
Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

author:Xiaowei said that it is a classic
Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name
It is said that those who read my articles have become big bosses, please use your golden finger to make a fortune, pay attention to the top and like it, it is difficult to do it if you don't want to get rich Like and walk, love you to permanently, focus on a little, get rich to permanent, I wish you good luck in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and meet nobles in the southeast and northwest
Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

Wang Baoqiang was born in 1982 in a rural family in Xingtai, Hebei Province, his parents were ordinary farmers, the family was very hardworking and simple, and full of expectations for their son's future.

When 6-year-old Wang Baoqiang saw the martial arts movie "Shaolin Temple" starring Jet Li on TV for the first time, he was deeply attracted by one of the thrilling martial arts scenes.

With his dream of practicing martial arts, Wang Baoqiang resolutely chose Shaolin Temple, and although his parents opposed it in every way, he still stuck to his decision, and finally succeeded in convincing his parents to agree to his request.

They believe that children from poor families should study in peace, rather than learn martial arts.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

In this way, a country boy, with a playful and lively life, embarks on a new journey to pursue his dreams. With the longing and innocence of his childhood, he came to the Shaolin Temple in the scenic area and began his years of hard practice.

Wang Baoqiang spent six years of hard time in the Shaolin Temple, and he put in unimaginable efforts. Every day, from the beginning of the morning, he devoted himself to hard practice, and did not stop until nightfall.

Even during the holidays, he insisted on staying in the temple and practicing hard, without the slightest relaxation. Every year during the Spring Festival, he can return to his hometown for a short time and spend a few days with his family.

Ming Wang Baoqiang, a classmate and friend around him, was so diligent that he ridiculed him for being "stupid" and "stupid" behind his back. But no one understands that the fire in the boy's heart, the incomparable love for the martial arts career, even a short relaxation, will shake his determination to realize his dream.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

After spending 6 years of quiet and hard years in Shaolin Temple, Wang Baoqiang, who had a dream, came to Beijing and began his career in the north.

Wang Baoqiang had a very hard time in his fledgling days. To save money, he had to share a small basement with some strangers. During the day, he will stay at the door of major film and television crews, hoping to get the role of an extra, and use that meager income to support his life.

Despite the hardships of life, Wang Baoqiang's dedication is still firm. No matter how difficult the conditions were, he never gave up. He carefully organizes his photos and resumes, and whenever a new crew is formed, he takes the initiative to send this information, hoping to get the attention and discovery of directors and producers.

However, his peers often laughed at him and said: "With your appearance as a rural guy, you can't even attract the eyes of a director, let alone get a job offer." ”

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

In the face of doubts and ridicule, Wang Baoqiang just kept smiling, but his heart became more and more determined.

Sure enough, in 2003, after unremitting efforts, Wang Baoqiang finally ushered in a turning point in his life. This year, the movie "Blind Well" was casting, but because it needed to be filmed in a deep well, there was a great safety hazard, so the second male actor temporarily withdrew.

Just when the director team was worried, they saw Wang Baoqiang's information and learned that he had practiced martial arts in Shaolin Temple for many years, so they did not hesitate to invite him to audition.

At the audition scene of "Blind Well", Wang Baoqiang went all out and unreservedly showed his profound martial arts skills and professionalism. His understanding and interpretation of the role is very accurate, and his control of the scene is just right, and the staff on the scene are amazed by his acting skills.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

After a strict selection process, Wang Baoqiang was finally selected by the crew of "Blind Well" and successfully joined the crew to start filming this movie. Although he is only a small role in the play, with his unremitting efforts, this role is interpreted almost perfectly, which greatly exceeds the expectations of the crew.

It was this outstanding performance that made Wang Baoqiang, who was still an unknown young actor at the time, famous in one fell swoop.

After that, Wang Baoqiang's performance in the crew was known as "diligent and humble", and he quickly won the recognition and love of his colleagues in the crew with his excellent performance. In just a few years, he has successfully become a star actor, attracting the love and expectation of a large number of fans.

What's even more surprising is that Wang Baoqiang's spirit of diligence and self-improvement has not only affected the entire industry in a short period of time, but also unconsciously inspired countless latecomers in the same industry.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

Originally from the countryside and a nobody, he successfully became a powerful superstar in the entertainment industry.

