
The man wanted to kill the fat pig, and the fat pig dreamed in the middle of the night and said, "Wait until your wife is pregnant and then kill me."

author:It's hard in the world

Pig whispering in the middle of the night

In ancient times, there was a small village called Linxi, which was surrounded by mountains and rivers and had simple folk customs. There is a young man in the village named Ajie, who is hardworking and kind, and is a well-known good young man in the village. Applejack has a fat pig in her family, this pig is unusual, it is fat and strong, the coat is shiny, and it is very humane, and the people in the village say that this pig has spirituality.

This year, Applejack married Xiaocui, a woman from a neighboring village, and the two were in love and lived a harmonious and beautiful life. However, the good times did not last long, and the village was suddenly hit by a plague, and every household was affected. In order to make a living, Applejack decides to kill the fat pig in exchange for some silver taels to supplement the family and buy medicinal herbs for the villagers.

As Applejack sharpens his knife toward the fat pig, the pig seems to sense something, and his eyes are filled with fear and pleading. Applejack couldn't bear it, but she was relentless when she thought of her family's plight and the needs of the villagers. However, that same night, Applejack has a strange dream.

In the dream, he saw the fat pig, and the pig actually spoke, his voice low and sincere: "Ajie, you slow down, I have something to say." Applejack was stunned and saw the fat pig continue, "I know your family is in trouble, but please wait for my wife to get pregnant before killing me." When the time comes, I will repay you with great gifts and help you through this difficult time. ”

Applejack wakes up with suspicions. He remembered the pleading eyes of the fat pig and the words in his dreams, and his heart could not help but waver. Seeing that her husband's expression was different, Applejack told her about the scene in the dream. After hearing this, Xiaocui was also surprised, and after the two discussed, they decided to let go of the fat pig for the time being to see how things would develop.

As the days passed, Tsui's belly gradually bulged, and Applejack's family's life began to improve. However, the fat pig seemed to be getting thinner and thinner, and his coat color had lost its former shine. Applejack feels guilty, and is even more convinced that fat pigs are not ordinary.

One day, a wandering Taoist priest came to the village, and when he saw Applejack's fat pig, he frowned and said to Applejack, "This pig is extraordinary, it has profound cultivation. If you kill it, you will be damned. If you do good to it, it will reward you with great kindness. Applejack listens to this, and her thoughts are even stronger.

The man wanted to kill the fat pig, and the fat pig dreamed in the middle of the night and said, "Wait until your wife is pregnant and then kill me."

As Tsui's belly grows bigger, Applejack's fat pig gets weaker and weaker. Applejack is anxious and doesn't know what to do. At this time, the fat pig gave him a dream again and told him, "My cultivation is about to run out, and I can no longer maintain my human form. Please bury me in the mountains and forests behind the village, where there is abundant spiritual energy and will help me to practice. When I am successful in my cultivation, I will definitely come back to repay you for your kindness. ”

Applejack wakes up and buries the fat pig in the forest behind the village. After that day, Applejack's family's life gradually improved, and Cui gave birth to a healthy baby boy. After the birth of the baby boy, strange things often happen in the family: food increases for no reason, and gold and silver goods often appear in the house. The villagers say that this is a reward for Applejack's kindness to the fat pigs.

However, Applejack is always thinking about the fat pig. He often went alone in the mountains and forests, praying silently to the grave of the fat pig. Finally, one day, when Applejack returns to the forest, he is surprised to find a large tree with lush foliage growing in front of the grave, and the tree is full of golden fruits and exudes an alluring fragrance.

Applejack picks the fruit and takes it home. When Xiao Cui saw it, she exclaimed in surprise: "Isn't this the legendary spirit fruit?" Eating it can prolong life and enhance cultivation. Applejack realizes that the Fat Pig has turned into a tree, guarding him and his family.

Since then, Applejack's family has lived happily ever after. And the spiritual fruit tree has also become a wonder in the village, attracting countless people to pray for blessings. Applejack often tells stories about him and the fat pigs, warning them to be kind to living beings and respect nature.

And the fat pig, although incarnated as a tree, its spirit remains in Applejack's heart forever. In the dead of night, Applejack can still hear the low and sincere voice of the fat pig, whispering in her ear......

However, the story doesn't end there. Years later, Applejack's son grew up and inherited his father's kindness and hard work. One day, while hunting in the forest, he accidentally discovered a hidden cave. In the cave, there is a fat wild boar with its eyes closed, and its body is emitting a faint light.

The man wanted to kill the fat pig, and the fat pig dreamed in the middle of the night and said, "Wait until your wife is pregnant and then kill me."

Applejack's son is amazed, and he remembers the story his father had told him, and he suddenly understands something. He cautiously approached the boar and whispered, "Are you the fat pig that my father once raised?" ”

The boar slowly opened its eyes, and there was a gentle light in its eyes. It nodded, and said in a low, sincere voice, "Exactly. I practiced for many years, and I was finally able to take on human form. Thank you for your family's grace of not killing back then, so that I can continue to practice. ”

Applejack's son was overwhelmed with emotion. He bowed deeply to the boar and said, "I will pass on your story so that more people know the importance of being kind to living beings." ”

The wild boar smiled and nodded, and the light on his body gradually dissipated. It slowly stood up, its form blurring into a blur, and finally dissolved into a light breeze and disappeared into the cave. Applejack's son stood there, unable to recover for a long time, knowing that this was the last gift the Fat Pig had left him, and the highest praise for his father's good deeds.

