
How to fry shrimp is delicious home-cooked method, fried shrimp in garlic oil, simple and easy to make, delicious and fragrant!

author:Hakka, oh my God

Fried shrimp with garlic oil is a home-cooked dish with good color and flavor, which is loved by people for its simple and easy-to-make, delicious and fragrant characteristics. Today, let's step into the culinary world of this dish and feel its charm.

How to fry shrimp is delicious home-cooked method, fried shrimp in garlic oil, simple and easy to make, delicious and fragrant!

Preparation and primary processing of ingredients

To make fried shrimp with garlic, you first need to prepare fresh shrimp, garlic, chili peppers and other ingredients. When buying shrimp, you should choose live shrimp that are full and brightly colored, so that the cooked shrimp meat is more tender and delicious. Garlic should be fresh, insect-free garlic, peel off the skin and chop into minced garlic for later use. Chili peppers can be selected according to personal taste.

In the initial processing stage, the shrimp needs to be removed from the head and shell, leaving the shrimp tail, so that the cooked shrimp meat is more beautiful. At the same time, use a toothpick to remove the shrimp line to ensure that the shrimp meat is clean and free of impurities. Put the processed shrimp in a bowl, add a little cooking wine, salt and pepper and marinate for a while to add flavor to the shrimp.

How to fry shrimp is delicious home-cooked method, fried shrimp in garlic oil, simple and easy to make, delicious and fragrant!

Cooking skills and heat mastery

The key to the cooking process of fried shrimp with garlic oil is to master the heat. First of all, pour in an appropriate amount of cooking oil after heating the pot, and when the oil temperature rises to six or seven hot, put in the marinated shrimp for frying. Pay attention to the heat during the frying process to avoid the high oil temperature causing the shrimp to be scorched. When the shrimp meat is golden brown and crispy, drain the oil and set aside.

Next, leave the bottom oil in the pan and stir-fry with minced garlic and chili peppers. Keep the heat on medium when stir-frying, and avoid scorching the minced garlic. When the minced garlic and chili pepper are fragrant, pour in the fried shrimp and stir-fry. At this time, you can add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, oyster sauce and other seasonings to enhance the taste and color of the dish.

How to fry shrimp is delicious home-cooked method, fried shrimp in garlic oil, simple and easy to make, delicious and fragrant!

Plating and presentation of the finished product

After cooking, put the fried shrimp with garlic oil on the plate, and pay attention to the beautiful and generous presentation, which will increase people's appetite at a glance. You can sprinkle some chopped green onions or chopped coriander on the shrimp meat as a garnish to add color and texture to the dish.

At this time, a fried shrimp with garlic oil with good color and fragrance is presented in front of you. The shrimp meat is tender and juicy, and the aroma of minced garlic and chili peppers is mouth-watering. Take a bite and it will be delicious and fragrant, making people have an endless aftertaste.

How to fry shrimp is delicious home-cooked method, fried shrimp in garlic oil, simple and easy to make, delicious and fragrant!

Nutritional value and healthy eating

In addition to being delicious, fried shrimp with garlic oil is also rich in nutritional value. Shrimp meat is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus and other nutrients.

While enjoying the food, we should also pay attention to the principles of healthy eating. Moderate consumption of fried shrimp with garlic oil can meet the body's nutritional needs, but excessive consumption may lead to excessive calorie intake, which is not conducive to physical health. Therefore, when cooking and tasting this dish, we should pay attention to controlling the amount of food consumed and maintain a balanced diet.

How to fry shrimp is delicious home-cooked method, fried shrimp in garlic oil, simple and easy to make, delicious and fragrant!

Culinary experience and creative development

In the process of making fried shrimp with garlic oil, I deeply realized the importance of the freshness of the ingredients and the heat of cooking to the quality of the dishes. At the same time, I also tried some creative developments, such as adding a little sugar and vinegar to the seasoning to make the dish more sweet and sour. Or coat the shrimp with a thin layer of starch and fry it to make the shrimp more crispy.

How to fry shrimp is delicious home-cooked method, fried shrimp in garlic oil, simple and easy to make, delicious and fragrant!

In short, fried shrimp with garlic is a home-cooked dish that is easy to make and delicious. By mastering the cooking techniques and heat, paying attention to the freshness and nutrition of the ingredients, and experimenting with creative developments, we can make this dish more delicious and nutritious. Let's enjoy our food while also paying attention to our health and eating a balanced diet!

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