
Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

author:Indefinite pleasure reading
Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity
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Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

In a humble rental house in Beijing, a post-90s girl named Ma Su squatted on the ground to imitate dance moves while listening carefully to the lecture. She is a fanatical lover of dancing and has put a lot of effort into it.

Ma Su has had a keen interest in musical performances since he was a child. Although her parents were just ordinary working-class people, they still did their best to support their daughter's artistic dreams within their limited financial means.

They cut down on food and clothing, and Ma Su learned various courses such as dance and vocal music, and worked hard. Ma Su was once praised by his teacher for his extraordinary talent, and he was a rare talent in both dance and singing.

However, the financial situation of the Ma Su family has never allowed Ma Su to receive more accurate and professional training. Therefore, in order to realize his dream of acting, Ma Su came to Beijing alone and began a period of arduous struggle.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

Ma Su has participated in the Northern Dance and Military Arts exams six times, but unfortunately because his grades are not up to standard, he has failed every time. It was a huge blow to her, but she didn't give up.

Fortunately, she was successfully admitted to the Department of Military Arts and Dance in a special opportunity.

However, the school stipulates that Ma Su must bear all expenses during the school period.

In order to give their daughter the opportunity to pursue her dance dream, Ma Su's parents resolutely sold all the valuable items in the family and moved the family to the south to work hard. Twelve-year-old Ma Su stayed alone in Beijing and began a new chapter in his life.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

Living in a cramped rented house near the school, Ma Su has to cope with her studies and take care of her life independently. In that small, damp and dark room, she always practiced the basics alone, sweating all over the floor.

On cold winter nights, she always trembled in her shabby cotton clothes, and never complained; On a hot summer day, she didn't complain. She knows that all the efforts are made to realize her dreams.

In contrast, Kong Linghui grew up in the environment of a sports family since he was a child. His father is a retired table tennis player, and Kong Linghui has pinned his sports dreams on his son since he was born.

At the age of ten, one of Kong Linghui's paintings was selected for an art exhibition, which proved his talent in fine arts and art. However, Kong's father insisted on training Kong Linghui to become a professional table tennis player, hoping to continue the family's sports career.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

Faced with the ardent expectations of his family, Kong Linghui had to temporarily put aside his dream of art and devote himself to table tennis training. In order to let his son perform better in this sport, Kong's father was very strict with him.

Although the weather was cold or extremely hot, Kong Linghui never stopped, and once he had a high fever of 39 degrees Celsius and almost fainted on the training ground, but Kong's father still insisted that he continue training after taking the medicine.

Under the strict requirements of his father, Kong Linghui gradually deviated from the path of art and devoted himself to sports.

In 2003, Ma Su decided to work as a model and advertising endorsement in Beijing to earn a living. By chance, she was invited to participate in the shooting of a creative advertisement. And the actor who was responsible for the endorsement in the advertisement happened to be Kong Linghui, a table tennis star who was already famous at that time.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

The first time they met, Ma Su was attracted by Kong Linghui's sunny smile and simple temperament, and the two were fellow villagers, so it was easier to have a sense of intimacy.

Ma Su's outstanding appearance and elegant and generous temperament attracted Kong Linghui. Despite the heavy workload of the advertising shoot, they can always talk a little in their spare time.

After the filming work, the two separated with a trace of affection, but in the bottom of their hearts, the seeds of love had been quietly planted. It's a pity that both of them were too immature back then and missed the opportunity to understand and develop their relationship.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it has come to 2001. This year, after unremitting efforts, Ma Su was finally admitted to the higher vocational class of Beijing Film Academy, which means that she has taken a solid step towards her dream of being an actor.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

At that time, Kong Linghui was already the leader of the national table tennis team.

At Liu Guoliang's birthday banquet, the two reunited by chance. Their eyes met in a way that reminded them of the intimacy they felt when they were shooting commercials. As the host of the banquet, Liu Guoliang naturally knew that they had a one-sided relationship, so it was logical to introduce them to other guests and friends present.

The atmosphere is harmonious and timeless, and everyone talks and laughs. In this pleasant atmosphere, Ma Su and Kong Linghui couldn't hide the joy in their hearts, and they began to chat.

