
In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

author:Nickelodeon Institute
In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

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In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

In the women's singles final of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, tension and passion filled the air. 30-year-old Wang Nan stood in front of the table, her eyes full of determination.

Facing her old rival, Zhang Yining in peak form. In the stands, Guo Bin clenched his fists and stared at the arena. His heart rises and falls with each ball.

After the start of the competition, the two world-class players competed fiercely. Every time Wang Nan serves and returns, it contains years of accumulated skills and experience.

Her movements are clean and neat, with the calm and wisdom of a veteran. In contrast, Zhang Yining's form is even better, and her attack is full of strength and precision, which puts huge pressure on Wang Nan.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

Guo Bin couldn't help but stand up at every critical moment of the game, his clothes were soaked with sweat, and the expression on his face was even more nervous than Wang Nan on the field.

Every time Wang Nan scored, Guo Bin would erupt in deafening cheers, as if he was in the middle of the game.

In the end, Zhang Yining successfully defeated Wang Nan in his peak state and successfully defended the gold medal. Although he failed to win the gold medal, this silver medal is also extremely precious to Wang Nan.

After suffering from cancer three years ago, she went through a difficult recovery process and finally returned to the ring, but all this hardship turned into tears in her eyes.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

When Wang Nan walked to the stands, Guo Bin hurried up to greet him. He gently wiped the tears from his wife's face, his eyes full of love and pride. He handed Wang Nan a bright five-star red flag, and the two unfurled the national flag hand in hand, and under the flashing light, the happiness and pride of this moment were frozen.

This scene not only witnessed Wang Nan's brilliant curtain call as an athlete, but also showed a moving picture of a husband and wife working together to overcome difficulties and support each other. Wang Nan's silver medal is not only an athletic achievement, but also a proof that she has overcome her illness and returned to the top.

It is worth mentioning that for the first time, the Olympic Games set up men's and women's team events. The heroines Wang Nan, Zhang Yining, and Guo Yue joined forces to win a valuable gold medal for the Chinese delegation.

This gold medal in the team competition drew a successful end to Wang Nan's career.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

After the race, Wang Nan said in an interview: "Being able to return to the Olympic arena again is already the biggest victory for me. I am very grateful to my husband, Guo Bin, who has always supported me and encouraged me.

Without him, I would have given up a long time ago.

Listening to his wife's words, Guo Bin's eyes flashed with tears, and he knew how much effort and sweat Wang Nan had put in for this moment. From recovering from cancer to returning to competition to standing on the Olympic podium, the couple has been instrumental in every step of the way.

This match is not only the pinnacle of Wang Nan's career, but also an important piece of the puzzle in her love story with Guo Bin. They are a testament to the power of love, the ability to overcome any challenge, and the resilience of an athlete.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

The story of Wang Nan and Guo Bin will forever be remembered in the history of Chinese table tennis as a good story to inspire future generations.

The year 2005 was undoubtedly a turning point in Wang Nan's fate. This year, she suffered a major setback in her career at the World Table Tennis Championships in Shanghai. She has won the women's singles championship at the World Table Tennis Championships three times in a row, but she unexpectedly lost to South Korea's rising star Moon Hyun-jung in the third round.

This failure not only shocked the global audience, but also caused Wang Nan to suffer a huge psychological impact.

Just as Wang Nan adjusted his state and was about to start again, a more serious blow quietly came. During training, I often feel dizzy.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

At first, she didn't pay attention to it, thinking it was just ordinary fatigue, but her symptoms continued to worsen and she finally had to go to the hospital.

The doctor's diagnosis was like a bolt from the blue – thyroid cancer. This sudden bad news made 27-year-old Wang Nan difficult to accept for a while. She used to be the world's No. 1 table tennis player and the pride of countless fans, but now, she has to face the biggest challenge of her life.

However, at this difficult moment, Guo Bin's firm companionship was like a warm beam of sunshine, illuminating the darkness in Wang Nan's heart. In just 46 days before Wang Nan's diagnosis, they had officially entered the marriage hall.