Unexpectedly, at that time, the status of the crew was almost the same, and watching Wang Baoqiang's hard work, many people were inspired to fight in their hearts and wanted to get better.

Some people eventually become film and television producers, some are admitted to universities for graduate school, and some have chosen other career directions, everyone is working hard to write their own destiny with their own hands.

Wang Baoqiang's experience is just like he was in the movie, step by step to the pinnacle of his life, and his success is applauded. This is not only the fame of an inspirational hero, but also the history of the common struggle of a generation.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

Just when Wang Baoqiang faintly became famous with "Blind Well", a new opportunity appeared in front of him. At that time, the hit TV series "Soldier Assault" was about to start filming, and the producer encountered difficulties in determining the actors for the main role of "Xu Sanduo" during the casting process.

When the director team was at a loss, the famous director Feng Xiaogang recommended Wang Baoqiang. Director Feng had already discovered Wang Baoqiang's strength and potential when filming "No Thieves in the World".

Therefore, he made a decision immediately and personally recommended this popular newcomer to the crew of "Soldier Assault".

Director Feng Xiaogang highly praised and greatly recognized Wang Baoqiang's acting skills. This is undoubtedly the greatest recognition of Wang Baoqiang's acting skills, and it is also a major breakthrough for Wang Baoqiang in the film industry.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

Feng Xiaogang's vision as a senior director is beyond doubt, and what he values is Wang Baoqiang's unique understanding and outstanding interpretation ability of the role.

Sure enough, Wang Baoqiang successfully won many rounds of interviews with the crew and won the opportunity to play the important role of "Xu Sanduo". He successfully interpreted this character with a distinct personality and full of personality, which made the whole series a sensation in one fell swoop.

With the wonderful performances in "Soldier Assault" and the crew's careful publicity strategy, the show quickly became popular as soon as it was broadcast, and both ratings and word-of-mouth soared. Wang Baoqiang also became a well-known screen idol as a result, which is undoubtedly an important turning point in his acting career and laid a solid foundation for his acting career.

Since then, Wang Baoqiang's acting career has continued to grow and develop, whether he participates in movies or TV series, he can get enthusiastic responses from the audience, and his works have become a big hit at the box office as soon as they are released.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

The audience generally believes that he is outstanding, handsome, and well-behaved, and he deserves to be an outstanding actor.

With his superb acting skills and humble and courteous attitude, Wang Baoqiang has won the recognition and praise of the audience. Among them, his deep friendship with his mentor Feng Xiaogang was highly praised.

During the filming of "No Thieves in the World", Wang Baoqiang found that Feng Xiaogang had a painful face due to long-term stomach problems. At first, he thought it was just overwork.

It wasn't until he had an intimate conversation with Director Feng that he learned that this was a stubborn illness accumulated by Director Feng after years of hard work.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

After learning about this, Wang Baoqiang felt an incomparable sense of gratitude in his heart. This master, whom he had never met, not only affirmed his ability, but also gave him great help and guidance on the road of life.

So on the occasion of the Spring Festival of the following year, Wang Baoqiang went to pay New Year's greetings with his love for his elders and a bag of organic millet from his hometown.

When he put the millet in the kitchen of Director Feng's house, Director Feng was a little confused and confused for a while. Wang Baoqiang smiled and explained: "Director Feng, you said before that you have an upset stomach, and it is said that millet has the effect of nourishing and nourishing the stomach, so I specially brought this bag of home-grown millet from my hometown, hoping to give you some nourishment."

Feng Xiaogang was deeply moved after hearing this. As a well-known director, of course, there is no shortage of flatterers around him. But an actor like Wang Baoqiang who is grateful and thoughtful, he has very few contacts.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

It was also from that moment that the director, who was far from Wang Baoqiang's age, began to sincerely like this humble and polite student.

In addition to being infinitely grateful to Director Feng, the sincere friendship between Wang Baoqiang and actress Liu Ruoying also makes people feel warm and inspired. The two met for the first time in the filming crew of "No Thieves in the World", one is the kind and gentle "grandmother" Liu Ruoying, and the other is the simple and honest "silly root" Wang Baoqiang.

