present.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen should be the first person to publicly criticize the "ugly book", so he is envied. did not reach Liu Bingsen's status in the book world, and a small group of people who have achieved it play the role of clowns, violently criticizing and writing, but evil does not prevail over good, and there are still many people with bright eyes.

Calligraphy exposes beauty and ugliness, and calligraphy creation follows the trend of "ugly books", which promotes the spread of evil spirits, and the "popular style of calligraphy" - "ugly books" prevails.

He criticized them all, insisting that "tradition is fundamental, emphasizing that no matter how innovative you are, don't forget the fundamentals".

This caused the dissatisfaction of the "ugly book".

Some people, with a little achievement, forget their roots, their parents don't know each other, and they don't know what their surname is, and they can recognize others as mothers for the sake of interests, and they don't know how many pounds and taels they have.

There is an old saying that "everything changes never leaves its roots", how you change, how you innovate, are born out of tradition.

The tree is thousands of feet high, and the children can grow up, all of them are born of their parents, without parents, how can there be you? You have talent, can you disown your parents? You are handsome, can you dislike your parents for being ugly? You're talented, aren't you born by your parents? Can Mom and Dad recognize it casually? Of course, there are many people who recognize thieves as fathers, and forgetting their ancestors is forgetting their roots.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen on "Books, Paintings, and Character"

This article is Liu Bingsen's article on "books, paintings, and character", and everyone should read it carefully. The ancient sages also paid great attention to "paintings, books, and characters", and there were many discussions. Painting is like its person, and books are like its person, and the quality of a person's character can be reflected in calligraphy and painting.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

In this regard, the Chinese school believes that Liu Bingsen adheres to the traditional artistic position of the nation, "pursues truth, goodness and beauty, and opposes falsehood, evil and ugliness", what is wrong?

What is most lacking in the calligraphy and painting world is this kind of upright atmosphere and promoting the beauty of the traditional quintessence of the country.

Judging from the inscription of this posthumous handwriting "when it is on the summer solstice", combined with Liu Bingsen's qualifications,

"Ugly arts" and "ugly books" should have started around 1990.

Liu Bingsen was one of the people who founded the Chinese Calligraphers Association in 1980 and served as its executive director.

Since then, his status in the Chinese book world has risen day by day.

In particular, in May 1990, he won the Fuji Art Prize in Japan.

It can be said that this time is the time of high spirits,

Wrote "On the Art of Calligraphy and Painting" to promote the style of Chinese calligraphy.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Another time, 12 years later, in 2002,

Attacking the ugly style of calligraphy and painting should be put into action, rather than staying at the level of writing articles.

Since 1991, Liu Bingsen has served as the vice chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association.

And Liu Bingsen is a graduate of the Fine Arts Department of Beijing Academy of Arts.

In August 1994, he joined the Chinese Artists Association.

In both art and calligraphy, he has always adhered to national traditions and "respected the nation's appreciation habits".

In addition, the traditional skills are profound, especially in terms of subordinate and Kai,

The style of writing is condensed and steady, handsome and chic, and it is a unique style of writing.

In the contemporary Chinese book circle, it is called "Liu Tilishu".

By 2002, no matter in terms of status and qualifications in the book world,

They have all reached the point where they have a lot of right to speak and have a lot of weight in their words.

This point is also confirmed by the view of the "ugly book" school,

Liu Bingsen has long been on the action of promoting the quintessence of the country and resisting the style of "ugly books"; At this point, he offended the evil style of writing and suffered from this jealousy. However, due to Liu Bingsen's academic status, the "ugly books" could not suppress the right, and the "ugly books" did not dare to jump out to refute them. It wasn't until Liu Bingsen's unfortunate early death that the ugly books dared to jump out and attack maliciously. Fortunately, the people's eyes are bright, they can become "beautiful and ugly", and justice will always belong to the majority.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

After the 90s, there were all kinds of modern art in the art world, especially some disgusting so-called "pop art, innovative art", which made people feel that this was not art but ugly art.

