
Show 900,000 + read 95,000 + popular articles is this ratio: 100:10!

author:Forsythia fragrance

Many writers complain that their articles are not popular no matter how they write, so they blame the headline platform for not giving the amount of impressions, biasing some authors, let me be fair, you really can't blame the platform for your work not being popular, the platform is very fair, every work gives a chance, the reason why your work is not popular is purely your own problem.

I've been a member of Toutiao for 160 days and have published more than 700 works, to be honest, I haven't written that much, because my micro-headlines are relatively long, and the platform will automatically help you publish articles for micro-headlines of more than 800 words, and will generate a summary, and the article will automatically generate a micro-headline, so it is equivalent to writing a micro-headline or article is equivalent to writing 2 or 3 works, so now I will have more than 700 works.

In my opinion, only works with more than 10,000+ readings can be called small fires, and those with more than 50,000+ readings can be called hits. For example, in this article:

Show 900,000 + read 95,000 + popular articles is this ratio: 100:10!

The number of impressions is 900,000+, and the number of readings is 95,000+, so I won't post the income of this article, so as not to be considered by others as showing off. I've only published a few hits like this with more than 50,000+ reads, and it's sad compared to my total number of more than 700 articles, don't you think?

In addition to these hits, there are many other Xiaohuo works, that is, those with more than 10,000 reads, also called small hits, just pick up a few and show them to everyone:

Show 900,000 + read 95,000 + popular articles is this ratio: 100:10!

The number of impressions is 290,000+, the number of views is 28,000+, and the ratio of impressions to readings is about 100:10.

Show 900,000 + read 95,000 + popular articles is this ratio: 100:10!

This article has 290,000 impressions and 22,000 views, and the ratio between the two is only slightly weaker than 100:10.

Show 900,000 + read 95,000 + popular articles is this ratio: 100:10!

This article has 62,000+ impressions, but the number of views has reached 10,000, and the ratio is obviously more than 100:10.

Show 900,000 + read 95,000 + popular articles is this ratio: 100:10!

The number of impressions of this article is 120,000+, the number of views is 11,000, and the ratio is about 100:10.

Show 900,000 + read 95,000 + popular articles is this ratio: 100:10!

This article has 78,000 impressions and 11,000+ views, with a ratio of much more than 100:10.

Show 900,000 + read 95,000 + popular articles is this ratio: 100:10!

This article has 82,000+ impressions and 14,000+ views, and the reading ratio is almost more than half of the impressions.

It can be seen from the data of the above popular articles and small popular articles that whether an article can become a hit or not, as long as you look at the ratio of impressions and readings.

After your article is sent, the platform will give you the amount of impressions, that is, try to help you recommend it to readers, if your work is read, then the platform will continue to recommend, if not only someone reads it, but also someone comments, likes, and forwards, it means that the work is popular with readers, and then the platform will push it violently. If in the process of pushing the platform, the ratio between the number of recommendations and the number of readings of your article is about 100:10, then congratulations, your work has become popular, and it is no longer a problem to become a small hit, it depends on how popular it can become a big hit.

In the same way, if the ratio of impressions to readings after the work is released is far less than 100:10, then don't think about it, the work is completely useless. No matter how well an article is written, it will definitely be cool if the ratio does not reach 100:10 after it is sent. Because once this ratio is not reached, it means that the audience of this work is not large, and the platform will not have many people to read it no matter how much it helps you push it, so the platform will stop recommending it, and there will naturally be no traffic.

Do you understand? After your work is issued, as long as the number of recommendations and readings reaches the ratio of 100:10, then your article will be popular, as for whether it becomes a hit or a small hit, it depends on how many people you receive this article! This is how the traffic comes from, and now everyone has a spectrum in their hearts!

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