
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Tonifying the kidney, why kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency, the kidney is also the main body of qi

author:Words and Bodies Medical Society
Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Tonifying the kidney, why kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency, the kidney is also the main body of qi
Kidney tonification refers to the change of kidney deficiency through diet, medicine, fitness exercise, qigong, acupuncture, massage and other means. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that kidney deficiency is divided into kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency, and different diagnosis and treatment should be done according to different symptoms.

Xiao Wang said: "Teacher Xie, I know that the kidneys are located in the waist, one on the left and one on the left, and the meridians are in the bladder. It has many functions, including the collection of sperm, the main growth and development and reproduction. Jing is the basic substance that constitutes life, and it is also the material basis for various functional activities of the human body. The essence includes the essence of the main growth and reproduction and the essence of the metamorphosis of the diet and valley, the former is called the innate essence, and the latter is called the acquired essence, both of which are hidden in the kidney. ”

Teacher Xie nodded in affirmation. He saw that Xiao Wang's understanding of the kidneys was already in place.

Xiao Wang went on to explain: "The innate essence is also known as the essence of the internal organs or the essence of reproduction, and its endowment is received by the parents. Human growth and development and reproductive ability are mainly determined by innate essence. If the child is not endowed with sufficient endowment, mental retardation, developmental delay, and weak muscles and bones; Kidney Qi deficiency can cause infertility in women and infertility in men. ”

Teacher Xie smiled and encouraged Xiao Wang to continue.

Xiao Wang continued: "The acquired essence is also known as the essence of the water valley or the essence of the viscera. This essence comes from the spleen and stomach, and is subtly metamorphosed from the water valley, which is the material basis for maintaining the life of the human body, stored in the kidneys, and supplied to the needs of the five internal organs at any time. People with sufficient kidney essence have good digestion and absorption, rich nutrition and energy. If there is a lesion in the internal organs, the kidney essence will be consumed over time, showing fatigue and cold limbs, pain in the waist and spine, wheezing or thinness, sperm loss, and even symptoms of kidney essence deficiency such as sweating, cold limbs, and weak pulse. ”

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Tonifying the kidney, why kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency, the kidney is also the main body of qi

Xiao Wang asked again: "Teacher Xie, I would like to ask, the book says that the kidney is the foundation of human life, and it includes two aspects: kidney yin and kidney yang. Kidney Yin plays a role in nourishing and moisturizing various organs of the human body, while Kidney Yang plays a role in warming and biochemistry. What are the symptoms of kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency? "

Teacher Xie bowed his head slightly, and replied in a calm and focused tone: "Kidney Yin deficiency, also known as True Yin or Yuan Yin Deficiency, will manifest as a symptom of insufficient moisture. For example, kidney yin deficiency leads to an increase in kidney yang, and symptoms such as internal heat, tinnitus, soreness in the waist and knees, sperm loss in men, and dreamsex in women may occur. The tongue is red, and there is little fluid in the mouth. In addition, kidney yin deficiency may also affect other organs, resulting in the rise of liver yang, and the occurrence of hyperactivity and internal movement of the liver; The heart loses the nourishment of kidney yin, which may cause symptoms such as upset and insomnia. The lungs lose the nourishment of kidney yin, and problems such as dry cough, hot flashes, and dry throat may occur. "

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Tonifying the kidney, why kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency, the kidney is also the main body of qi

Hearing Mr. Xie's answer, Xiao Wang recorded it carefully. He frowned slightly, thought for a moment and then continued to ask, "Then what are the symptoms of kidney yang deficiency?" "

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Tonifying the kidney, why kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency, the kidney is also the main body of qi