"In the creation of calligraphy, there is also a kind of scribbling that pursues similar tastes, and it has even reached an era when it is not written down, but deliberately scribbled. Since this kind of work is not written by him, it cannot be regarded as calligraphy art. ”

Judging from many factors, the beginning of China's "ugly arts" and "ugly books" should have been around 1990, and by 2002 it had intensified.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen's view of calligraphy

Liu Bingsen's artistic point of view is very clear, China's 5,000-year-old calligraphy civilization "traces back to the origin, promotes Chinese culture, takes tradition as the root, and innovation is a living", and advocates the "essence of Chinese culture" and "a hundred flowers bloom".

Calligraphy must be an art form with words as the carrier.

He demanded perfect text structure,

Exquisite pen movement method,

The structure of the book with a coherent atmosphere, the coherence of the momentum between the lines, and the reasonable and perfect overall layout.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

As for the many excellent works of foreign culture and art, his views are also very dialectical;

It is worth studying, learning, absorbing and digesting,

to enrich ourselves.

But to avoid copying the rigid set,

We can't distinguish between good and bad,

Eat other people's shortcomings as a tonic,

and even imitate its sick, crazy, decadent bad things,

slaves to other people's cultures,

It is used to paralyze and mislead their own fellow citizens.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

In particular, Liu Bingsen's view that the quintessence of 5,000-year-old traditional calligraphy and painting art does not need to be in line with foreign cultures.

It is even more deafening;

China's traditional national calligraphy and painting art has a 5,000-year-old civilization.

The broad and profound cultural heritage is lofty,

has its unique and perfect artistic ideas and expressions,

It is a national art treasure with a particularly unique artistic law.

We should be proud of that.

It is not necessary to seek so-called integration with foreign countries,

Chinese calligraphy and painting are Chinese calligraphy and painting,

Don't be presumptuous,

And to the international downgrading.

That's too well said! Forgetting the ancestors of the number of dictionaries is the key to the prevalence of "ugly books".

Isn't this exactly what we are pursuing today in terms of cultural self-confidence, cultural self-improvement, and cultural prosperity?

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

The controversy about Mr. Liu Bingsen's official book mainly focuses on "elegant" or "vulgar". Carry forward the essence of Chinese culture, a friend with a righteous style of calligraphy, saying that his official book is compliant and reasonable, rooted in tradition, beautiful and generous. People who write ugly books and people who have fallacies and heresies will say that this kind of decent performance reflects a relatively refined "cheesiness", which is not very subtle.

In the 5,000-year-old civilization of China, books are like people, paintings are like people, what kind of character is written, what kind of characters are written, calligraphy and painting itself, words are like their shapes; Isn't it necessary to be a man and do things in a proper manner? "Virtue and art"? Is it a profound and clever thing to engage in "crooked ways, beauty and ugliness and promotion of evil"?

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen Calligraphy and Painting Art Research Society (January 24, 2015 Liu Bingsen Calligraphy Exhibition)

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Why is there so much controversy over Liu Bingsen's calligraphy?

Because, Liu Bingsen "carries forward the quintessence of the country and takes root in tradition", taking the "right path, the avenue"; The "ugly book" follows the "evil way, the crooked way", which violates the interests of the crooked way; No matter what industry, if you take the evil path, it will come quickly to make money, and if you take the right path, it will be difficult to make money, and you will probably starve to death.

For example, when you become an official, you don't have much money by getting a salary; If you take the road of corruption and degeneration, you will accumulate wealth very quickly, the money will not be used up, and the officials will be promoted quickly.

In the contemporary book world, Liu Bingsen is famous, he is famous for Liu Tili's personal style, and is deeply loved by the public for his applicability in entering the computer font.

