
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!

author:There are always endless kisses
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!

Once upon a time, I had a very good friend. That day, she came to me and said with some embarrassment that she wanted to borrow 500 yuan and pay me back in a month. I trusted her a lot at the time, so I lent her the money directly.

However, a month later, she did not repay the money as promised. I started to get a little anxious and urged her every day. I said to her, "As long as you are willing to pay me back, I will give you a 20% discount, and you will pay me back 400 yuan." "I thought to myself, so she shouldn't be stressed.

Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!

However, she still wouldn't pay me back. It took another month for her to slowly pay me back twenty dollars. I asked her what was wrong, and she said that she had changed to a new job, and her salary was going to be pressed for five days, so she had no money to pay me back.

Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!

When I heard it, I felt quite uncomfortable. A few days later, she came to me again and said that she was going to pay me back, but when she saw that I had listed her online, she didn't want to pay it back. When I heard it, I was really angry.

Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!
Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!

This incident made me deeply realize that you really have to be careful when lending money to others. Even if it's a best friend, you can't lend it out easily. Because once you lend it out and want to get it back, it's really hard.

Since then, I have never dared to lend money to others easily. After all, no one's money is blown by the wind, right?

Wary! Lending money to a friend can also cost you nothing!