
"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

author:Science on the past and the present
"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?
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In 2015, Zhang Yi had an unforgettable night, and on that day, he won the Best Actor award for his superb acting skills. Amid thunderous applause, a butterfly quietly landed on him, as if conveying some kind of message to him.

Zhang Yi's eyes moistened at that moment.

Time seems to travel back to the 1990s, and the flower-like girl in the depths of my memory resurfaces in front of me. At that time, Zhang Yi was still an ordinary student and fell in love with a beautiful girl in his class.

However, due to the huge disparity in their family backgrounds, the girls' parents were adamantly opposed to their association.

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

Faced with her parents' obstruction, the girl finally chose to compromise. On the day they broke up, Zhang Yi knelt in front of the girl in despair and begged her not to leave him with tears in his eyes.

However, the girl turned away ruthlessly, leaving Zhang Yi alone to cry bitterly on the spot.

Ten years later, Zhang Yi heard the news of her broken up lover, but in a sad way - in 2004, she was tragically vegetative in a car accident.

After learning the news, Zhang Yi was so sad that he put down all the work at hand and guarded her bedside day and night, and for ten years, he took care of her inch by inch.

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

In 2014, Zhang Yi's lover closed his eyes forever. He was filming in France, and he couldn't get out, and he couldn't even see her for the last time.

Since then, Zhang Yi has often stood alone in the ward, staring at the bed on which she had been lying before her death, tears welling up.

At this moment, a butterfly flew over and gently stopped on Zhang Yi's shoulder. At that moment, Zhang Yi seemed to hear the whispers of his former lover and saw her gentle smile.

That beautiful girl left a deep imprint on Zhang Yi's heart and became an indelible memory of his life.

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

He stroked the butterfly's wings, his eyes moistened again. He knew that this was a blessing from his former lover in the spirit of heaven. Although the two have been separated by yin and yang, that unforgettable love has long been eternal and deeply rooted in their lives.

That night, Zhang Yi raised the trophy in his hand amid the blessings of thousands of spectators. However, no one knew that at this moment, deep in his heart, what he missed was the eternal person.

The butterfly that rested on his shoulder, like the embodiment of his former lover, silently watched over him and blessed him in the distant sky.

A rainy day in 2006 changed Zhang Yi's fate. It was already late at night when he finished recording the show on TV. A sudden rain left him unprepared, with no umbrella and no money in his pocket to take a taxi home.

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

Just when he was confused and at a loss, a beautiful hostess with an umbrella appeared in front of him, she was Qian Linlin.

With the help of Qian Linlin, Zhang Yi finally got rid of the wet embarrassment. Seeing all this, Qian Linlin, who didn't say a word, handed him her umbrella, and Zhang Yi was moved by her kindness.

The next day, he specially bought a hot Yangchun noodle and found a TV station to find Qian Linlin, wanting to express his gratitude in person.

The love story between the two originated from a bowl of noodles, and Zhang Yi began to appear frequently in Qian Linlin's life. With sincerity and responsibility, he melted her heart with little by little actions.

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

However, the relationship between the lovers was not accepted by relatives and friends, because Qian Linlin was six years older than Zhang Yi and had a child, and Zhang Yi was just an unknown actor at the time.

In the face of doubts and difficulties, Zhang Yi did not flinch. He proved with his actions that true love has nothing to do with age, identity and past. He took meticulous care of Qian Linlin's children and gave her a solid arm when she was most helpless.

With his sincerity and hard work, he moved Qian Linlin step by step, and also made all the opposing voices speechless.

In 2007, Zhang Yi and Qian Linlin held a simple and warm wedding in the rental house, and did not hold a grand wedding. They ate home-cooked food made by Zhang Yi and enjoyed a simple and happy moment.

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

At that moment, the hearts of the two people were overflowing with happy smiles, and they deeply understood that finding each other was the greatest luck in their lives.