Liu Bingsen's calligraphy is loved by people because his calligraphy conforms to the public's aesthetics - dignified structure, steady writing, standardized writing, handsome and free, both god and shape, and wide applicability.

However, there are many different opinions on Liu Bingsen's calligraphy, people with distorted psychology, people who can't write with a beautiful calligraphy style, think that Liu Bingsen's calligraphy is upright and decent, it looks dull, and it belongs to "vulgar books".

Ugly books are not bad? Psychological vulgarity, people with three views of vulgarity, everything is vulgar, the roots are not right, and the seedlings are not red.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

On November 10th, the "Purple Autumn Grass • Hanmo Life - Commemoration of Liu Bingsen's Calligraphy Exhibition" opened at the Huaxia Treasure Museum.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

In 2006, Cao Baolin of Jinan University criticized Liu Bingsen's "as a person" and "as an artist", which caused a fierce response in the book world.

This shows that Cao's character has a big problem, and he spoils the reputation of "being a teacher"; Zengguang Xianwen saying "don't talk about people's wrongs, sit quietly and think about your own mistakes"; It can also be seen that Cao is very jealous of others, and Cao's remarks not only have a bad impact on society, but also affect the students' three views. Therefore, Cao is not worthy of talking about "being a person and being an artist".

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

What is Liu Bingsen's "personality"? It can be seen from the criticism of "ugly books" and works. Words are like people, and character can be seen from the font.

Liu Bingsen became famous for his official book, and of course he has a high level.

The chapters and the upright structure of Liu Bingsen's official book all reveal a dignified and atmospheric style of calligraphy, which is far better than the "baring teeth, sloppy and fancy, and skewed" written by some "national exhibition elites" now; "Ugly, evil, dirty, messy" bad books.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen tries the combination of thick and thin brushes in the brush, which is unique;

Liu Bingsen integrates the continuity of the writing and movement of the pen into the official book, and his pen is broken and connected, and the thread runs through it, breaking the font structure of the Han Li, making the Lishu more flexible, and breaking the rigid pattern of the ancient Li.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen's book

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

The criticism of Liu Bingsen by some people in the book world is Liu Bingsen's status, achievements, and righteousness that offend the interests of some people, and it is the spread of jealousy; "The gentleman is frank, and the villain is often chattering"; There are also some dissatisfaction of clowns who follow the path of books. During his lifetime, Mr. Liu Bingsen was the vice chairman of the China Calligraphy Association and the vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and was widely praised by the calligraphy community.

For a calligrapher of such status and fame, the bar should not be set too low. Not to mention that his calligraphy is compared with the ancient classics, at least it has to be compared with the excellent contemporary calligraphers. So, is there a person who has more leaders than Liu Bingsen's calligraphy?

In modern times, if you compare other people's official books with Liu Bingsen's official books, the advantages and disadvantages are very obvious, and one sentence is "unsightly, crooked melons and cracked dates, crooked and ugly, and vulgar and unbearable."

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen's Lishu works

Liu Bingsen, the word Shu'an, No. Haicun, called Mr. Liu Wu when he was a child. Born in Shanghai in August 1937, his ancestral home is Wuqing, Tianjin, and he died in Beijing on February 15, 2005 due to illness.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen's Lishu is listed as a cultural relics protection by the state, and the value of cultural relics in the future is unlimited

Liu Bingsen's calligraphy is listed by the state as a cultural relics protection, with wide practicability, future calligraphy art, and unlimited cultural relics value. In 2013, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage included Liu Bingsen in the second batch of works by deceased famous calligraphers and painters who were restricted from leaving the country.

The first batch of deceased calligraphers and painters included modern art masters such as Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, and Li Keran. It can be seen that Liu Bingsen is already a national treasure calligraphy master certified by the state, and his surviving works will also become cultural relics and be protected by the state! An artist can be recognized by the country and all walks of life, which is an affirmation of the value of his artistic works!

