
China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

author:Wind and Smoke Food Record

Chinese food culture has a long history and is broad and profound. From the beginning of the ancient stone cooking era, to the use of bronze vessels in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties, and then to the initial formation of the dietary system of the Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, Chinese food has undergone an evolution from primitive to exquisite. In the prosperous era of the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai's pen is a portrayal of food art and life aesthetics at that time. In the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, with the further development of the economy, the diet became more exquisite, forming classic recipes such as this one, as well as the preliminary division of the eight major cuisines, marking the maturity and diversification of Chinese culinary arts.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

Chinese food pays attention to "color, aroma, taste and shape", and pays more attention to "meaning, nourishment and environment", integrating the beauty of food with the concept of health preservation. The "Yellow Emperor's Neijing" proposes to reflect the harmonious symbiosis of diet and health. The etiquette on the table, as described in the Book of Rites, reflects the ritual and religious significance of food culture, and reflects the Chinese nation's respect for the elderly, love for the young and social order.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

Xin Qiji borrowed Zhang Hansi's book of perch to express his deep nostalgia for the flavor of his hometown, highlighting the deep connection between food and nostalgia. The Joy of the Fisherman in Zhuangzi and Foreign Objects allegorically depicts the attitude of life that is indifferent to fame and fortune and enjoys the pleasures of nature.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

Chinese food culture is not only about appetite, but also a manifestation of a philosophy of life and an identity of cultural identity. From the royal banquet to the snacks in the market, from the elegant gathering of the literati to the daily life of the people, every meal and food is the precipitation of history and the inheritance of culture. Today, I will tell you about the "top ten" famous dishes with the longest history in China! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten?

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

1: Crab roe lion's head, a traditional dish originating from the Yangzhou region of Jiangsu Province, belongs to the prestigious Huaiyang cuisine, and its history can be traced back to the Sui and Tang dynasties.

Legend has it that this dish first appeared when Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty toured Yangzhou in the south, and the imperial chef was inspired by the local beauty to create a series of delicacies including "Sunflower Offering Meat", among which "Sunflower Offering Meat" is the prototype of crab roe lion's head. In the Tang Dynasty, Wei Zhi, the Duke of Xunguo, invited the group of officials to reproduce this dish, and because it resembled the head of a lion, it got the reputation of "lion's head". Subsequently, through the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, it continued to evolve and finally became today's crab roe lion head, which is finely chopped with crab meat and selected pork, blended into balls, and simmered with broth, achieving a gastronomic legend.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

The form of a lion's head with crab pink. Its production process is exquisite, requirements. The taste is layered, making it melt in the mouth and leave a fragrant mouth.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

2: Dong'an chicken, also known as Dong'an chicken, is a local traditional dish in Dong'an County, Yongzhou, Hunan, whose history can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty. Legend has it that this dish was originally created by a local inn called "Dong'an Chicken", which became famous because it was favored by the famous general Guo Ziyi in the Tang Dynasty, and then spread to the court and became a royal delicacy.

Dong'anzi chicken's. The finished product is bright in color, red and green, and the chicken is golden yellow, with green and red pepper shreds, which is visually very attractive.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

In terms of taste, Dong'anzi chicken is unique and integrated, with the characteristics of Hunan cuisine. The secret lies in the harmony of complex flavors that are both stimulating to the taste buds and delicate at the same time.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

3: Steamed Wuchang fish, originated from Hubei, is a classic in Chu cuisine, with a long history and profound cultural heritage. According to historical records, as early as the Three Kingdoms period, Wuchang fish was famous for its delicious taste, and in the Song Dynasty, it was praised by literati and ink writers, Su Dongpo had a description in his "Red Cliff Fu", although Wuchang fish was not directly mentioned, but it is enough to imagine the preference of literati doctors for riverside scenery at that time, which naturally also contains the praise of Wuchang fish.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

In terms of form, the steamed Wuchang fish pays attention to knife work and plating, after the whole fish is scaled and viscerated, it is usually placed in the plate in the way of abdominal cutting and tiling, and a few knives are cut on both sides of the fish body, which is convenient for flavor, and keeps the fish shape intact, just like lying on the water waves, the form is elegant, and it has a sense of artistic beauty.

In terms of taste, steamed Wuchang fish. The fish meat is delicate and smooth, with green onions, ginger, cooking wine and other basic seasonings, the fish absorbs the aroma of the seasoning during the steaming process, and after it comes out of the pot, it shows the freshness and delicacy of freshwater fish just right, which is a typical light and elegant taste, which is in line with the concept of advocating nature and pursuing the authenticity of ingredients in Chinese food culture.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

4: Mapo tofu, originated in Chengdu, Sichuan, is a classic in Sichuan cuisine, and its history can be traced back to the Tongzhi period of the Qing Dynasty. This dish is named after an old woman surnamed Chen, known as "Chen Mapo", she opened a restaurant on the bank of Wanfu Bridge in Chengdu, and is famous for her spicy tofu cooked by hand, so this dish is named after "Mapo", which has been passed down for more than a hundred years.

