
Liu Chuanzhi has a shining point

author:A dragonfly that knows the rain

Criticizing Liu Chuanzhi has become a kind of "correct" attitude, yes, it doesn't matter if you don't understand him or not, you will naturally get a lot of applause if you say two things about him first.

It's a street rat.

Could it be that Liu Chuanzhi is so unworthy?

Just imagine, although Lenovo is now a private enterprise, but there are state-owned shareholders in it, if there is really something wrong with him, won't the official check it?

Liu Chuanzhi has a shining point

has always said that Liu Chuanzhi has probably been criticized in these aspects.

First, the loss of state-owned assets.

This is represented by Mr. Sima Nan, who has done many episodes of the program, which made the Internet angry at that time, and they are all saying that Liuhua is private and fills his pockets.

Indeed, in the process, Lenovo has changed from a state-owned enterprise to a private enterprise.

But this change of Lenovo, although it is promoted by Liu, but if it doesn't nod its head, who dares to change it?

In addition, the reform of state-owned enterprises needs a successful model, and to put it bluntly, it is necessary to let the person who takes over this important task be able to "fat"!

Therefore, this pot should not be covered on the head of the willow.

Liu Chuanzhi has a shining point

Second, the development of chips is lagging behind.

In 1988, Lenovo began to develop chips, but Ni Guangnan was made out of Lenovo soon after. And Lenovo also adheres to the "trade, industry and technology" route until today.

Is China missing an opportunity for the rise of chips because of this?

Yes, it can be determined.

But is Ryu to be fully responsible?

Ask three questions: If Lenovo insists on technology, industry and trade, will it still survive? If Lenovo insists on taking the high-tech route, won't it be suppressed by the big beauty? If Lenovo follows Ni Guangnan's path, will Liu still be the chairman of Lenovo?

So for this matter, Liu bears half of the responsibility at most.

At the very least, Lenovo is still a good multinational company.

Liu Chuanzhi has a shining point

The third is to do Jewish business.

That is, he organized the "Tai Association", personally served as the "head of the meeting", and was honored as the "godfather".

As far as this Raush sub-organization is concerned, whether Liu and the people within the organization have obtained more excess returns through this meeting, there must be. However, do you want to change our long-standing "cheap business" thinking through this meeting? Or maybe there is.

It's just that the original intention may be half good, but the result is not necessarily good.

Liu should also bear most of the responsibility for this matter.

Liu Chuanzhi has a shining point

Fourth, they dared to enter textbooks.

"Punctual Liu Chuanzhi" was included in the textbook.

Even though it's a supplementary textbook, it's also a textbook.

Chinese literati all have a kind of knot of "staying for a hundred generations", and it is estimated that Liu will not be able to get rid of it.

Therefore, this matter, whether it is the meaning of Liu or not, or the meaning of Liu's disciples, but Liu should bear most of the responsibility.

Liu Chuanzhi has a shining point

There are also some of them, all of which are nothing more than various disagreements based on the root cause of "harming the public and fattening the private".

However, if you think about it carefully, does Liu Chuanzhi also have a shining point?

The answer should not be no?

For example, he managed to make Lenovo such a big enterprise, can it be regarded as a credit?

For example, he acquired IBM, it shouldn't be easy for a snake to swallow an elephant, right?

By the way, and the most important point, he and his family don't seem to have gone to foreign countries, which should be the biggest shining point?

Liu Chuanzhi has a shining point

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