
The United States faced the fiercest naval battle since World War II, with Israeli forces declaring a ceasefire and Netanyahu being asked to step down

The United States faced the fiercest naval battle since World War II, with Israeli forces declaring a ceasefire and Netanyahu being asked to step down

Shu Yao

2024-06-18 18:35Published on the official account of Beijing People's China Magazine

Netanyahu, I'm afraid this time it's really going to be "mushy".

And the United States, Israel's backer, is also too busy to take care of itself this time.

Recently, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced a "tactical moratorium on military activities" in southern Gaza from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Although this statement is still unsatisfactory, at least, refugees in southern Gaza, at this point in time, do not fear sudden deaths.

It is strange that Netanyahu, as the prime minister of a country, did not know about this statement of the Israeli army. Obviously, this was a decision made by the Israeli army on its own, and it did not go through Netanyahu.

Does this prove that Netanyahu's authority at home has been challenged?

In fact, this result is not unexpected. Since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Israel's wartime cabinet has been clearly divided, and now Israel's internal anti-war sentiment is very high, not only the international community is pressuring Netanyahu, but even the Israeli people hope that he will step down soon.

However, Netanyahu has repeatedly disregarded public opinion, refused to listen to advice, and vowed not to give up until Hamas was eliminated.

The United States faced the fiercest naval battle since World War II, with Israeli forces declaring a ceasefire and Netanyahu being asked to step down

It was in this context that the wartime cabinet was formed, but just recently, Netanyahu himself admitted that the wartime cabinet was dissolved.

When the wartime cabinet was formed, the far-right and the center-left were almost evenly divided, and if it had not been for the mediation of the center-left camp, Israel would have carried out an even more brutal attack on Gaza.

When the wartime cabinet was dissolved, Netanyahu's political rival, Gantz, the leader of Israel's opposition National Unity Party, planted a mine for Netanyahu by demanding early parliamentary elections.

The implication: It's time for Netanyahu to step down.

And now, the Israeli army has announced that it will implement a ceasefire without passing Netanyahu, which shows that he is no longer the prime minister.

This is perhaps the biggest crisis of Netanyahu's political career.

In fact, there is another important reason why the Israeli army has announced a ceasefire, that is, the Israeli army cannot bear it.

Since the bombing of Gaza, Israel has been trying to eliminate Hamas and free the hostages. But now Hamas is getting more and more frustrated, Israel is getting more and more crazy, and only the Palestinian people have suffered all the harm.

If Hamas cannot be eliminated, what is the point of continuing this war?

The United States faced the fiercest naval battle since World War II, with Israeli forces declaring a ceasefire and Netanyahu being asked to step down

Just a day before the ceasefire was announced, Hamas attacked an Israeli armoured vehicle with rockets, killing eight Israeli servicemen instantly.

How is it possible to eliminate Hamas on its turf? So it seems that Israel has been inflicting harm on Hamas, but in fact, the attrition of the Israeli military is also very huge.

Even with the full support of the United States behind it, it is time to sit back and catch your breath.

What's more, Israel is now facing worldwide condemnation. The Gaza tragedy has aroused strong repercussions in the international community, and Israel has once again been dubbed the "devil" by international public opinion, and Netanyahu, as the prime minister of a country, has been scolded very badly.

Israel's bombing of Gaza is in fact ignoring the Geneva Conventions. The Geneva Conventions require Israel to guarantee the physical security of the inhabitants of Gaza, but what does Israel do? Every day, innocent people of Gaza are killed.

There have been a number of large-scale demonstrations in Israel calling for an end to the war and for Netanyahu to step down. Therefore, under the triple pressure of Hamas and international public opinion, as well as domestic resistance, Israel had to declare a ceasefire.

The United States faced the fiercest naval battle since World War II, with Israeli forces declaring a ceasefire and Netanyahu being asked to step down

The United States, as hard as Israel has been hit lately.

The United States has been providing weapons to Israel, and even during the period of persuading Israel to cease fire, its assistance to Israel has not diminished. As a result, some people can't stand it anymore and want to deal a blow to the United States.

I have to say that the barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes, and the United States, which has always pursued the logic of bandits, has angered the Houthis, who are not afraid of death.

After the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the Houthis claimed to "do the right thing for heaven" and stood guard in the Red Sea every day, focusing on merchant ships bound for Israel and escort ships from the United States and the West, especially American ships.

Not long ago, the Houthis also claimed that they had hit a US aircraft carrier.

But can the United States admit it? If you admit it, you won't want to take off your title of "the world's number one navy", so you can't admit it.

But whether you admit it or not, the Houthis' strikes are constantly increasing, and the United States has been defending against Russia and China over the years, but it did not expect that it would not be able to defend against the Houthis.

The United States faced the fiercest naval battle since World War II, with Israeli forces declaring a ceasefire and Netanyahu being asked to step down

So the United States finally put down its face and recognized the strength of the Houthis. The Associated Press publicly declared: "This is the fiercest naval battle facing the U.S. Navy since World War II," while the U.S. Think Tank Research Institute also said that "this is the most protracted battle that the United States has experienced since World War II." ”

Now, a Houthi rebel has left the United States to take care of itself, and if the United States continues to support Israel, the Houthis will continue to attack the US Navy.

In this context, the United States should realize that now is the best time to push for a ceasefire in Gaza.

As long as Israel withdraws its troops, frees the Palestinians in captivity, and takes charge of the post-war reconstruction of Gaza, and Hamas releases the hostages, this disastrous war will be brought to an end.

Of course, we know that it will take time to achieve true peace, but we also hope that the parties involved will not squander the opportunity of this ceasefire.

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  • The United States faced the fiercest naval battle since World War II, with Israeli forces declaring a ceasefire and Netanyahu being asked to step down
  • The United States faced the fiercest naval battle since World War II, with Israeli forces declaring a ceasefire and Netanyahu being asked to step down
  • The United States faced the fiercest naval battle since World War II, with Israeli forces declaring a ceasefire and Netanyahu being asked to step down
  • The United States faced the fiercest naval battle since World War II, with Israeli forces declaring a ceasefire and Netanyahu being asked to step down

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