Morphologically, mapo tofu. The tofu is made of delicate southern tofu and cut into pieces to keep it tender and not broken, which contrasts with the bright red minced beef (or minced pork), the bright green onion, and the bright red chili powder, which is colorful and appetizing.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

The most prominent feature of mapo tofu is: The ingenious combination of bean paste and Sichuan pepper makes the dishes spicy and fragrant, and in the end, what is left is an unforgettable mellow and satisfying feeling. This unique taste is a vivid embodiment of the concept of "one dish, one style, one hundred dishes and one hundred flavors" of Sichuan cuisine.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

5: Called Hua Chicken, also known as "Beggar's Chicken", is a traditional dish originating from Changshu area of Jiangsu Province, China. It can be traced back to the Qing Dynasty and carries a wealth of folk wisdom and food culture. The origins of this dish are said to have been linked to a witty beggar who wrapped chickens in lotus leaves and clay and roasted them over a campfire, unexpectedly creating a unique delicacy that was charred on the outside and tender on the inside, and became a classic dish that has been refined by the chef to this day.

In terms of form, the uniqueness of the flower chicken lies in its unique cooking method and plating.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

Called flower chicken, with its unique cooking skills, makes. The fragrance of lotus leaves is integrated into the chicken, and the salty and slightly sweet of the marinade penetrate into each other, forming a flavor that is both original and complex, making people have an endless aftertaste.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

6: Dongpo meat, originated in the Song Dynasty, is closely connected with the great writer Su Shi. According to legend, Su Shi personally cooked during the depreciation of Huangzhou, and created this fat but not greasy, melt-in-the-mouth delicacy, so it was named "Dongpo meat", and with the passage of time, it has become a classic in Zhejiang cuisine, especially the most famous in Hangzhou.

Dongpo meat. The pieces of meat are usually cut into about two inches square, giving a visual enjoyment in form, reflecting the beauty of "color" in Chinese culinary art.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

Dongpo Meat Collection. The secret lies in the carefully prepared sauce and long simmering to make: Eating it, there is not only the mellow aroma of meat, but also the complex flavor of sugar and soy sauce, and every bite is the ultimate teasing of the taste buds, showing the essence of "taste".

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

7: West Lake vinegar fish, is a traditional famous dish in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, its history can be traced back to the Southern Song Dynasty, has been inherited for hundreds of years. It is rumored that the West Lake vinegar fish was first created by a fisherwoman named Song Wusao, who used the West Lake grass carp with sweet and sour seasoning to make a delicious, sweet and sour dish, and later became famous because of the appreciation of the Southern Song Dynasty royal family.

The vinegar fish in the West Lake pays attention to knife work and plating, and the selection is like a fish swimming in the blue waves of the West Lake, giving people a visual freshness and refinement.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

The essence of West Lake vinegar fish lies in the perfect combination of "vinegar" and "fish". Seasoned with sweet and sour sauce, the sweet and sour are moderate, which not only highlights the freshness of the fish itself, but also incorporates the unique sweet and sour flavor of Jiangnan.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

8: Peking duck, its history can be traced back to the Yuan Dynasty, to the Ming and Qing dynasties, especially the Qing Dynasty, but also became a court delicacy, well-known in the capital, and then spread to the people.

Peking duck. After strict selection, the fat stuffed duck is roasted through a series of complex processes such as cleaning, pickling, blowing skin, and hanging oven. The finished duck is pleasing to the eye.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

Peking duck is all in one, and its uniqueness lies in. When eating, it is usually served with sweet noodle sauce, shredded green onions, cucumber strips, etc., and eaten in pancake rolls, with a rich taste, not only the mellow duck meat, but also the flavor of sauce, green onions and vegetables, interweaving an indescribable wonderful taste.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

9: Saltwater duck, also known as Nanjing plate duck, is a traditional famous dish in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, with a long history and a long history. Its production skills can be traced back to the Southern Dynasties, through the Tang and Song dynasties, to the Ming and Qing dynasties, especially popular, become, enjoy a good reputation

Saltwater duck is exquisite. The selection of high-quality thin duck duck, after cleaning, pickling, drying and other processes carefully processed. After the dish is finished, it presents an almost transparent beauty, which makes people feel its delicacy and sophistication at a glance.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

Saltwater duck to. Different from other heavy taste duck products, salted duck pays attention to the original taste, through the ingenious combination of salt and spices, as well as the unique pickling and cooking process, so that you can feel the faint five flavors, the aftertaste is long, it is an excellent appetizer, but also a delicacy on the daily table.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

10: Crystal meat, originated from Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, is a traditional dish with a history of hundreds of years, according to legend, it began in the Ming Dynasty, because the meat is crystal clear, like a crystal and named.

The crystal meat selects the pork front leg parts, after careful trimming, pickling, boiling and other processes, the final presentation is thin and uniform after slicing, and the shape is beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

Crystal meat to. And because of the addition of saltpeter (traditional method), the meat is firmer, and at the same time, it has a subtle sweetness, which perfectly blends with the aroma of the meat.

China, the "Top 10" Famous Dishes with a Long History! After thousands of years, it is still delicious, which ones have you eaten

Okay, that's it for today, I'm Fengyan Shilu. In a complex and ever-changing world, we must stick to our beliefs and dreams, move forward bravely, not afraid of difficulties and setbacks, strive to pursue ideals and goals, and write wonderful life stories for ourselves. After the baptism of wind and rain, you can enjoy the beauty of the rainbow. Come on, stranger......


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