These two people, who were originally a little reserved, soon spoke freely, like friends for many years. It is gratifying that they finally know how to cherish this fate and leave each other's contact information before parting.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

Since that incident, Kong Linghui has frequently taken the initiative to date Ma Su, Ma Su was deeply attracted by his straightforwardness and simplicity, and Kong Linghui was also impressed by Ma Su's subtle gentleness.

In the following dates, they lamented the hard-won marriage more than once, believing that it was a gift from God. Under the witness and blessing of their friends, Ma Su and Kong Linghui finally embraced their happiness.

When Ma Su and Kong Linghui first started their relationship, they encountered some obstacles on the road to their career development. On the one hand, Ma Su, as a rookie actor, has a very fast career.

After she became famous in the stage play "Tang Gefei", she won many film and television drama contracts one after another, and was loved by directors and producers.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

On the other hand, Kong Linghui, a former sports superstar, is gradually entering a period of decline in his career. As a key member of the national table tennis team, Kong Linghui began to face a strong squeeze from rising stars after winning the Grand Slam at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

Although he is not yet an old man, in the field of sports, youth is strength, and his physical exertion and recovery rate are no longer as fast as those of young athletes.

The successive defeats have caused Kong Linghui's competitive form to decline sharply, and the offensive methods that originally made the opponent fearful now lose their former power. Faced with the decline of his career, Kong Linghui's mood gradually became irritable and irritable, and his attitude towards his family and Ma Su became rude.

Ma Su saw it in his eyes, and his heart hurt very much, knowing that Kong Linghui was now at a low point in his career, and he needed his own tolerance and understanding. However, Kong Linghui's mind was all on table tennis training, and he showed little consideration for Ma Su.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

Ma Su often felt very disappointed.

Ma Su knows that if the relationship between the two has been in conflict for a long time, it will eventually break down. In order to save the relationship, she must first solve the worries of life.

Finally, in 2009, Ma Su took 150,000 yuan of savings as a down payment, and borrowed more than 1 million yuan from the bank to buy his own house in Beijing.

After Ma Su has this place to settle down, he plans to wait until Kong Linghui's career picks up again before talking about marriage.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

Who knew that the good times would not last long, and one day in 2011, Ma Su and Kong Linghui broke out into a fierce quarrel at home. At that time, the fuse was that Kong Linghui had a conflict with the apartment security guard, and Ma Su came forward to mediate, but Kong Linghui choked unreasonably.

In a fit of rage, Ma Su picked up his luggage and left the place full of quarrels and hurts.

This incident hit Ma Su quite hard, and she realized that her life had been under the fence and she did not have a house of her own. In order to gain true independence and freedom, Ma Su decided to devote himself to his career and go all out to earn money.

She expects that as long as she saves enough money, she will no longer rely on anyone and will not be harmed by anyone again.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

In this way, Ma Su devoted himself to his work as if he had changed people. Two years later, in 2013, she not only managed to save a considerable amount of money, but also made great progress in her career, and her fame and income rose at the same time.

In 2011, Kong Linghui had a conflict with the apartment security guard, but Ma Su was choked by the security guard when he came forward to mediate, which led to a conflict between the two.

Extremely angry, Ma Su left the former love nest with his luggage and began a single life.

Although Kong Linghui later apologized and promised to make amends, Ma Su had already made up his mind. During the period of living alone, she repeatedly reviewed this 11-year relationship, and finally made up her mind to break up with Kong Linghui.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

In 2013, the two officially broke up and ended their relationship.

After the breakup, Ma Su devoted herself to her career, and her acting career finally ushered in a new stage of take-off. With her excellent acting skills and widely acclaimed resources, she has successively won the opportunity to star in many excellent film and television dramas, and her salary and popularity have continued to rise, and her life has finally embarked on a smooth road.

In stark contrast, the former sports star Kong Linghui fell into the lowest point of his life during this time. In 2017, the media reported that he owed more than 2 million gambling debts in Singapore casinos and faced a double crisis in his life and career.

Although Kong Linghui immediately denied this rumor, the doubts of public opinion have made him realize that his career is facing serious practical problems.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

Sure enough, the national table tennis team took a harsh approach to Kong Linghui and temporarily stripped him of all his positions in the women's team. The relevant sports teams also avoided him.

