
Glory of Kings: S36 Skin Storm is coming! Lu Bu's dual form is domineering, and Zhen Ji appears elegantly!

author:The King of Freedom said

Brothers, the getaway is coming. The new situation of the canyon, the pace of the S36 season is approaching, and a variety of new skins are about to come to the wind, adding a touch of gorgeous color to the world of kings! Lu Bu's dual-form special effects are eye-catching, Zhen Ji's new skin is elegant and swaying with Western European style, as well as the new gameplay of the Awakened Battle mode and the return of many hero skins, which are now revealed for you!

Glory of Kings: S36 Skin Storm is coming! Lu Bu's dual form is domineering, and Zhen Ji appears elegantly!

Angela's "Magical Little Chef" returns to the battlefield

First of all, the long-awaited good news is that the popular Angela "Magic Chef" skin will officially return on June 17th, and the optimized modeling and skill effects will be more detailed and refined, once again capturing the hearts of players. This return comes with a special offer, press the order at the same time, enjoy the blessing of 20% off, if you have that magical 50 coupon coupon in your hand, then this skin only needs 580 coupons to get, such a good opportunity, don't miss it.

Glory of Kings: S36 Skin Storm is coming! Lu Bu's dual form is domineering, and Zhen Ji appears elegantly!

New Battle Pass Skins: Yu Ji and Cai Wenji's fashion trends

The storm of the new Battle Pass is sweeping in, and the Battle Pass system will be updated in early July. The protagonists of the new Battle Pass limited skins will be Yu Ji and Cai Wenji. Yu Ji's Brave Skin and Cai Wenji's Epic Skin will both adopt the design concept of modern supermarket style, which perfectly combines ancient style with contemporary fashion. The hue of Cai Wenji's Xingyuan skin is as sweet as candy, the mount has been transformed into a cute candy jar, and the overall special effects are also outstanding.

Glory of Kings: S36 Skin Storm is coming! Lu Bu's dual form is domineering, and Zhen Ji appears elegantly!

S36 Season Leader: Changes are greatly updated, and Shao Siyuan appears

It is worth mentioning that the S36 season will be with us at the end of June, and the comprehensive hero tweaks will be optimized for class characteristics, bringing us a new game experience. At the same time, the new hero Shao Siyuan will step into the stage of the official service and participate in the battle of the canyon with a new attitude.

Yao's glorious collection and Lu Bu's unparalleled limit, elegance and domineering coexist

At the same time, the new season will also introduce Yao's Glory Collection skin, the theme of the little flower fairy revolves around petals and starlight, and its unique dual-form effect will show a very different beauty on the ground and in the possessed state. On the other hand, Lu Bu will also usher in a new Musou limited skin - with the theme of Red Eagle, the domineering wings will show different forms of special effects after the enchantment in the game, which will make people's blood boil.

Glory of Kings: S36 Skin Storm is coming! Lu Bu's dual form is domineering, and Zhen Ji appears elegantly!

Zhen Ji's maid's new outfit adds a touch of Western European aristocratic style

And Zhen Ji, this classic character will also usher in a new skin, a maid outfit with exquisite pearl jewelry, which vividly interprets the aristocratic style of Western Europe. The fountain of skill effects is exciting, and this epic skin is sure to be a highlight of the new season.

Glory of Kings: S36 Skin Storm is coming! Lu Bu's dual form is domineering, and Zhen Ji appears elegantly!

Brothers, a new season and a new beginning, whether it's the joy of finding your favorite skin or the excitement of winning in battle, we'll all experience it in the canyon. Until next time, may your inventory of skins be abundant along with your achievements, so that we can see your legends in every corner of the canyon!