
Nen Whistle Rentong, surpassed Ma Ning in the first battle, blatant Baohu Port, and directly won the harbor championship

author:Xiao Shuo said something
Nen Whistle Rentong, surpassed Ma Ning in the first battle, blatant Baohu Port, and directly won the harbor championship

In a recent high-profile rematch in Chinese football, the matchup between Meizhou Hakka and Shanghai Port has become the focus of attention of many fans and media. It's not just a football game, it's more like a drama full of suspense and controversy.

Nen Whistle Rentong, surpassed Ma Ning in the first battle, blatant Baohu Port, and directly won the harbor championship

The smell of gunpowder in the game was strong from the start. Meizhou Hakka showed their quality with their tight defense and sharp counter-attacks, and if it weren't for the team's striker Conrad's poor shooting today, Meizhou might have taken the lead early. However, just when everyone thought the match would continue in a technical and tactical battle between the two sides, a controversy suddenly erupted on the field.

Nen Whistle Rentong, surpassed Ma Ning in the first battle, blatant Baohu Port, and directly won the harbor championship

A series of penalties from referee Ren Tong became the turning point of the game, and it can even be said that his whistle almost changed the outcome of the game. For example, in the game, Ren Tong canceled two goals from Meizhou Hakka, of which Chen Zhechao's goal was blown away because of a highly controversial offside decision. At the critical moment, an obvious handball action of the Harbour team's Zitatini was ignored by Ren Tong, and his decision in this game seemed to completely ignore the assistance of technical means, such as video replay.

Nen Whistle Rentong, surpassed Ma Ning in the first battle, blatant Baohu Port, and directly won the harbor championship

What's even more astonishing is that in a wonderful counterattack by Meizhou Hakka, Ye Chugui was given a red card by Ren Tong for a controversial foul, although later under fierce protests, he checked the replay and changed the verdict, but such refereeing behavior has seriously affected the fairness of the game.

And the most ironic scene is that at the end of the game, Chen Zhechao's exquisite kick of the world wave should have been the highlight of the game, but it was once again blown away by Ren Tong on the grounds of offside. This blatant and continuous misjudgment makes one wonder what the refereeing standard of this match is.

Nen Whistle Rentong, surpassed Ma Ning in the first battle, blatant Baohu Port, and directly won the harbor championship

Spectators and fans alike can't help but ask, how can such a quality of referees carry the future of Chinese football? If the outcome of a match can be dictated by such arbitrary penalties, then where is the fundamental justice of competitive sport?

The Chinese Football Association needs to seriously reflect on whether the Champions Cup should be awarded directly without a match to decide the winner. Behind this half-joking proposal, it reflects the dissatisfaction and concern of the majority of fans about the current level of Chinese football referees.

Nen Whistle Rentong, surpassed Ma Ning in the first battle, blatant Baohu Port, and directly won the harbor championship

In short, this game is not only an ordinary football game, but also a big test of the Chinese football refereeing system. From the quality of the game to the standards of the referees, from the performance of the players to the application of technology, all of these should be the focus of our reflection and discussion.

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