When Applejack's son returns home, he tells his father what he has seen. Applejack's eyes flashed with tears as he sighed, "Good is rewarded, and evil is rewarded." We will be rewarded for our kindness to living beings. Since then, Applejack has strengthened her conviction and has always taught her children and grandchildren to be kind and respect nature.

And the story of the fat pig also spread in the village and became a good story to educate future generations. People emulate Applejack's good deeds and treat the creatures around her well, and life in the village becomes more harmonious and beautiful.

As the years go by, Applejack and his family live happily ever after. And the spirit fruit tree is still flourishing, guarding this beautiful little village. Whenever someone passes by, they stop to watch and feel the gift from nature.

The man wanted to kill the fat pig, and the fat pig dreamed in the middle of the night and said, "Wait until your wife is pregnant and then kill me."

In this way, a story about kindness to living beings and respect for nature has been passed down from generation to generation in the village, and has become a kind of faith and strength. It reminds people that true happiness and tranquility can only be achieved if they live in harmony with nature.

And the fat pig, although it has turned into a tree and turned into wind, its spirit will always remain in people's hearts. Its story will inspire generations of people to be kind to every living creature around them and cherish every gift of nature.

At this point, the story is nearing its end. However, that beautiful belief in kindness, respect, and harmony will be passed down forever and become a precious treasure of human civilization.

In the days to come, Applejack's family will continue to thrive, and the Spirit Fruit Tree will continue to flourish. Whenever the wind blows, the leaves rustle, as if telling the story of fat pigs, about kindness, about respect for nature. And every detail and emotion in that story will be deeply imprinted in the hearts of every listener with the passage of time, and become their strength to move forward.

And the fat pig, perhaps in another world, is smiling at all this. His act of kindness not only changed the fate of Applejack's family, but also made the entire village and the whole world feel the power of kindness and respect. This is the most valuable legacy it has left behind, and it is the most important lesson it wants to teach us.

Although the story is over, the beautiful belief in kindness, respect, and harmony will be passed on forever. As time passed, Applejack's family continued to thrive on the land, and the Spirit Fruit Tree became the patron saint of the family, thriving under its protection for each generation. The children of the village often play under the trees, while the elders like to chat in the shade and tell the old legends about the fat pig and Applejack.

However, with the changes of the times, the temptation of the outside world gradually eroded this originally peaceful village. Some people began to covet immediate profits, forgot the teachings of their ancestors, and began to cut down indiscriminately and destroy the ecological environment. The animals in the village began to be displaced, and the fruit trees were dying.

The man wanted to kill the fat pig, and the fat pig dreamed in the middle of the night and said, "Wait until your wife is pregnant and then kill me."

Applejack's grandson, Amin, is a bright and brave young man. He witnessed the changes in the village and was deeply worried. He often stood under the spirit fruit tree, gazing at the withered branches and leaves, silently reciting the teachings of his ancestors, hoping to find a way to save the village.

One day, while hunting in the mountains, Amin accidentally found an ancient altar. The altar is carved with some bizarre symbols that exude an aura of mystery. Amin's heart moved, he remembered the story that his grandfather had told about the fat pig, and a strong intuition surged in his heart, thinking that this altar might be related to the fat pig.

Amin decided to find out. Following the symbols on the altar, he began to look for clues. After days of hard work, he finally found a hidden cave deep in a dense forest. In the cave, there is a stone statue standing quietly, which is exactly the appearance of a fat pig.

Amin knelt in front of the stone statue and prayed sincerely. He recounted the plight of the village and prayed that the fat pigs would reappear and save their home. At this moment, the stone statue suddenly emitted a faint light, and a mysterious power poured out from the stone statue and poured into Ah Ming's body.

Amin suddenly felt a warm current flowing through his body, and his heart seemed to have been washed, becoming clear and bright. He opened his eyes and saw that the scene in the cave had changed drastically. The originally dark and damp cave is now bright and spacious, and the air is filled with a fresh breath.

In the depths of the cave, Amin saw a fat boar, which was lying there quietly, emitting a soft glow. Ah Ming knew that this was the legendary fat pig, which had turned into a god who guarded the land.

The fat pig slowly opened his eyes and looked at Ah Ming, his eyes shining with a gentle light. It opened its mouth and said, "O Amin, I am touched by your sincerity and kindness. I am willing to step in again and help you save this land. ”

As he spoke, the fat pig plucked a hair from his body and handed it to Amin. It said, "This hair contains my power, you bring it back to the village and plant it next to the Spirit Fruit Tree." It will help the Spirit Fruit Tree to come back to life, while also protecting the creatures in the village from harm. ”

The man wanted to kill the fat pig, and the fat pig dreamed in the middle of the night and said, "Wait until your wife is pregnant and then kill me."

Amin took the hair, his heart full of gratitude. He said goodbye to the fat pig and returned to the village with his fur. He did as the fat pig had instructed him to plant his hair next to the fruit tree. Soon after, the Lingguo tree was revitalized, and the environment in the village gradually improved.

Amin told the villagers the story and experience of the fat pig, and they were deeply ashamed and remorseful. They have expressed their desire to re-follow the teachings of their ancestors, be kind to living beings, and respect nature. Life in the village has once again returned to harmony and beauty.

And the fat pig often meets Amin in his dreams, encouraging him to continue to protect this land and homeland. Amin is also determined to pass on the story of the fat pig and let more people know the importance of being kind to living beings and respecting nature.

At this point, the story has come to a successful end. But that beautiful belief in kindness, respect, and harmony will always be engraved in people's hearts and inspire them to keep moving forward. And that fat pig will always remain in people's memories and become an eternal legend.