Faced with his wife's illness, Guo Bin chose to stay with her without hesitation.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

Before the operation, Wang Nan's parents were full of deep apologies to Guo Bin, and they said: "If we had known that this would be the case, we should not have let you get your marriage certificate in the first place, but it has added a lot of burden to you." ”

However, Guo Bin replied firmly: "Please rest assured, I believe that we will overcome the disease, and as her husband, I will do everything I can to take care of her."

And if I had known earlier that she was sick, I would have married her earlier.

This passage deeply touched Wang Nan's parents, and at the same time gave Wang Nan endless courage and strength. In the days to come, Wang Nan underwent three surgeries and a long recovery period.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

During these difficult days, Guo Bin always accompanied her and took care of her daily life.

In order to regain his wife's happiness, Guo Bin often tells her humorous stories, shares with her his anecdotes in the business field, and even reminisces with her about the good times of their relationship.

His efforts filled the ward with laughter and injected positive energy into Wang Nan's recovery.

During that time, Wang Nan's parents were also in a heavy mood. Guo Bin not only takes good care of his wife, but also arranges the daily chores for his father-in-law and mother-in-law, so that they don't need to worry too much, just enjoy food and sleep with peace of mind.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

He always said to the second elder: "Nan Nan's health is my responsibility, although the two elders can rest assured, don't worry too much." "

With his strong physique as an athlete and Guo Bin's meticulous care, Wang Nan showed an astonishing speed in the recovery process after cancer surgery, far exceeding the expectations of ordinary people.

When she got the discharge permit, Guo Bin was so excited that she cried like a child. Wang Nan comforted him gently on the side.

During his recovery, Wang Nan deeply realized the preciousness of life. In an interview, she lamented: "Before I got sick, I always thought that everything should belong to me and that I needed more wealth and power.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

However, after I recovered, I just wanted to get back on my feet, complete my daily chores independently, and have my loved one by my side, which was the happiest moment of my life.

This experience made Wang Nan cherish the value of life even more, and at the same time made her relationship with Guo Bin stronger and stronger. In difficult moments, the love between them is sublimated and becomes a powerful energy for them to face life's challenges together.

Although cancer has brought a huge blow to Wang Nan's career, it has also allowed her to harvest something more precious - sincere love and a new understanding of life.

This turning point changed Wang Nan's life, and at the same time witnessed a sincere love that transcended life and death.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

It needs to be traced back to 2001, Guo Bin and Wang Nan officially met for the first time in a domestic league, and this encounter became the starting point of their life trajectories.

At that time, Guo Bin was already a well-known real estate developer in Weihai, just past the age of his establishment, his career had just started, and after some hard work, he finally completed the original accumulation of wealth.

In the circle of friends, he is nicknamed the "black boss". The title stems from his dark complexion, slender eyes, and honest smile, as well as his decisive and open-minded personality.

Guo Bin doesn't know much about table tennis, even Wang Nan, who has long been famous, he doesn't know much.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

Born in Fushun, Liaoning Province in 1978, Wang Nan has become the world's No. 1 table tennis player at the age of 23. She began her career at the age of 16.

In just three years, Wang Nan reached the top of the women's table tennis world ranking with her outstanding performance. She is the second female player to win the "Grand Slam" award after Deng Yaping, and won the Olympic Games, the World Table Tennis Championships and the World Cup three women's singles championships at the same time.

In 2001, Wang Nan won the women's singles, women's doubles and women's team championships at the World Table Tennis Championships, and the "Wang Nan era" officially opened. It was also in this year that Guo Bin saw Wang Nan for the first time on the TV screen.

The China Table Tennis League is sponsored by Luneng Group and held in Shandong. As the league entered the second stage, the country's first club named after a county-level administrative division was founded by Guo Bin in Shandong, which was a bold attempt to reform the domestic table tennis league.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

On the field, Guo Bin was attracted by Wang Nan's unique temperament. The courage and domineering she showed on the field were admirable. However, when he saw Wang Nan in person, he found that she was more like a slightly shy Northeast girl.

This contrast deeply touched Guo Bin's heart.

However, Guo Bin didn't know Wang Nan's name at that time, and he didn't wake up from a dream until a friend introduced him. This introduction made him understand that this beautiful woman was already an Olympic gold medalist, a Grand Slam player and the captain of the Chinese women's table tennis team.