After marriage, Zhang Yi's career flourished, and he starred in popular and popular works such as "Soldier Assault" and "My Regiment Leader, My Regiment", so he became famous.

As for Qian Linlin, she resolutely gave up her job as a host and chose to become Zhang Yi's full-time agent. In her own way, she went all out to support her husband's career and move forward hand in hand with him.

In an interview many years later, when asked about the love story of Zhang Yi and Qian Linlin, Zhang Yi sighed deeply: "Our love started on a rainy day, and that umbrella became a witness to our love."

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

For so many years, no matter how difficult life is, as long as I have her by my side, I am not afraid of anything. Qian Linlin smiled and said, "He is my umbrella and my reliance."

Because of his presence, I can walk through every moment without fear.

Two ordinary people, because of a chance encounter, have gone through many hardships and hardships together. In the most prosaic way, they interpret the real mutual support until the day of the white head.

That rainy day became the most beautiful memory of their lives.

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

In the bustling entertainment industry, Zhang Yi has always maintained a sincere heart. Despite fame and fortune, he still sticks to himself and doesn't pursue those quick utilitarian reality shows.

He understands that the actor's duty is to speak with his work, not rely on lace news to attract attention.

Zhang Yi insisted on "disappearing" even in the days when no new works were released, in order to maintain his original intention, and refused to do things that went against his original intention for the sake of exposure. He often reads the script alone and thinks deeply about the inner world of each character.

He is convinced that only through continuous accumulation and precipitation can he show the most authentic and moving performance in front of the camera.

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

This persistence stems from Zhang Yi's love and pursuit of acting, he believes that every role should be performed with life, and he is willing to give everything in order to better interpret the role.

At the filming site of the movie "One Second", in order to show the character's hunger, Zhang Yi ate more than a dozen bowls of noodles at one time. The crew is all responsible for him

During the filming of "Operation Red Sea", Zhang Yi was running in the heat and strong wind, and accidentally injured his ankle. The severe pain made him almost unable to stand, but he still managed to complete all the action scenes.

The director couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw this scene, he knew that Zhang Yi was using his body to interpret the bloody nature and responsibility of soldiers.

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

On the filming site of "The Climber", due to the high altitude of 6,000 meters, most of the actors and crew suffered from altitude sickness to varying degrees in the cold and hypoxic environment.

However, Zhang Yi behaved with ease. In order to better integrate into the role, he started altitude training a few months in advance, and even during the official filming, he still insisted on hiking ten kilometers a day, using the most realistic state to interpret the indomitable and courage of a climber.

It is with this perseverance and perseverance to surpass himself that Zhang Yi unremittingly pursues excellent character interpretation, which makes the audience deeply moved and shocked in front of the screen. What the audience sees is not only the vivid and vivid characters, but also the actors' incomparable love and pursuit of their careers.

However, for Zhang Yi, he believes that all the efforts are worth it. He often said: "I am an actor, and my mission is to use my performance to move the audience and convey emotions."

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

If one day I stop being excited and yearning for acting, then I am not a real actor.

He is the actor Zhang Yi, a person who regards acting as his life, and a performer who acts with his soul. He used his practical actions to show the meaning of "not forgetting the original intention" and "being sincere all the way".

He told everyone that in order to become an excellent actor, in addition to talent and opportunities, more importantly, you need an indelible pure heart.

In the colorful dye vat of the entertainment industry, Zhang Yi shines like a clear stream, and he shows a unique light with his firm dedication and persistence in performance. He used his own unique way to slap those illusory "star dreams" hard, so that people can see that as an actor, you first need to be sincere and have faith.

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

In Zhang Yi's growth process, he used his own experience to show us the true meaning of "not forgetting the original intention and forging ahead".

In 1982, at the age of seven, Zhang Yi and his parents went to Harbin's Sun Island to play. Originally, they had already bought a ticket, but Zhang Yi temporarily decided to go to the zoo to see the giant monkeys, so he missed the boat.

