
Top 10 Indonesian specialties, you must bring gifts when you return home! What else do you know besides Indonesian bird's nest?

author:Cut into qiong leaves and chew to make the sound of snowflakes

The Republic of Indonesia, this beautiful country, is known as the "Land of a Thousand Islands" because it is made up of thousands of islands. Located in the heart of Southeast Asia, it is not only blessed with beautiful natural scenery, but also rich in tourism resources and a wide variety of products. When you set foot in this magical land, you can't not only indulge in its stunning scenery, but also miss out on the unique Indonesian specialties.

Top 10 Indonesian specialties, you must bring gifts when you return home! What else do you know besides Indonesian bird's nest?

Among the many Indonesian specialties, there are a few that are so famous that you can't help but want to take them home. The following 10 are more famous local product representatives, how many do you know? (This article is for reading purposes only.) Don't do authoritative rankings. If in doubt, please feel free to comment/criticize at the end. If you have a better recommendation, please leave a message in the comment area! )

1. Indonesian coffee: a mellow taste bud journey

Indonesian coffee, with its low acidity and mellow taste, has conquered the hearts of countless coffee lovers. From the legend of cat poop coffee, to the rich flavor of Mandheling coffee, to the soft taste of Sumatran coffee, each Indonesian coffee has a unique flavor. According to historical records, Indonesians have been drinking coffee for more than 300 years, and Indonesia's coffee cultivation and processing technology has long been known around the world. In Indonesia, whether it is a small shop in the streets or a café in a high-end restaurant, you can taste authentic Indonesian coffee.

Cat poop coffee, also known as civet coffee, is a legendary variety of Indonesian coffee. What makes this coffee special is that it is made from coffee beans that are extracted by civets in the wild, fermented and decomposed by their digestive system, and then excreted. Due to the civet's unique digestive system, the bitter components in the coffee beans are removed, while increasing the aroma and taste of the coffee. As a result, cat poop coffee has become a rare variety that coffee lovers around the world are vying to buy.

Top 10 Indonesian specialties, you must bring gifts when you return home! What else do you know besides Indonesian bird's nest?

Mandheling coffee has won widespread praise for its rich taste and rich layers. Grown at high altitudes on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, this coffee is carefully picked and roasted to reveal a deep color and intense aroma. When tasting Mandheling coffee, you can feel its mellow taste and rich layering, which makes people have an endless aftertaste.

2. Indonesian bird's nest: a treasure for nourishing and nourishing the skin

Indonesian bird's nest, as one of the main production areas of bird's nest in the world, has won the favor of consumers around the world with its unique quality and nutritional value. Indonesian bird's nest is beige white or beige in color, with a creamy taste and rich juicy taste, rich in nutrients such as protein, amino acids and minerals. Long-term consumption of bird's nest can nourish the skin, enhance immunity, and delay aging.

In Indonesia, bird's nests have a long history of collecting and processing. Local bird's nest collectors usually climb up the steep cliffs in the early morning or late afternoon to collect bird's nests. These bird's nests are nests made by swiftlets with saliva, so they are very valuable. The collected bird's nest will be processed through multiple processes such as cleaning, impurity removal and stewing, and finally made into high-quality bird's nest products.

Top 10 Indonesian specialties, you must bring gifts when you return home! What else do you know besides Indonesian bird's nest?

Indonesian bird's nest not only enjoys a good reputation in China, but also is exported to many countries and regions around the world. Many consumers use Indonesian bird's nest as a nourishing and nourishing product for daily consumption or as a gift.

3. Indonesian Black Tea: A fragrant oriental drink

Indonesian black tea, with the island of Java and Sumatra as the central production area, produces black tea with a particularly soft fragrance. This black tea is carefully processed during picking, making, and processing to guarantee its quality and taste. When you taste Indonesian black tea, you can feel its unique aroma and soft taste, which is refreshing.

Indonesian black tea has a long history, having been cultivated and made hundreds of years ago. With the passage of time and the continuous advancement of technology, the quality and taste of Indonesian black tea have also been continuously improved. Today, Indonesian black tea has become an important player in the global black tea market and is deeply loved by consumers.

Top 10 Indonesian specialties, you must bring gifts when you return home! What else do you know besides Indonesian bird's nest?

Apart from being a drink, Indonesian black tea also has certain medicinal properties. According to research, black tea contains a variety of components that are beneficial to the human body, such as tea polyphenols, catechins and other antioxidants and minerals and other nutrients. These ingredients can help people fight diseases, slow down aging, improve immunity, etc.

4. Tongkat Ali: The magical Southeast Asian medicinal herb

Tongkat Ali is one of the precious applied botanicals in Southeast Asia and grows in the tropical rainforests of Indonesia. This plant has a variety of medicinal properties, such as anti-abuse, anti-poison, anti-hypertension, etc. Tongkat Ali is rich in alkaloids, flavonoids, polysaccharides and other active ingredients, which have a variety of health effects on the human body.

In Indonesia, tongkat ali is widely used in traditional medicine. Locals often make it into medicinal tea or medicinal liquor to drink to treat various ailments. At the same time, Tongkat Ali has also been developed into a variety of health products and medicines, such as Tongkat Ali capsules, Tongkat Ali oral liquid, etc., which are deeply loved by consumers.

