
Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

author:Strawberry entertainment

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Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother


"The Story of Rose" revolves around Huang Yimei's four relationships, in which the emotional entanglement with Fang Xiewen truly portrays many audiences.

Fang Xiewen has a big contrast before and after marriage, and his suicide after divorce causes conflicts.

And Su Gengsheng empathized with Fang Xiewen and had low self-esteem and sensitivity that caused him to divorce Huang Zhenhua, and only by understanding these can he know the truth behind it.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

Emotional labyrinth and self-redemption

In the hustle and bustle of the city, "The Story of Rose" depicts a picture of love, marriage and self-growth with its unique perspective.

The story revolves around Huang Yimei's four emotional experiences as a woman, each of which outlines the complexity of human nature and the reality of society, making people feel the fireworks of life in the ups and downs of the plot.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

The love between Huang Yimei and Fang Xiewen was as beautiful as a fairy tale at first.

Fang Xiewen's fawning and pampering before marriage made Huang Yimei intoxicated with love.

The siege of marriage gradually exposed Fang Xiewen's inner insecurity and jealousy.

His hostility towards Zhuang Guodong and the restrictions on Huang Yimei's social circle reflect his deep insecurity.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

This change not only cast a shadow on the relationship between the two, but also made Huang Yimei change from a pampered wife to a complaining woman.

The intervention of her mother-in-law exacerbated the situation, and her words were like an invisible knife, severing the emotional bond between husband and wife.

In the end, Huang Yimei chose to divorce, bravely walked out of this painful marriage, and found her own new happiness.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

This decision is not only a farewell to the past, but also a new start for the future.

Fang Xiewen's suicide attempt became a turning point in the plot.

The appearance of Su Gengsheng severely criticized Huang Yimei from the perspective of a bystander, triggering the audience's deep thinking about responsibility and emotion.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

Su Gengsheng's own story is also full of twists and turns.

The relationship between Su Gengsheng and Huang Zhenhua is another embarrassing emotional chapter.

Su Gengsheng's inferiority complex and sensitivity made her always in a state of unease in her relationship with Huang Zhenhua.

She loved Huang Zhenhua deeply, but she was afraid that this love would become a burden to him, and this ambivalence eventually led to the breakdown of their marriage.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

The difference in the original family, coupled with the pressure of society on childbirth, became the last straw that crushed this relationship.

Su Gengsheng's choice seems to be an escape, but it is actually a self-protection and a treasure of good memories.

She realized that a timely stop loss might be the best arrangement for each other.

Whether it is Fang Xiewen or Su Gengsheng, behind their stories, they all have similar roots - inferiority complex and sensitivity.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

This psychological state makes it impossible for them to be truly honest and open when facing love and marriage.

They try to find inner comfort through control and avoidance, but they don't know that this is the driving force that pushes them into the emotional abyss.

Through the delicate portrayal of these characters, "The Story of Rose" shows the confusion and struggle of modern people in the emotional world.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

It tells us that true happiness comes from the recognition and acceptance of ourselves, and from the courage to face our hearts.

Only when we learn to let go of the baggage in our hearts can we bloom our truest selves on the road of life.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

From emotional dilemma to self-awakening

Huang Yimei's divorce is not the end, but the starting point of a new life.

She began to devote herself to her career, no longer relying on the approval of others, but seeking the realization of self-worth.

In this process, Huang Yimei met Lin Hao, a partner who understood her and respected her.

Getting along with Lin Hao made Huang Yimei feel unprecedented equality and freedom, she learned how to be independent in love, and also understood the importance of giving each other space.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

Fang Xiewen's suicide attempt became a wake-up call in his life.

In the process of recovery, he began to reflect on his own behavior and became aware of his selfishness and narrow-mindedness.

He actively sought counseling to learn how to deal with his emotions and how to build healthy intimate relationships.

Fang Xiewen's growth is not only reflected in his personal changes, but also in his change of attitude towards Huang Yimei.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

He began to try to understand and respect her choice, and although he still had regrets in his heart, he learned to let go and send blessings to Huang Yimei's happiness.

After experiencing the breakdown of his marriage with Huang Zhenhua, Su Gengsheng chose a path of self-exploration.

She travels, reads, writes, and tries to find answers to life in books and nature.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

In this process, Su Gengsheng gradually found herself, and she began to understand that happiness does not come from the recognition of the outside world, but from inner peace and satisfaction.

Su's transformation made her re-examine her relationship with Huang Zhenhua, and she realized that even if they didn't come together, they could still maintain an innocent friendship and reminisce about those good times together.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

"The Story of Roses" not only explores the complexity of emotions, but also emphasizes the importance of self-growth.

Each character has found their own path to growth after experiencing setbacks and failures.

Huang Yimei learned to be independent and strong; Fang Xiewen learned tolerance and understanding; Su Gengsheng learned self-acceptance and letting go.

These changes not only make them better people, but also provide profound inspiration for the audience.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

In the journey of love and marriage, the most important thing is not to find a perfect partner, but to become a better version of yourself.

"The Story of Rose", with its rich emotional layers and profound character building, shows us how the flower of life blooms more brilliantly because of self-awakening after experiencing wind and rain.

It teaches us that when facing the difficulties and challenges in life, we must have the courage to face them, have the wisdom to solve them, and more importantly, have the faith to believe that everyone has the ability to write their own wonderful story.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother

In this process, whether it is Huang Yimei, Fang Xiewen, or Su Gengsheng, their stories are all about growth and a journey of self-discovery.

Just as roses need the nourishment of sunshine and rain, life also needs to be tempered by experiences and challenges in order to bloom the most true beauty.

"The Story of Rose" is not only a narrative about love and marriage, but also a baptism of the soul, allowing us to see our own shadow in it and find the strength to move forward.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother


In this story, each character is like a rose in the garden, they are more resilient and beautiful after the storm.

Through its delicate emotional depiction and profound life philosophy, "The Story of Rose" guides us to think about what true happiness is and how to find our own path of growth in a complex emotional world.

Rose's story: It wasn't until Fang Xiewen jumped off the building and committed suicide that Huang Yimei didn't know why Su Su left her brother
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