
The daughter-in-law was filial and her mother-in-law was "split" a pair of bracelets by Thor

author:I love noodle fish

The filial piety of the daughter-in-law and the gift of Thor

In the depths of Maoshan Mountain, there is an ancient Taoist temple hidden, and the cigarette smoke is swirling in the temple, and the Taoist bell rings. The Taoist culture has been inherited here for generations, and the believers sincerely believe in the Sanqing Zun God, praying for good weather and peace for the country and the people.

There is a family living in the view, surnamed Zhang, and there is an elderly mother-in-law in the family, Granny Zhang. When she was young, she was also a Taoist aunt in this view, and later returned to the vulgar for some reason and married Zhang Laohan outside the view. The two respected each other like guests and had a son, named Zhang Tianci. Zhang Tianci has been bright since childhood, learning farming from his father and some Taoism from his mother. When he became an adult, he married a gentle and virtuous woman named Xiulian.

Xiulian is a very filial woman, since she married into the Zhang family, she has taken good care of her mother-in-law Zhang, and she has taken care of her mother-in-law. Whether it is daily life or disease care, she does it herself and never lets her mother-in-law suffer a little grievance. Granny Zhang praised when she met people: "My family Xiulian is really a good daughter-in-law who is filial!" ”

However, fate always seems to play tricks on people. One day, when Granny Zhang was collecting medicine in the mountains, she accidentally slipped and broke her leg. Xiulian rushed to hear the news, carried her mother-in-law home desperately, guarded her mother-in-law day and night, boiled medicine and fed, scrubbed her body, and never complained.

During the period when Granny Zhang was recuperating from her injuries, the Maoshan area suffered a rare drought. The fields are cracked, the crops are withered, and the people have no harvest, and their lives are in trouble. In order to pray for rain, Zhang Laohan took Zhang Tianci to the Taoist temple to ask for rain. They prayed earnestly for three days and three nights, and at last they moved the heavens and rained down the rain.

However, on the day of the rainfall, Xiulian suffered a sudden disaster. She was boiling medicine for her mother-in-law in the kitchen when suddenly the sky was cloudy and thunder was rolling. A bolt of lightning struck down and hit the kitchen where Xiulian was. When the people arrived, they saw Xiulian lying unconscious, holding a pair of emerald green jade bracelets tightly in her hands.

This pair of jade bracelets is a magic weapon given by the god of Sanqing when Granny Zhang was practicing in Taoism when she was young. It is said to ward off evil spirits and ward off ghosts, and bless the wearer with peace and good luck. Granny Zhang has always regarded it as a treasure and has never left it. However, in this accident, the jade bracelet fell off Granny Zhang's wrist and was held in Xiulian's hand.

The daughter-in-law was filial and her mother-in-law was "split" a pair of bracelets by Thor

Everyone speculated that this may be Thor's recognition and gift of Xiulian's filial piety. So, Granny Zhang decided to give the pair of jade bracelets to Xiulian in recognition of her filial piety and courage.

Since then, Xiulian has been wearing this pair of jade bracelets and continues to take care of Granny Zhang. And the jade bracelet also seems to really have magical powers, whenever Xiulian encounters danger, it can emit a faint green light, protecting Xiulian from harm.

However, as time goes on, Xiulian gradually discovers that there is a shocking secret hidden behind the pair of jade bracelets. It turns out that this pair of jade bracelets is not only a magic weapon given by the god of thunder, but also a key to a mysterious world in the depths of Maoshan Mountain. In this world, there are all kinds of ghosts and immortals, who have the most powerful power and knowledge in the world.

Xiulian embarks on a path to find the mysterious world, and her heart is full of determination and courage. She knows that this road is full of unknowns and dangers, but she also believes that as long as there is love in her heart, nothing can stop her from moving forward.

During her journey, Xiulian encountered various challenges. Sometimes she encounters ferocious beasts, and sometimes she is trapped by eerie ghosts. But whenever she is in trouble, the pair of emerald green jade bracelets will shine brightly, dispel the darkness and evil around her, and protect her unharmed.

At the same time, Xiulian also met some like-minded partners. Some of them are Taoist priests who have practiced for many years, some are martial arts masters with unique skills, and some are explorers who are also curious about the unknown world. Together, they overcome many difficulties and move forward in the direction of the mysterious world.

After a long journey, Xiulian and her companions finally arrived at the entrance of the mysterious world. It was a cave hidden deep in the valley, and the entrance of the cave was shrouded in a mysterious barrier that ordinary people could not easily enter. But the jade bracelet in Xiulian's hand resonated strongly, and seemed to guide her forward.

The daughter-in-law was filial and her mother-in-law was "split" a pair of bracelets by Thor

Xiulian took a deep breath, grasped the jade bracelet, and walked towards the cave. As her footsteps fell, the barrier began to ripple and eventually dissipate. Xiulian and her friends smoothly enter the mysterious world.

In this world, Xiulian has seen an unprecedented scene. Colorful clouds float in the sky, and all kinds of bizarre plants and spirit animals grow on the ground. She encounters many spirits and immortals, who are friendly or cold, but who know the rules of the world inside out.

In the process of exploration, Xiulian gradually discovers that this world is not completely independent of reality, but closely connected with the real world. She began to wonder if she could bring the knowledge and power of the world back to the real world to help those in need.

However, just as she prepares to leave the mysterious world, a sudden crisis strikes. An evil force began to erode the world, causing the heavens and the earth to change color and devastate the living beings. Xiulian and her friends decide to stand up and defend this mysterious world.