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen's work

How high is the art of Liu Bingsen's calligraphy works, and how popular are they? His calligraphy works are loved and appreciated by people from all walks of life at home and abroad.

The current plaques such as "Beijing Department Store", "Bank of Beijing" and "Minsheng Bank" are all written by him. Today's computer font library, which is widely used at home and abroad, is also from him. To a certain extent, Liu Bingsen's calligraphy works can be seen everywhere across the country, which is exactly the recognition and affirmation of his calligraphy works by the public. Who else can do it among modern calligraphers except Mr. Qi Gong.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen's Lishu (auction price)

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

1997, Calligraphy Couplet, Vertical Scroll, Ink on Paper, 2018

Size: 194*40cm*2, transaction price: 2070000

Auction time: 2018-07-01

Liu Bingsen's Lishu works

Liu Bingsen is a famous contemporary calligrapher in the mainland, and his official calligraphy achievement is the highest, and he can't find the second person who can create a unified calligraphy in contemporary times.

Liu Bingsen not only has the laurel of being a calligrapher, he is also a painter, and at the same time, his poems have also been praised by countless people.


The clouds haunt like a fairy home;

The smoke is vast and the light is far away,

The wonders of the strange scenery are endless.

It can be seen that his literary attainments are also extraordinary.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen learned calligraphy since he was a child, copied ancient stickers, began to make a name for himself in the township at the age of 11, and was absorbed by the Chinese Calligraphy Association as the youngest member at the age of 19. At that time, in the 80s, it was the rapid stage of reform and opening up, and many new high-rise buildings were built in major cities across the country. At that time, he said: My writing is welcomed by the people, and the people like my words, even if I support the construction of the new city and contribute.

Liu Bingsen's calligraphy is not only very famous in the industry, but also enjoys a high reputation among ordinary people, because his calligraphy and painting works "have both form and spirit". Calligraphy works are also used by the public, and whose works are collected by the public is to affirm whose works are highly accomplished.

It's not like those "ugly books" who appreciate themselves, feel good about themselves, and no one cares.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

The original official script was used in the Han Dynasty, before the birth of regular script, and was the universal script for official documents and imperial examinations.

Mr. Liu's characters are well-proportioned, white, frustrated, and steady; The pen and ink are moist, full, round, and smooth, unlike those "ugly books", which are "incomplete, roe deer, rat tails, mosquitoes, flies, earthworms, and self-artificiality".

Liu Bingsen's official calligraphy norms and standards, its horizontal paintings are thinner, the vertical paintings are thick, the ornamentation is regular, and the dignified atmosphere, the book is full of atmosphere, and the heritage is profound.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

In terms of font structure, Liu Bingsen's calligraphy layout is stable, and changes such as stroke thickness, turning and frustration drive the flexibility of calligraphy. It gives people the feeling of vitality, the atmosphere is thousands, the book rhyme is heavy, and the gods are beautiful and beautiful.

In terms of discipline, Mr. Liu follows the ancient method of "using white as black, sparse and dense, dense and impermeable, sparse and able to run horses, and having both virtual and real", and the whole calligraphy work is full of rhyme, hidden in the world, with strong calligraphy and extraordinary bearing.

The calligraphy of Liu Bingsen, a master of calligraphy, has been recognized as an "intangible cultural heritage" by the state and has been compiled into textbooks, which is a fact and a cultural history. No matter how ugly those "jumping clowns" are, they can't change Liu Bingsen's achievements and historical status in the book world.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

In the calligraphy world, Mr. Liu Bingsen's personality is well-known. He was honest, honest and kind. Regardless of age or position, he treats everyone equally and with sincerity. He has never been arrogant or disdainful of others; He always has a kind of pious admiration for tradition and his predecessors, and although he has become famous all over the world, he still works hard in pen and ink. Although his calligraphy has a great influence and there are many private ladies, he often admonishes people to learn more from tradition, not to directly use his calligraphy as a model, but to exert their creativity and initiative according to their personal temperament and hobbies.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen never creates any "sensational effect", and never belittles others and elevates himself. It's just "wanting to get something out of it on rice paper." Liu Bingsen is broad-minded. Despite going through so many twists and turns and enduring so many hardships, he is still optimistic and open-minded. He devoted most of his energy to the exploration and innovation of the art of calligraphy, rather than to the desire and pursuit of fame, fortune and power. This is also what people admire about Liu Bingsen. His later works were called by Fan Xiaoge as "the seals and the grass are all subordinate, and the lying shop is free".