Surprisingly, this impromptu decision saved the lives of their entire family. That ship was the same boat that capsized on August 18, and none of the 172 passengers survived.

The favor of fate made Zhang Yi regarded as a "lucky star" by everyone. However, this "luck" did not always accompany him. Since then, misfortune and bad luck have gone hand in hand, and people have even begun to ridicule him as "unlucky" and "unlucky".

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

However, Zhang Yi did not give up on himself because of this, he always insisted on his dream of being an actor, and never gave up even in the most difficult moments. During his service in the army, due to various reasons, he never got the opportunity to star.

He came to Beijing on his own after changing jobs, but suffered a five-year period of unemployment.

During that time, Zhang Yi worked day and night, but he never got a decent role. Countless encounters and failures made him deeply confused about the future.

The opportunity finally came to him, and in 2006, he was fortunate enough to play the role of "Shi Jin" in "Soldier Assault". For this role, he bravely left his military career and devoted himself to filming.

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

With his outstanding performance, he successfully jumped from an unknown young actor to a hot new star in one fell swoop.

However, fame did not make Zhang Yi lose himself. He is still living a low-key and down-to-earth life as usual. Whether it is for his family, friends, or work, he has always maintained a sincere heart.

He was loyal to his wife and would give all his income to her. He takes care of his stepson as if it were his own. For acting, he is even more devoted, to the point of obsession.

Cao Kefan once asked Zhang Yi: "If you want to sum up your acting career in one word, which word do you think is the most appropriate?" Zhang Yi thought for a while and replied, "The original intention has not changed. ”

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

Zhang Yi's life path is full of twists and turns, from his military career to the film and television industry, from Beijing to Shanghai, he has traveled a lot and experienced a lot of things. However, no matter what situation he was in, he never forgot his original intention and did not lose himself.

Today, Zhang Yi is 44 years old, but he still maintains an ageless heart, and his love for acting has not diminished at all. When it comes to future plans, he says, "I still have a long way to go and a lot of unfinished dreams to come true.

I want to spend the rest of my life interpreting more characters and telling more stories. This is both my responsibility and my pursuit.

For Zhang Yi, being an actor is not only a profession, but also a belief, and he must use his performance to touch the good, evil, beauty and ugliness of human nature and explore the true meaning of life.

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

What he has pursued all his life and has always adhered to is to be emotionally and tasteful in front of the screen.

In the complex environment of the entertainment industry, it is very rare to be able to always stick to the original intention and ethics. However, Zhang Yi is such a respectable actor.

With his outstanding strength and solid acting skills, Zhang Yi has gone from an unknown little person to a well-known star step by step. He did not rely on scandals or hype to enhance his popularity, but relied on his real talent and professionalism to get to where he is today, step by step.

Today, Zhang Yi is popular with half the sky, but he still lives the life of an ordinary person, does not follow the crowd, and is not confused by fame and fortune. He has always maintained a pure heart in acting and life, and in his own way, he interprets "not forgetting the original intention" and "not changing the original intention".

"disappeared" without filming, and never appeared on a variety show, how many faces did Zhang Yi slap in the face of his peers?

Perhaps, Zhang Yi's story is not vigorous. But he used his life experience to teach everyone a profound life education lesson. He told us that the road to success is not always easy, and that it requires hard work, perseverance in the face of hardships, and perseverance in the face of temptation.

In this fast-moving and impetuous era, we have more or less felt the hesitation in our hearts, and perhaps we have changed our original intentions for fame and fortune. However, Zhang Yi has brought us an important enlightenment: no matter how the external environment changes, we must stick to the purity and kindness in our hearts, and always adhere to the path we have chosen.

Only in this way can we live up to this life and live up to ourselves.

Zhang Yi's life experience can inspire more people to pursue their dreams, and the light of his original intention can illuminate the way forward for more people. Because the world needs more people like Zhang Yi to interpret the meaning and value of life with perseverance and perseverance, and to warm the world with sincerity and kindness.

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