After a fierce battle, Xiulian and her friends finally defeat the evil forces and save the mysterious world. But they also paid a huge price, and many of their partners died in the battle. Xiulian is grief-stricken, but she also understands that this is the price she must pay to protect this world.

Before leaving the mysterious world, Xiulian asked the ghosts and immortals there many questions about Taoist practice and life philosophy. They have given her a lot of valuable advice and guidance, which has benefited her a lot.

After returning to the real world, Xiulian brought what she saw and heard in the mysterious world and the knowledge and power she learned back to the Maoshan Taoist Temple. She used this knowledge and strength to help many people in need and became a highly respected figure in the Maoshan area.

The daughter-in-law was filial and her mother-in-law was "split" a pair of bracelets by Thor

And Granny Zhang gradually recovered under Xiulian's care. When she saw Xiulian's growth and changes, her heart was full of relief and pride. She knows that her daughter-in-law is not only a good daughter-in-law who is filial, but also a person with a broad mind and selfless dedication.

After successfully saving the mysterious world and bringing back valuable Taoist knowledge and power, Xiulian's life did not become any easier. She knows that true practice is not only about gaining strength, but also about how to use this power to help others, and to inherit and promote the spirit of Taoism.

Xiulian began to set up preaching classes in the Maoshan Taoist Temple, teaching what she had seen and heard in the mysterious world, as well as the wisdom of those ghosts and immortals, to the believers who came to seek the Tao. Her classes are lively and meaningful, attracting more and more people to listen.

At the same time, Xiulian has not forgotten her original intention - filial piety to her mother-in-law. She still takes care of Granny Zhang's daily life and diet every day, and accompanies her through every ordinary and warm day. Granny Zhang saw that Xiulian was so filial and busy, her heart was both moved and distressed, she often advised Xiulian to rest more, but Xiulian always smiled and said, "Mother-in-law, this is what I should do." ”

As time passed, Xiulian's fame spread more and more, and not only the residents of the Maoshan area admired her, but also the people of the surrounding area came to seek enlightenment. They were all touched by Xiulian's filial piety, wisdom and selflessness, and were willing to follow her in practicing and inheriting Taoist culture.

However, just as Xiulian's career was booming, a sudden disaster struck the Maoshan area again. This time, it was a severe plague. The plague was raging, people were in pain, and the entire Maoshan area was shrouded in the shadow of death.

In the face of this disaster, Xiulian did not flinch. Using the knowledge and power she learned in the mysterious world, she worked with the Taoist priests of the Taoist temple to develop herbs to cure the plague. She personally went to the epidemic area to deliver medicine and treatment to the patients, and interpreted the Taoist purpose of "helping the world and saving people" with her own actions.

The daughter-in-law was filial and her mother-in-law was "split" a pair of bracelets by Thor

After hard work, the plague was finally brought under control. The people of the Maoshan area once again ushered in peace and tranquility. And Xiulian also realized more deeply the importance and significance of Taoist practice in this disaster. She has strengthened her belief and is determined to carry forward Taoist culture and bring hope and light to more people.

After the plague, the people in the Maoshan area admired Xiulian more and more. Xiulian also felt more and more that the responsibility on her shoulders was great, and she was determined not only to inherit the Taoist culture, but also to pass on this love and compassion to more people.

As a result, Xiulian began to plan to set up a charity in the Maoshan area to help those who were living in difficulty and had no support. She personally designed the structure and operation of the agency and traveled extensively to raise funds and resources. Thanks to her tireless efforts, the charity was finally established and began to help local people.

Xiulian not only cares about material assistance, but also pays more attention to spiritual care. She often visits charities in person to talk to recipients, understand their needs and difficulties, and provide them with help and support within her capacity. Her warmth and care made the recipients feel the warmth and hope of the world.

At the same time, Xiulian did not forget her own path of cultivation. She continued to delve into Taoist culture and constantly improve her spiritual level. She often went to the mountains alone to retreat and practice, mingling with nature and the qi of heaven and earth, and experiencing the mystery and truth of the universe.

In the process of practicing, Xiulian also encountered some challenges and difficulties. Sometimes she encounters difficult Taoist problems that are difficult to understand, and sometimes she falls into inner confusion and confusion. But Xiulian was always able to overcome these difficulties and move forward with her perseverance and wisdom.

As time passed, the results of Xiulian's practice became more and more significant. Her state of mind became more peaceful and serene, and her wisdom became deeper and more extensive. She began to be able to use the wisdom and power of Taoism to help more people solve their problems and dilemmas.

The daughter-in-law was filial and her mother-in-law was "split" a pair of bracelets by Thor

Xiulian's good deeds and spiritual achievements have also attracted the attention of the Taoist community. Many Taoist masters and seniors have come to visit her and exchange Taoist experiences with her. They were moved by Xiulian's filial piety, wisdom and selflessness, and were willing to work with her to promote the development of Taoist culture.

Under Xiulian's leadership, Maoshan Taoist temples and charities have become important places for the spread of Taoist culture. More and more young people are attracted to this place to learn the Tao, cultivate their bodies and minds, and practice philanthropy. The Maoshan area has gradually become a holy place full of love and hope.

However, Xiulian was not satisfied. She knows that she still has a long way to go, and she still has more responsibilities and missions to complete. She will continue to move forward on the path of spiritual practice, using her filial piety, wisdom and selflessness to warm and illuminate the hearts of more people.

Eventually, Xiulian became a highly respected Taoist master and philanthropist. Her story has been forever sung in the Maoshan area and even in the entire Taoist community, and has become an eternal story.

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