Teacher Xie nodded lightly and continued to explain: "Kidney Yang deficiency, also known as Yuanyang or True Fire Deficiency, can lead to general symptoms of deficiency of warmth and biochemistry, such as cold in the body, cold water, decreased reproductive function, mental fatigue, cold limbs, cold pain in the waist and knees, and excessive urine output. In addition, kidney yang deficiency may also cause problems of reduced function of other organs. For example, if the heart loses the warmth of kidney yang, symptoms of heart and kidney yang deficiency may occur, such as palpitations, shortness of breath, slow pulse, cold limbs, and night sweats. The lungs lose the warmth of kidney yang, and there may be wheezing, swelling, cough and phlegm after exercise; The spleen loses the warmth of kidney yang, which may lead to symptoms of spleen and kidney yang deficiency, such as decreased appetite, diarrhea, or diarrhea in the morning. In addition, yin deficiency or yang deficiency of other organs may also affect kidney yin or kidney yang, such as liver yin deficiency and liver yang hyperactivity, heart yin deficiency and heart fire hyperactivity, lung yin deficiency, etc. "

Xiao Wang took notes seriously.

Whether it is kidney yin deficiency or kidney yang deficiency, it is a manifestation of kidney essence deficiency and kidney essence deficiency

Teacher Xie said: "In short, whether it is kidney yin deficiency or kidney yang deficiency, it is a manifestation of kidney essence deficiency and kidney essence deficiency. There is also a mutual influence relationship between kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency, kidney yin deficiency to a certain extent may cause kidney yang deficiency, and kidney yang deficiency will also lead to insufficient kidney essence metaplasia, resulting in kidney yin deficiency. Mr. Xie's voice revealed a wealth of experience and calmness.

Xiao Wang opened his notebook and thought about it seriously.

Teacher Xie also said, "As one of the five internal organs of traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney has multiple important functions, and we will continue. First of all, the kidney is the main water, which means that the kidney plays an important role in the body's water metabolism. ”

Through the gasification effect of raising and reducing turbidity, the transpiration of the fluid with the function of moisturizing the tissue is pushed to the whole body, which plays a role in the promotion of purification

After a pause, he continued: "The kidneys push the transpiration of the fluid that has the function of moisturizing tissues to the whole body through the vaporization effect of raising and lowering turbidity, and play a role in raising and purifying. At the same time, it can also excrete the water used by the tissues from the body and play a role in reducing turbidity. Water is received from the stomach, passed through the spleen and intestines to the lungs, and then distributed by the lungs, and finally runs through the channels of the three focal organs in the viscera, the clear ones are distributed throughout the body, and the turbid ones are discharged into urine and sweat to maintain the water balance in the body. ”

Xiao Wang listened intently, recording as he listened. His expression was full of focus and interest, and he genuinely enjoyed the learning process.

The kidneys also accept qi. Although the breathing is dominated by the lungs, the inhaled clear qi needs to be absorbed by the kidneys before it can be delivered to the kidneys

Teacher Xie noticed Xiao Wang's serious attitude and continued to explain: "In addition, the kidneys are also responsible for qi. Although the breathing is dominated by the lungs, the inhaled clear qi needs to be absorbed by the kidneys before it can be delivered to the kidneys. Only when the lungs and kidneys function properly and harmoniously can the human body achieve uniform and smooth breathing movements. When kidney qi is weakened, the kidneys cannot be fixed, and the inhaled qi cannot be incorporated into the kidneys, and symptoms such as excessive exhalation and inhalation, and difficulty breathing will occur, which are common in the elderly or chronically ill people. ”

Xiao Wang listened with relish, and he deeply realized the importance of kidneys. He continued to ask Teacher Xie for advice: "Teacher Xie, do the kidneys have any other functions?" ”

Teacher Xie nodded: "Yes, the kidneys are also responsible for bone and marrow, and they are closely related to the brain. The kidneys mainly store essence, essence can produce marrow, and the marrow resides in the bone to nourish the bone. So when the kidney essence is sufficient, the bone marrow is fully nourished, and the bones develop normally, strong and powerful. On the contrary, if the kidney essence is insufficient, the bone marrow cannot be adequately nourished, which will lead to weak bones, easy fractures, and even affect growth and development. ”

He looked into Xiao Wang's eyes and said in a firm tone: "Clinically, for some diseases with soreness in the waist and knees and difficulty in walking, we often take drug treatment from the perspective of insufficient kidney essence and empty bone marrow to promote the growth and development of bones. ”

Xiao Wang hurriedly recorded these important knowledge points, and he felt that Mr. Xie taught him everything.

