
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only

author:Single-minded kitten yl
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only
Who inherits the child's excellent genes, collect it and take a look, the content is for reference only

In the bustling city streets, all kinds of life dramas are staged every day. Today, we are going to tell an interesting story about Hao Chuan's family and "excellent gene inheritance".

Hao Chuan, a middle-aged man of medium height and a smile on his face, always likes to wander the streets and alleys in his spare time in the afternoon, feeling the pulse of the city. He has a happy family, his wife is gentle and virtuous, and his children are smart and clever, and he is a model family in the eyes of his neighbors.

On this day, Hao Chuan met his old friend Lao Li on the street. Lao Li is a joker, and when he saw Hao Chuan, he joked: "Hao Chuan, your son won the first place in school again, is this excellent gene inherited from you or your daughter-in-law?" ”

Hao Chuan laughed, waved his hand and said, "Lao Li, you are lifting me." In fact, I think that this excellent gene is neither completely inherited from me nor from my wife, but the result of our family environment, education style and children's own efforts. ”

When Lao Li heard this, he became interested, and pulled Hao Chuan to sit down on a bench on the side of the road, and asked him to talk about the mystery.

Hao Chuan cleared his throat and began his lecture on "Street Genetics": "You see, first of all, genes are really important. Just like the roots of a tree, genes determine a child's basic potential and traits. But ah, genes aren't everything. A good tree also needs sun, rain, and soil nourishment to thrive. ”

"What about our family environment, just like the sunshine and rain. My wife and I have been working hard to create a warm and harmonious family atmosphere where children feel loved and warm. We encourage children to try new things and respect their interests and choices. Such a family environment allows children to have enough security and self-confidence to explore the world. ”

"Let's talk about education. We focus on developing children's independent thinking skills and problem-solving skills. When we encounter a problem, we do not directly tell the answer, but guide the child to think and try on his own. In this way, the child not only learns the knowledge, but more importantly, learns the method of learning. ”

Of course, the child's own efforts are also essential. Just like a sapling, even with good soil and sunlight, if it is not willing to work hard to grow, it will not grow much in the end. Our children develop good study habits and self-discipline from an early age, which is the key to their ability to achieve good grades. ”

Lao Li nodded frequently when he heard this, and couldn't help but interject: "Then tell me, how is this excellent gene embodied in your family?" ”

Hao Chuan smiled and said, "Actually, I think excellent genes do not mean how good a child must achieve in learning, but more importantly, their quality, personality and habits. For example, our children are very kind, polite, and grateful. These qualities are what we value the most. ”

"Of course, they are also very good at learning. But this is not because they have inherited any special genes, but because of the influence of our family environment and education style. We focus on cultivating children's comprehensive qualities and abilities, so that they can better adapt to and cope with various challenges in their future lives. ”

Lao Li listened to Hao Chuan's explanation and said with emotion: "Hao Chuan, you are really a parent who knows how to educate. I've learned a lot today! ”

Hao Chuan waved his hand modestly and said, "Where, in fact, every family has its own education methods and experiences. I just think that as parents, we can't just focus on our children's grades and ignore their qualities and habits. Only in this way can we develop truly excellent people. ”

When the two were chatting happily, it was getting late, and Hao Chuan stood up to say goodbye to Lao Li. He walked home with a lot of emotion in his heart. He is well aware of the great responsibility of parents, not only to provide good material conditions for their children, but also to create a good environment for them to grow up. He believes that as long as they love and educate their children with their hearts, then children will be able to grow up and become the pillars of society.

This story about Hao Chuan's family about "street genetics" spread in the streets and alleys. It tells people that the inheritance of excellent genes is not only biological inheritance, but also the joint result of family environment, education methods and children's own efforts. Only by nurturing and educating children with heart can they shine in their future lives.

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