In the long time together, they have established a deep friendship through continuous understanding and running-in.

Time flies, 19 years have passed, and although they have less contact, the deep affection for each other is as good as ever. As Liu Ruoying said, Wang Baoqiang gave her a red envelope of 666 yuan on her birthday, which has become a kind of perseverance between them.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

The friendship between the two has gone through the years and still shines with new brilliance.

Wang Baoqiang has become a first-line star from a rural guy, and the reason why he can achieve today's achievements is because he has always had a grateful heart.

It is Wang Baoqiang's character of never forgetting his original intention that makes him indomitable in the face of difficulties and never forget the crisis in comfort, so as to win the respect and love of everyone, and finally go to the peak of life.

In strong contrast to Wang Baoqiang's inspirational success story, is the bumpy journey of another Internet celebrity "Wang Baoqiang". With the same background and family background, Wang Baoqiang and Wang Baoqiao live in the same ordinary rural family, and the family's economic conditions are very difficult.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

After graduating from high school, Wang Baoqiao chose to work in a local electronics factory and lived a boring life. Although he also had the dream of making a lot of money to change his fate, he always couldn't find the right opportunity.

In this way, Wang Baoqiao embarked on the road of imitation. He first started with a classic scene of Wang Baoqiang in the movie "Thai Embarrassment", wearing a costume, imitating Wang Baoqiang's various exaggerated expressions and humorous actions on the top of the village mountain.

Soon after this video was released on the Internet, it immediately sparked a heated discussion among netizens, and everyone said that Wang Baoqiao's imitation was too similar.

After Wang Baoqiang's first attempt to imitate Wang Baoqiang's classic character, he became more and more addicted. He tried his best to emulate the appearance and tone of those characters on various occasions and topics, and each time he received enthusiastic applause and cheers from fans.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

He quickly amassed a loyal following online.

At this time, some entertainment media began to pay attention to the "imitation of Wang Baoqiang" that became popular on the Internet. They took the initiative to contact Wang Baoqiao, looking forward to interviewing him on the "road of imitation".

Wang Baowan was extremely excited in the face of such a major exposure opportunity, and began to have illusions about "getting rich overnight" in his heart.

Wang Baoqiang accidentally learned that Wang Baoqiao imitated himself, and he did not reject this behavior, but only told him not to abuse his popularity to make a profit.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

The reason why Wang Baoqiang has been able to go all the way and gain today's status and popularity is because he has always worked hard with his own strength and morality.

However, in the face of Wang Baoqiang's kind reminder, Wang Baoqiang was indifferent. Greed made him completely frenzy, and even began to target Wang Baoqiang's most hated ex-wife, Ma Rong.

In order to attract attention and traffic, Wang Baowan found a woman who resembled Ma Rong, and frequently staged "farces" in the live broadcast room, involving negative elements such as flesh and vulgarity.

What's worse is that they even used explicit statements such as "memory is the source of pain" to openly hype up the family scandal of Wang Baoqiang's divorce from his ex-wife.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

This kind of bottomless behavior made Wang Baoqiang and his fans extremely heartbroken and full of emotion. The momentum of public opinion has also begun to become huge, accusing Wang Baoweak of being a bloodsucking hype and harming celebrities without guilt; Not only did he lose the most basic work ethic, but he was also a morally corrupt person.

In the face of public opinion pressure, Wang Baowan began to be at a loss, hurriedly deleted the relevant video, and issued an apology statement online. But it was too late, his credibility in the hearts of the public had been completely lost, and the once sought-after status of "Internet celebrity" no longer existed.

Since then, he has been criticized by people in the online world, which has become a painful lesson in the "road of imitation".

In contrast, Wang Baoqiang is not only stable in his career, but also has won numerous praises in terms of character. This is undoubtedly a stark contrast between the successful and the loser, and makes us deeply realize the decisive role of spiritual strength in the success of a person's career.

Wang Baoqiang warned Wang Baoqiang: It's acceptable to imitate me, but don't participate in commercial performances under my name

With the right outlook on life and moral code, even ordinary people have the potential to become giants who lead the times; On the contrary, if you are deceived by greed and material desires, even if you are in the limelight for a while, you will eventually fall into the abyss from which you will never recover.

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