Teacher Xie looked at Xiao Wang's serious demeanor and continued to explain: "Bone marrow is not only related to bones, but also closely related to teeth. Adequate nutrition from the bone marrow allows the teeth to grow strong and normal. Insufficient bone marrow can lead to tooth shaking or even loss, especially in childhood, which can affect the normal growth of teeth. When a person reaches old age or experiences a serious illness, it is common for the kidney cord to be deficient, and loose teeth may also fall out. In this case, we usually use the treatment method of tonifying the kidney and nourishing the blood to make up for the deficiency of kidney essence. ”

Mr. Xie's voice was gentle and powerful, and he explained to Xiao Wang in great detail. Xiao Wang was full of emotion, he truly realized the importance of the kidney and the profundity of traditional Chinese medicine.

Finally, Mr. Xie added, "Hair growth and health are also closely related to the kidneys. Although hair is nourished by the blood, its vitality is rooted in the kidneys. Sperm and blood breed and transform each other, the blood is vigorous if the kidney essence is sufficient, and the hair is dry and falling off if the kidney essence is insufficient. Therefore, in the treatment of hair loss, whitening and other problems, the method of tonifying the kidney and nourishing blood is often used for comprehensive treatment. ”

Xiao Wang nodded with emotion, and his admiration and interest in Chinese medicine became stronger and stronger.

The kidneys open to the ears and the second yin, and the hearing ability of the ears depends on the sufficiency of the kidney essence

Xiao Wang asked again: "Teacher, I would like to ask about the knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine related to the opening of the kidney to the ear and the second yin?" Xiao Wang said respectfully.

Teacher Xie smiled and nodded, his eyes were full of appreciation and expectation for Xiao Wang.

"Okay, no problem. The function of the kidney in TCM is very important, it opens up the ears and the second yin. The hearing ability of the ear depends on the adequacy of the kidney essence. If the kidneys are insufficient, tinnitus, hearing loss and even deafness can occur. Especially the elderly or people who have been sick for a long time are often prone to problems such as deafness and deafness. Teacher Xie explained in detail.

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Tonifying the kidney, why kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency, the kidney is also the main body of qi

Xiao Wang carefully recorded these contents and quickly added some relevant knowledge points.

In addition, the lower part of the kidneys opens to the second yin, that is, the exogenators of the anterior vulva and the anus of the posterior yin. The anterior vulva is responsible for urination and reproductive function, while the posterior vulva only excretes feces. Although the excretion of urine is done directly in the bladder, the gasification of the bladder is directly related to the opening and closing function of the kidneys. The opening and closing function of the kidney regulates the excretion of urine, so people with kidney deficiency often have abnormal urine, such as less urine, swelling, and even ascites, or clear and long urine, and more urine such as lipid cream. In addition, the kidneys are responsible for the reproductive function of the human body. Deficiency of kidney sperm will lead to problems such as impotence, sperm loss, and premature ejaculation in men, while kidney yin deficiency is prone to symptoms such as dreaminess and impotence. Teacher Xie continued to answer.

Xiao Wang listened carefully, thinking about the correlation of this information and quickly recording it.

"The kidneys are also very closely related to the stool. On the one hand, the kidneys maintain the normal excretion of stool by regulating water metabolism; On the other hand, the warming effect of kidney yang plays an important role in the decay of the spleen and stomach and the transfer of water valleys. If the spleen yang cannot get the warmth of the kidney yang, there will be problems such as loose stools, incomplete grains, or frequent stools. Kidney yin deficiency can easily lead to constipation. Teacher Xie patiently explained.

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Tonifying the kidney, why kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency, the kidney is also the main body of qi

Xiao Wang sighed: "It turns out that the function of the kidney is so complex and critical. Thank you for your answers, I will definitely continue to study hard and pass on the essence of Chinese medicine. "

Introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicine: Tonifying the kidney, why kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency, the kidney is also the main body of qi

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