Top 10 Indonesian specialties, you must bring gifts when you return home! What else do you know besides Indonesian bird's nest?

With the growing concern about health issues, the market demand for tongkat ali is also increasing. Many consumers consume tongkat ali as a daily health supplement.

5. Indonesian coconut products: a feast for the taste of tropical style

Indonesia is one of the world's largest producers of coconuts, and its coconut products are also highly prized for their unique taste and rich nutritional value. From coconut water to coconut water, coconut oil to desiccated coconut, every coconut product exudes a tropical feel.

In Indonesia, coconut is widely used in a variety of foods and beverages. Locals often drink coconut water as a daily drink to quench their thirst and cool off. At the same time, coconut water is also used in various desserts and dishes, such as coconut cake, coconut rice, etc. These delicacies are not only rich in taste, but also rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.

Top 10 Indonesian specialties, you must bring gifts when you return home! What else do you know besides Indonesian bird's nest?

In addition, Indonesia's coconut oil is also popular among consumers. This oil not only has a unique aroma and taste, but is also rich in a variety of unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, which have many health benefits. In the field of skin care, coconut oil is known as a natural skin care product, which can deeply moisturize the skin and maintain the skin's moisture and elasticity.

6. Dried tropical fruits: sweet and delicious healthy snacks

Indonesia is rich in a variety of tropical fruits such as bananas, mangoes, pineapples, papayas, durians, mangosteens, etc. These fruits are not only fresh and delicious, but they are also rich in vitamins and minerals. In order to better preserve and carry the delicious taste of these fruits, Indonesians make them into dried fruits, which have become a popular and healthy snack.

Dried tropical fruits are processed with a special process that preserves the original flavor and nutritional value of the fruit. These dried fruits are fragrant and delicious, making them a snack for leisure and an energy boost for travel. Each piece of dried fruit contains the essence of Indonesia's tropical rainforest, allowing people to taste the delicious taste while also feeling the gift of nature.

Top 10 Indonesian specialties, you must bring gifts when you return home! What else do you know besides Indonesian bird's nest?

7. Indonesian mille-feuille cake: dense and fluffy specialty pastry

Indonesian mille-feuille cake is a cake with strong Indonesian characteristics, carefully made from high-quality ingredients such as tapioca flour, pure milk, coconut milk, rice flour, etc. This pastry is layered, sweet, creamy and fluffy, with a rich coconut and milky aroma in every bite.

In Indonesia, mille-feuille cake is a must-have for festivals and family gatherings. It is often given as a gift to friends and family as a sign of deep friendship. Tasting Indonesian mille-feuille cake, you can not only taste its unique taste, but also feel the love of Indonesian people for food and their enthusiasm for life.

Top 10 Indonesian specialties, you must bring gifts when you return home! What else do you know besides Indonesian bird's nest?

8. Balinese wood carving: a unique work of art

Balinese wood carving is a unique traditional handicraft in Bali, Indonesia, known for its exquisite carving skills and rich cultural connotations. These wood carvings are often based on people, animals or plants from mythological stories, and are vivid and lifelike.

The process of making Balinese wood carvings is very complex and requires a high level of skill and experience on the part of the carvers. They use a variety of carving tools to carve entire pieces of wood into beautiful works of art. Each Balinese wood carving is unique, embodying the carver's ingenuity and respect for traditional culture.

Top 10 Indonesian specialties, you must bring gifts when you return home! What else do you know besides Indonesian bird's nest?

9. Badibu: Gorgeous and colorful Indonesian batik

Badi cloth is a traditional Indonesian batik calico that is praised for its colorful patterns and exquisite craftsmanship. The fabric is available in yellow, black, red, blue, brown and white as the main colors, and has a unique design that is full of Indonesian style.

The process of making a badib is very tedious and requires multiple processes to complete. First, the artist will draw a delicate pattern on the cloth, and then use a wax knife to dip the wax liquid into the cloth to draw on it. The cloth is then dipped in dye and dyed, and the wax layer is removed to reveal a colorful pattern. Badi cloth can not only be made into practical items such as tablecloths, tote bags, hats, etc., but can also be used as decorations to decorate the home environment.

Top 10 Indonesian specialties, you must bring gifts when you return home! What else do you know besides Indonesian bird's nest?

10. Indonesian handmade products: an artistic treasure of ingenuity

Indonesia's handmade products are loved by tourists for their unique artistic value and commemorative significance. These products include handmade soaps, wood carvings, colored shellfish products, and clove string artworks, each of which contains the painstaking efforts and wisdom of the craftsmen.

These handmade products are not only practical, but also a cultural inheritance and artistic display. Whether it's a gift for friends and family or a souvenir to keep as a souvenir, Indonesia's handmade products offer a unique sense of Indonesian culture and craftsmanship.

Top 10 Indonesian specialties, you must bring gifts when you return home! What else do you know besides Indonesian bird's nest?

Indonesia's top 10 specialties not only have their own characteristics, but also contain rich cultural connotations and unique artistic values. Whether it's food, art, or traditional culture, these specialties are sure to leave a lasting impression on Indonesia.

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