
It is the "first melon to dispel dampness" in summer, to dispel dampness and hydrate, the more you eat your face, the smaller it is, and you will lose a lot if you don't understand

author:Eat deep wishes

With the summer heat wave hitting, it's simply so important to find a food that will quench your thirst and bring a cooling sensation. At this time, winter melon came into being and became a superstar in summer! This big green baby is not only well hydrated, but almost synonymous with summer heat. But there's more to it than that, it's a true health assistant – from removing excess moisture from the body to providing plenty of moisture.

It is the "first melon to dispel dampness" in summer, to dispel dampness and hydrate, the more you eat your face, the smaller it is, and you will lose a lot if you don't understand

What's more interesting is that winter melon also has a very attractive feature: eating winter melon often can help "slim the face". Yes, you heard it right! Because winter melon is low in calories and diuretic, long-term consumption can help reduce edema on the face and body, making your face shape look more refined. In addition, winter melon also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, which can promote intestinal health and enhance the body's ability to repair itself, so that you can have an active life in the summer.

It is the "first melon to dispel dampness" in summer, to dispel dampness and hydrate, the more you eat your face, the smaller it is, and you will lose a lot if you don't understand

Now, I'm going to share four simple and delicious recipes that contain winter melon that are not only easy to prepare, but will also make you feel the magic of winter melon in all directions. From refreshing soups to nourishing entrées, winter melon has a great deal to offer in a variety of flavors.

Recommended recipe 1: Winter melon pork rib soup

It is the "first melon to dispel dampness" in summer, to dispel dampness and hydrate, the more you eat your face, the smaller it is, and you will lose a lot if you don't understand

Winter melon pork rib soup is an ideal cool dish for summer, not only delicious, but also has high nutritional value. Winter melon contains a lot of water and is rich in vitamin C, which is perfect for clearing away heat and helping the body remove excess moisture. Pork ribs provide high-quality protein and essential minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which are important elements for maintaining bone health and boosting metabolism.

Main ingredients: winter melon, pork ribs, ginger slices, salt

Here's how:

It is the "first melon to dispel dampness" in summer, to dispel dampness and hydrate, the more you eat your face, the smaller it is, and you will lose a lot if you don't understand

Wash the ribs and cut them into pieces, blanch them with boiling water to remove the blood.

Peel and cut the winter melon into cubes.

Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, add the blanched pork ribs and winter melon pieces, and add a few slices of ginger.

Bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer until the pork ribs are cooked through, and the winter melon is transparent.

Add salt to taste and simmer until flavorful enough.

Recommended recipe 2: Stuffed winter melon

It is the "first melon to dispel dampness" in summer, to dispel dampness and hydrate, the more you eat your face, the smaller it is, and you will lose a lot if you don't understand

Stuffed winter melon is a dish that is both visual and tasteful, and its high fiber and low calorie properties make it an ideal choice during weight loss. Not only does it add satiety, but it also adds protein and iron, which helps maintain the body's energy levels and muscle health.

Main ingredients: winter melon, minced pork, mushrooms, salt, soy sauce

Here's how:

It is the "first melon to dispel dampness" in summer, to dispel dampness and hydrate, the more you eat your face, the smaller it is, and you will lose a lot if you don't understand

Peel the melon and hollow out the middle part.

Mix the minced pork, chopped mushrooms, salt and soy sauce.

Fill the winter melon with the mixed meat filling.

Put it in a steamer and steam over high heat for about 20 minutes.

Before cooking, you can sprinkle chopped green onions to increase the flavor.

Recommended recipe 3: Stir-fry winter melon and shrimp

It is the "first melon to dispel dampness" in summer, to dispel dampness and hydrate, the more you eat your face, the smaller it is, and you will lose a lot if you don't understand

Stir-fried winter melon and shrimp is a nutritious summer dish that combines the freshness of winter melon with the umami of shrimp. Shrimp is rich in high-quality protein and important omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to heart and brain health. Winter melon is low in calories and rich in vitamins, which can effectively promote digestion and diuresis, while providing the body with necessary water.

Main ingredients: winter melon, shrimp, minced garlic, salt, vegetable oil

Here's how:

It is the "first melon to dispel dampness" in summer, to dispel dampness and hydrate, the more you eat your face, the smaller it is, and you will lose a lot if you don't understand

Peel and slice the winter melon.

Wash the shrimp and remove the shrimp line.

Add oil to a hot pan, add minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant.

Add the shrimp and stir-fry quickly until it changes color, then add the winter melon slices.

Season with salt and stir-fry quickly until the melon is tender.

Recommended recipe 4: winter melon and tofu soup

It is the "first melon to dispel dampness" in summer, to dispel dampness and hydrate, the more you eat your face, the smaller it is, and you will lose a lot if you don't understand

Winter melon and tofu soup is an ideal summer cold dish, providing a rich source of plant-based protein and vitamins. Tofu is a good source of protein, and at the same time low fat and low calorie, cooking with winter melon can not only clear away heat and fire, but also strengthen the body's immunity.

Main ingredients: winter melon, tofu, green garlic, salt, chicken essence

Here's how:

It is the "first melon to dispel dampness" in summer, to dispel dampness and hydrate, the more you eat your face, the smaller it is, and you will lose a lot if you don't understand

Peel and cut the winter melon into cubes, and cut the tofu into small pieces.

Add water to a pot and bring to a boil, then add the winter melon and tofu.

Cook until the melon is transparent and the tofu is cooked through.

Add the chopped green garlic and add salt and chicken essence to enhance the flavor.

Boil for a few minutes and come out of the pan.

It is the "first melon to dispel dampness" in summer, to dispel dampness and hydrate, the more you eat your face, the smaller it is, and you will lose a lot if you don't understand

These are a few simple and delicious winter melon recipes that will not only help you stay cool during the hot summer months, but also add variety to your healthy diet. This summer, add these winter melon dishes to your menu to enjoy healthy and delicious foods while bringing a refreshing moisturizer to your body.