Guo Bin is an enthusiastic person, he took the initiative to open his heart to Wang Nan and actively exchanged contact information. Since then, Guo Bin has embarked on a journey that has lasted for more than two years.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

He kept in touch with Wang Nan very frequently, looking for every opportunity to meet her.

However, Wang Nan has always had reservations about Guo Bin's pursuit. Especially because Guo Bin's reputation as a "black boss" is well-known, which makes her have some worries in her heart. In order to reassure Wang Nan, Guo Bin even spontaneously quit cigarettes.

In front of her, Guo Bin would never smoke to avoid leaving a bad impression in Wang Nan's heart.

The charm exuded by Guo Bin's sincerity and perseverance finally rekindled Wang Nan's heart. In getting along day after day, Wang Nan gradually admired his sincerity, and the relationship between the two became increasingly hot.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

This fate, which originated at the table tennis table, was finally sublimated into a sincere love that spanned the sports and business worlds.

This encounter not only completely changed the life trajectory of Guo Bin and Wang Nan, but also created a beautiful story for the Chinese sports world. It proves that love can transcend the boundaries of a profession and that with sincerity and persistence, it will surely pay off in the end.

Wang Nan's career is like a novel full of ups and downs, full of legends. Born in Fushun, Liaoning Province in 1978, she embarked on the journey of professional table tennis at the age of 16.

With outstanding talent and hard training, Wang Nan has risen to the top of the world rankings in just three years, showing extraordinary strength and great potential.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

At the peak of Wang Nan's career, she was the second female player to win the "Grand Slam" award after Deng Yaping, and won the Olympic Games, the World Table Tennis Championships and the World Cup Women's Singles Championships, becoming the pride of the whole country.

2001 was a glorious moment in Wang Nan's career, and at the World Table Tennis Championships that year, she won the women's singles, women's doubles and women's team championships, officially opening the prelude to the "Wang Nan era".

She's a well-rounded player with both skills and defense, and is especially known for her backhand fast-break. In that era, she became one of the best female table tennis players.

However, the 2004 Athens Olympics became an important turning point in Wang Nan's career. In the quarter-finals, she was unexpectedly defeated by Singapore's Lee Jia Wei and failed to defend her Olympic title.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

This defeat not only shocked audiences around the world, but also brought a huge psychological blow to Wang Nan.

Then in the 2005 Shanghai World Table Tennis Championships, Wang Nan suffered another blow. She has won the women's singles title at the World Table Tennis Championships three times in a row, but this time she lost to South Korea's rising star Moon Hyun-jung in the third round.

After the game, Lu Yuansheng, head coach of the women's Chinese table tennis team, said that Wang Nan knew very little about the player before the game, "We did not adjust the opponent's playing style accordingly."

Wang Nan experienced a series of defeats in 2006 and his career entered a low point. Her technique has reached its peak, but at the age of 27, her explosiveness and stamina are already showing signs of slipping.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

However, at this time, Zhang Yining, who is three years younger than her, is rising rapidly, and the younger Guo Yue, Niu Jianfeng, Guo Yan and others are gradually showing strong strength. In the competition with these young players, Wang Nan gradually lost his dominant position.

Just as Wang Nan was going all out to adjust her state and prepare to start over, fate played a cruel joke on her. In 2005, she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

The bad news left Wang Nan's career prospects murky.

However, it was at this difficult time that Guo Bin's support became the biggest motivation for Wang Nan to return to the game. With her husband's encouragement and companionship, Wang Nan boldly went for treatment and returned to hard training after recovery.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

With unwavering perseverance and mental strength, Wang Nan got back on his feet on the field. Ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, she managed to move up to second in the women's singles world rankings, just behind Zhang Yining.

For this veteran, who is about to turn 30 years old, you can imagine how hard she has worked behind her.

The 2008 Beijing Olympics was the last stop of Wang Nan's career. Although she failed to defeat Zhang Yining in the women's singles final, she still stood on the podium as a runner-up.

Not only that, but she also worked together with Zhang Yining and Guo Yue to help the Chinese women's team win the women's team gold medal.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

This silver medal and gold medal drew a perfect end to Wang Nan's brilliant 14-year career. Wang Nan's career has gone through the stages of world No. 1, setbacks, fighting cancer and returning to the top, and her tenacity and indomitable spirit are a profound expression of what an athlete should be.