Just when everyone thought that Kong Linghui's future was bleak, Ma Su, Kong Linghui's ex-girlfriend, stood up to defend his name.

Although the relationship between the two has experienced ups and downs, Ma Su still chooses to speak up, she did not personally attack Kong Linghui because of that regretful past, but always maintained her calm personality.

Although the outside world felt that Ma Su's maintenance behavior was a bit too deliberate, it reflected the unique friendship between her and Kong Linghui to some extent. What's even more surprising is that when Ma Su stepped up for Kong Linghui, she herself fell into a major crisis in her career.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

In 2017, the cheating scandal of the famous movie star Li Xiaolu was exposed, and her friend Ma Su publicly defended her, but it attracted everyone's attacks. The image of Ma Su, who has always been regarded as a "virtuous lady in the circle", collapsed in an instant, and encountered overwhelming doubts and abuse, so he could only quietly wait for the incident to subside.

After this bizarre episode, Ma Su's career became more reserved and low-key. Luckily, however, her talent and charisma eventually got her through the storm and her career was revived.

In contrast, Kong Linghui's encounter was not so lucky. As a former sports star, he was punished by the national team for gambling debts, and had to leave Beijing to go to Chongqing as a youth team coach to start a long "road to rebirth".

Time flies, and nine years have passed quietly. Ma Su and Kong Linghui have both passed the age of not being confused, and they are in the prime of their lives. Whenever they recall that beautiful relationship process, their hearts are always filled with endless emotion.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

In recent years, Ma Su has always been asked about his relationship with Kong Linghui in interviews, and the 11-year relationship ended in a breakup, and Ma Su is still haunted by it.

"If I had been a little more patient and understanding, maybe I wouldn't have so many regrets." Ma Su's tone was full of regret.

Obviously, although a long time has passed, the emotional entanglement of that adolescence is still a painful scar for Ma Su's soul. She deeply knew that if she had been more considerate of Kong Linghui's situation and used more tolerance to resolve his anxiety, maybe they would not have broken up because of a momentary impulse.

Compared with Ma Su, Kong Linghui has a more detached attitude towards this past relationship. Over the years, he has never made any public comments about it, and even in interviews, he has always focused on his career.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

However, this just made the outside world speculate more about whether Kong Linghui still misses the beauty of that relationship deep down.

Ma Su and Kong Linghui have been together for 11 years, and their feelings are naturally deep. They didn't break up because of the appearance of a third party, but they were too demanding of each other and had different ideas of life.

In the past 9 years since the breakup, Kong Linghui and Ma Su have made new progress in their respective careers. Ma Su is even more outstanding in the film and television industry and has become a popular little flower; Although Kong Linghui left the national team, he still worked hard in youth training and devoted his life's work to cultivating the next generation of athletes.

However, in the process of smooth sailing, these two people have also encountered various resistance and doubts. Just when Ma Su helped Kong Linghui rehabilitate, she herself was also involved in Li Xiaolu's derailment, and her image suffered a heavy blow.

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

However, she did not give up, but persevered to regain her footing with her professional acting skills and unique charm.

Kong Linghui's situation is even more difficult. Due to a gambling debt scandal, he had to leave Beijing temporarily and had to go to Chongqing to take up the position of youth team coach. Despite this, he still has a pure heart and hopes to one day re-set foot on the table tennis court and win glory for the country.

As for whether Ma Su and Kong Linghui still have the possibility of getting back together, the outside world has different opinions. But one thing is for sure, there is a unique and indelible bond of friendship between them.

As Ma Su said, "Even if we break up, we will always be friends and respond to every need."

Looking back on the "Kongma" love now, the 11-year relationship is not as good as a sentence of fate, which is a pity

Friendship is not something that can be simply had, but more depends on the communication between two hearts. Whether it is Ma Yili in the movie "Dear" or Kong Linghui, the prince of table tennis, the low points of life they have experienced together make them cherish each other's friendship more, and they will not hesitate to lend a hand when the other party needs help.

The unique nature of this friendship is such that the two, even if they can't get back together, still have a subtle expectation of each other. They hope that in the future journey of life, the other party can realize their inner dreams smoothly, and they also hope that the good times in those youthful years will no longer be forgotten.

Even if they go their separate ways, they will cherish this fate and cherish it.

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