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen could not be regarded as an untimely death, and was 67 years old when he died. His artistic achievements in calligraphy are mainly in official and regular scripts. His calligraphy is controversial. Those who opposed him thought that his dot paintings were too sleek, square, not ancient enough, and too full of rules. However, there are many kinds of official books in terms of style. In terms of achievements, he has created a Lishu style that conforms to the public's aesthetics, which is still relatively good from this point of view. On the whole, it is also a first-class person. Judging from the current trend of calligraphy "advocating" and innovating "ugly books", it is naturally slandered by "ugly books". It's okay, only can't write, nothing can't say.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Looking at Liu Bingsen's official calligraphy, you can see the foundation of the Han Li Yiying tablet, as well as the shadow of Qing Jinshi calligraphy, Liu Bingsen has a unique style of calligraphy with his profound skills. The personal style of writing is relatively unique.

If you want to make an analogy, you can compare it with Qi Gong, they are more interested in the writing of a single word. Both of them have a strong bookish atmosphere, and they are very characteristic of literati calligraphy. Similarly, Qi Gong's calligraphy was criticized as "pavilion style calligraphy", but Qi Gong said "he doesn't care". Liu Tilishu has a unique personal style of calligraphy, and there are very few contemporary calligraphers who can create their own one.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Liu Bingsen's Lishu is a unique style today. Anyone who has deeply studied his "Lishu Calligraphy" has been infected by the combination of form and spirit embodied in his works, and the style of writing that resonates with the heart. The pen is three points into the wood, and there are traces of leakage in the painting house. His book originated from the Han Dynasty, and Liu took the ritual Shi Chen as the foundation, and traveled to the peak of the Han Dynasty, controlling the Qianjun under his wrist and controlling the door of the Chinese army.

His book is accepted by the public, not talked about by mosquitoes, and his works are really "the ancient times of spring and snow". As many evaluations have said, those who can be widely spread are ultimately gods.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

On the other hand, how many people who claim to be the masters of many official books, how many people can compare with Liu Gong? The achievements of his calligraphy degree are obvious to all, rather than "ugly books, chaotic books" commented by several people! is not qualified to be criticized, ugly books, and chaotic books cannot be compared; People have the brilliance of literary talents, and it is difficult to get rid of the years of peace and helplessness, so their books must be wonderful, and there are ordinary times, which is the same as the ancient sage. When the right army Lanting is flying, when will the charm of his masterpieces reappear? It's really beyond the reach of ordinary people. Therefore, Liu Bingsen's status as a law book has been passed down through the ages, and his name has been recognized by the state.

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Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

Fan Zeng's sentence is very practical, "If you are not satisfied, you can compare", see if your things are watched?

Many people are disgusted by so-called "critics" who can only speak, write, or only scribble, buzzing like flies all day long, polluting the air.

Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years
Liu Bingsen was the first person to promote the quintessence of the country and criticize "ugly books and disorderly books", which is still praised by the Chinese people after 30 years

In everything, only by coming up with good works is the last word. The people's eyes are bright, and Liu Bingsen's calligraphy has been liked by the majority of the people, and it must have its unique side. Those "calligraphy critics" who have said so much, "I haven't seen them write a few "good" masterpieces, they will only chew the root of their tongues like flies and slap themselves.

Of course, rascals, do not know what shame is.