Her legendary experience is not only personal, but also a microcosm of the development of Chinese table tennis, giving inspiration and inspiration to countless future generations.

On September 27, 2008, a romantic wedding was held on a luxury yacht in the waters of Yantai, Shandong Province. On this day, table tennis player Wang Nan and entrepreneur Guo Bin officially entered the palace of marriage under the witness of relatives and friends.

Han Qiaosheng, as a famous host of CCTV, used his solemnity to bring more happiness to this gorgeous and warm wedding scene.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

Wang Nan's friend, Japanese table tennis star Ai Fukuhara, attended the wedding as Wang Nan's bridesmaid. They have been friends for many years, having been trained in China, and they are like sisters.

Liu Guoliang, Kong Linghui and Ma Lin of the men's team, Zhang Yining and Guo Yue of the women's team, and the coaches of the Chinese table tennis team were all present.

Their arrival is not only a good blessing to the couple, but also shows the strong atmosphere of the table tennis family.

At the wedding, Wang Nan showed unprecedented ease, her face was full of happiness, and she held Guo Bin's arm tightly and walked into the wedding hall.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

At this moment, she is no longer the athlete who fights the field, but a happy bride.

On September 23, 2010, Wang Nan gave birth to a baby boy in a private hospital in Beijing, and Guo Bin excitedly announced the good news on social platforms. He said that Wang Nan is currently in good health, mother and child are safe, and thank you for your concern.

The arrival of this little life brought more joy to their family.

A few years later, Wang Nan and Guo Bin welcomed a lovely daughter, who is now 6 years old and began to learn table tennis under the guidance of her mother. They are very pleased with the healthy growth of a son and a daughter.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

With Wang Nan's own athletic talent and skills, she is constantly passing on to her daughter. This gives us reason to expect that in the near future, we may see her daughter make her mark in table tennis as the next high-profile table tennis player.

Every time he trains with a smile, Guo Bin always has a smile on his face and uses his mobile phone to record every wonderful moment of his daughter. At the age of more than half a hundred, his enthusiasm for his daughter to learn table tennis has not diminished at all, and whenever he has free time, he will go to watch her training process.

Guo Bin often shares the details of his family life on social media, recording the happy times of their family. In a video, he wrote affectionately: "I deeply envy the children who can enjoy such great maternal love.

This man, who was misunderstood as the "big brother of society", has now become a gentle husband and loving father, and he explains the warmth of the family with practical actions.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

He and Wang Nan created a loving family together, so that the table tennis girl who once galloped on the field found another wonderful moment in life.

After the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Wang Nan chose to retire, and her career lasted 14 years. After retiring, Wang Nan decided to focus more on his family.

Together with Guo Bin, she runs a happy little family and is always committed to giving back to the society.

For Wang Nan, life after retirement has given her more time to think about the meaning of life. The honors and achievements that were once pursued on the field have now been transformed into cherishing the family and loving life.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

She mentioned in an interview: "Nowadays, I know how to value the people and things around me more, especially the company of my family. "

When it comes to Wang Nan, Guo Bin is always full of affection: "Nan Nan's shortcomings are like stars, but her advantages are as bright as the sun." However, when the sun rises, all the stars will be eclipsed, leaving only the dazzling sun. "

These words not only fully demonstrated Guo Bin's deep love for his wife, but also fully reflected their sweet and happy life.

In an interview, Wang Nan said that she was very grateful to her husband for his companionship and support over the years. "He was able to solve all kinds of problems in life," she mentions. This sentence reveals the important position of Guo Bin in her life, whether it is at a low point in her career or in the difficult period of fighting cancer, Guo Bin has always been her strongest backing.

In 08, the national table tennis girl Wang Nan married a real estate tycoon, and her husband did not abandon her after suffering from cancer, how is she doing now?

Today, Wang Nan and Guo Bin face every challenge in life together and work hand in hand. Their story is not only a romantic legend that spans the table tennis table, but also a moving chapter about mutual support and sharing weal and woe.

Wang Nan has transformed from a table tennis woman to a happy wife and mother, and her life experience tells us that sincere love and a happy family are the most precious treasures in life.

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