
Embarrassing, tender whistle ruined the focus of the Super League: misjudgment + wrong red card, scolded by the player

author:Edie talks about sports


On the evening of June 18, 2024, Beijing time, the Chinese Super League staged a key matchup, with Shanghai Port challenging Meizhou Hakka away.

This is not only a make-up match, but also a key battle for the half-way championship of the Chinese Super League.

In the game, every turning point touched the hearts of fans, and off the field, a series of controversial decisions by the referee caused an uproar.

Embarrassing, tender whistle ruined the focus of the Super League: misjudgment + wrong red card, scolded by the player

When the whistle blows, is it really fair to enforce the law? What kind of story is hidden behind the controversy on the field?


The game smelled of gunpowder from the start.

When Li Shuai, the goalkeeper of Shanghai Port, and Ru Zinan, the striker of Meizhou Hakka, staged a scene of "collision art" in the penalty area, the atmosphere of the whole stadium suddenly became tense.

Ru Zinan's sharp flying shovel seemed to have a bit of a heroic posture of saving beauty, but it was too dangerous and made people shudder.

Despite the uproar, referee Ren Tong acted as if he were playing a challenge of sight and judgment, and surprisingly chose to ignore the flying tackle.

Controversy on the sidelines came and went, but the score board was still zero-zero, and the two teams seemed to be dancing a waltz without melody, and neither could find the key to the goal.

Embarrassing, tender whistle ruined the focus of the Super League: misjudgment + wrong red card, scolded by the player

The first half of the game passed slowly in controversy and mistakes.

The battle in the second half was on the verge of breaking out.

The Harbour team used corner kick tactics as if they were in the next big game.

When Cittadini smashed the ball into the net like a hungry tiger in front of goal, the whole field boiled over in an instant.

His teammates danced a triumphant dance around him, but behind the excitement was the coming storm.

The intervention of VAR, like a sword of Damocles hanging over their heads, made everyone's hearts rise to their throats.

After a five-minute replay that seemed centuries long, the referees finally made a decision to confirm that the goal was valid.

Embarrassing, tender whistle ruined the focus of the Super League: misjudgment + wrong red card, scolded by the player

The cheers of the harbor team members almost tore off the roof, and the Meizhou team members seemed to be drained of strength.

The ups and downs of emotions made the expressions of the Meizhou team members even more cloudy and sunny than the weather just now.

The air on the field seemed to freeze, and everyone could feel the mixed emotions of excitement and loss.

The pace of the game gradually accelerated, and the smell of emotional gunpowder became stronger.

Every small action on the pitch can set the mood on the ground, and Kosovic's move was like pouring oil on the fire.

After a controversial decision, he looked rather dissatisfied, and kicked the ball next to him hard, as if to vent his anger in this way.

Embarrassing, tender whistle ruined the focus of the Super League: misjudgment + wrong red card, scolded by the player

This is not only a catharsis of individual emotions, but also a portrayal of the collective mentality of the Meizhou team at that time, which is an immature performance against pressure.

On the sidelines, Shi Liang, as the captain, should have been a stable anchor in the hearts of the team, but in a high-pressure environment, he failed to stay calm.

A fierce protest against the referee earned him a yellow card and added fuel to the fire.

At this time, the atmosphere in the stands also became more and more tense, and the emotions of the spectators rose and fell with the controversy in the stadium, and everyone's eyes were firmly fixed on every next move.

Just as the Meizhou team was trying to find their rhythm in this chaos, the Shanghai Port team was unrelenting and took advantage of the situation.

Embarrassing, tender whistle ruined the focus of the Super League: misjudgment + wrong red card, scolded by the player

In the final stage of the comparison, Oscar and Wu Lei showed their tacit cooperation.

Oscar's precise pass was like a paintbrush, slicing across the pitch and finally finding Wu Lei.

The striker picked up the ball smartly and then struck with a beautiful header that hung like an arrow off the string and into the back of the net.

This brilliant goal not only sealed the victory, but also felt like a fatal blow to the already disorganized defense of the Meizhou team.

Wu Lei's goal seemed to tell the opponent that the victory of the football game is not only a contest of technology and tactics, but also a contest of psychological and emotional control.

The scene in stoppage time, which was supposed to be tense and orderly, was made chaotic this time by a mistaken yellow card.

Embarrassing, tender whistle ruined the focus of the Super League: misjudgment + wrong red card, scolded by the player

Ye Chugui, the protagonist on the field, ran vigorously to grab the ball, but was suddenly stopped by the referee and stretched out a yellow card to him.

But this card, in front of everyone's eyes, was mistakenly sent to the hands of captain Shi Liang.

This scene not only stunned Shi Liang, but also made the audience on the sidelines and the fans in front of the TV in an uproar.

At this time, VAR was like a savior in a football game, intervening in the misunderstanding.

After a few minutes of tense video replay, the referee finally realized the mistake and sent the yellow card to Ye Chugui correctly.

However, the interlude disrupted the rhythm of the game, the otherwise fluid game became fragmented, and the players' emotional continuity was also affected.

Embarrassing, tender whistle ruined the focus of the Super League: misjudgment + wrong red card, scolded by the player

After the game, referee Ren Tong's decision became the focus of many sports commentary programs.

Ma Dexing, a well-known sports journalist, harshly criticized this mistake on his program.

Ma Dexing said in his trademark humorous style: "This is not a yellow card club, the referee's cards cannot be dealt casually. ”

He further pointed out that in such a crucial match, the referee's mistake affected the fairness of the whole game, which was unacceptable.

However, fans have had a more immediate reaction to the chaos.

On social media, many fans voiced their opinions, with some supporting the referee's reliance on technology to correct the mistake, while others ridiculed the low-level mistake.

Embarrassing, tender whistle ruined the focus of the Super League: misjudgment + wrong red card, scolded by the player

One fan tweeted: "It felt like watching a comedy, except that we were innocent spectators and the referee played the reluctant comedian. ”

Not only did the incident cause an uproar in fandom, it also made people think about the role of technology in modern football.

While technology helps correct human errors, it also reveals the mistakes that referees can make under pressure.

As Ma Dexing said at the end of the program: "Technology can help us find the truth, but on the football field, what is most needed is the calmness and fairness of the referee." ”

Although the match is over, the debate about the referee's controversy, the use of technology, and the fairness of the game is far from over.

Embarrassing, tender whistle ruined the focus of the Super League: misjudgment + wrong red card, scolded by the player

These heated discussions have lit up every corner of the sports forum and become the talk of football fans after dinner.

Whatever the outcome, the scene will be remembered as an anecdote about football, reminding us that football is not just about winning or losing, it is also full of surprises and drama.


This game is not only a test of the skills of the players of the two teams, but also a major test of the fairness of the referees.

Every penalty made by the referee is directly related to the fairness of the game and the embodiment of sportsmanship.

The controversial penalty decision in this game sparked extensive discussion and reflection.

In the future, how to maintain the impartiality of referees and improve the level of law enforcement is an important issue that the football community must face.

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