
The streets are full of pharmacies, what do you rely on to make money?

author:Clever and agile rhyme
The streets are full of pharmacies, what do you rely on to make money?

Why are there pharmacies all over the streets, and what do they do to make money? The insiders told the truth.

The streets are full of pharmacies, what do you rely on to make money?

Our neighbor Aunt Zhang just retired from a tertiary hospital last year, and she couldn't stay idle, so she found a pharmacy near our community to work. I went to the pharmacy last weekend and happened to meet Aunt Zhang on duty.

I talked to her for a while. When talking about pharmacies all over the street, can you really make money? Aunt Zhang was also outspoken and told me the reason, and after listening to it, it really subverted my cognition.

The streets are full of pharmacies, what do you rely on to make money?

In the current environment, all walks of life are in a recession, and the real industry is becoming more and more difficult to do. In the past, the store in a good location is now either transferred or rented.

For example, there used to be a commercial street near our community that was particularly lively, but I found that in the past six months, some of the original laundry, cake shops, and bubble tea shops on that street have often closed after a few months of opening.

The streets are full of pharmacies, what do you rely on to make money?

On the contrary, on that street, there are more and more pharmacies. And none of them went out of business. Now on this street, counting the one that just opened last week, there are a total of 5 pharmacies, large and small.

When it comes to pharmacies, there's one thing I've always wondered about. You said that the area of this pharmacy is generally not large, that is, ten or twenty square meters. And every time I pass by, I don't see many people buying medicine inside. So do you say these pharmacies really make money?

The streets are full of pharmacies, what do you rely on to make money?

If it had been a few years ago, I think pharmacies would still be quite profitable. Because of the epidemic at that time, everyone needed masks, and they also needed some medicines. Everyone is for their own health. Definitely willing to pay a high price for these things.

So at that time, the pharmacy must have been quite profitable. But now that it has been liberalized, it seems that people no longer need pharmacies in their lives, but instead of decreasing, these pharmacies are opening more and more.

The streets are full of pharmacies, what do you rely on to make money?

Thanks to my neighbor Aunt Zhang telling me the truth behind this, I realized that they were selling this medicine in their gourd.

First of all, the profit margin of pharmacies is relatively large.

The streets are full of pharmacies, what do you rely on to make money?

Pharmacies generally buy directly from the manufacturer, or cooperate with drug agents, and can get more discounts or rebates. In addition, pharmacies are stocked in large quantities. So the purchase price can be so low that you can't imagine.

Sometimes medicines that cost a few yuan can be sold for fifty or sixty, or even seventy or eighty. And there is also a case. The price of the same drug varies from pharmacy to pharmacy. Some pharmacies sell it for a dozen dollars. And another pharmacy can sell it for twenty or thirty dollars. Moreover, pharmacies are clearly marked with prices, and you can't bargain with others.

The streets are full of pharmacies, what do you rely on to make money?

Second, now the business of pharmacies is very extensive.

Friends who often go to pharmacies may find that pharmacies sell some health products in addition to medicines. For example, protein powder, calcium tablets. The demand for these health care products in the market is still relatively large.

The streets are full of pharmacies, what do you rely on to make money?

Because nowadays people are very concerned about physical health. People are also willing to spend money on some health supplements, hoping to prevent some diseases. Moreover, the profit of health care products is greater than that of medicine.

So you'll find that every pharmacy puts a variety of health supplements in a particularly eye-catching place. And every time you go to the pharmacy, the clerk will be very enthusiastic to recommend these products to you.

The streets are full of pharmacies, what do you rely on to make money?

Third, although online shopping is very popular now, many things are bought online. However, many people still prefer to buy this drug at the pharmacy.

The streets are full of pharmacies, what do you rely on to make money?

Because everyone thinks that after all, pharmacies feel safer and more secure. At the same time, if you don't have any particularly serious diseases, but just have a headache and brain fever, you don't want to go to a big hospital, it's too much of a toss.

I often want to go to the pharmacy to get some medicine and solve it myself. And now pharmacies also provide a lot of free services, such as blood pressure measurement, blood sugar measurement. There will also be some professional pharmacists to provide professional medication guidance and advice.

The streets are full of pharmacies, what do you rely on to make money?

Now everyone understands, why are there so many pharmacies on the streets?

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