
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking


"Persistence and Principles"

Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking

"Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking." This is a phrase I often say to myself in my heart.

Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking

In this complex world, people get along with each other full of subtle relationships and interactions. Many times, we choose to communicate with others in a gentle way out of politeness, kindness, or other reasons. But that doesn't mean we can be treated casually, we can ignore our bottom lines and principles.

I have always been a gentle person and have been able to maintain a calm mind and communicate with others in most situations. I am willing to listen to others' opinions, respect different points of view, and strive to create a harmonious communication atmosphere. However, this has led some people to misunderstand, they think that I have no temper and that I can accept everything unconditionally.

Once, at work, a colleague kept pushing me his tasks and took it for granted that I should help him do it. At first, out of the friendship between my colleagues, I did not directly refuse, but patiently communicated with him, explaining that I also had a lot of work to do and might not have so much time and energy to help him. But he ignored my explanations and went his own way.

I realized that I couldn't go on like this, and I had to be clear about my position. So, when he came to me again, I solemnly said to him, "Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking." I have my own work and responsibilities, and I can't help you with tasks that don't belong to me without limit. "He was obviously taken aback by my attitude, and perhaps he never thought I would reject him so directly. Since then, he has never pushed the task to me at will.

It's the same in life, sometimes we meet people who have to make inches. They will take advantage of our kindness and tolerance to constantly violate our rights and interests. We can't just give in and compromise because we are afraid of conflict or don't want to ruin relationships. We need to learn to stand up courageously and defend our dignity and rights.

Talking to others well is a kind of cultivation and a quality. But that doesn't mean we have to lose ourselves and become unprincipled. We have to have our own bottom line and know what is acceptable and what is absolutely intolerable. When others touch the bottom line, we need to act decisively and let them know that we are not easy to bully.

At the same time, we also need to learn to distinguish between real friends and those who just want to take advantage of us. A true friend will respect our choices and decisions, and will understand our difficulties, rather than only thinking about their own interests. For those who only know how to ask for something but not in return, we need to keep our distance and not let them overdrain our energy and emotions.

I know that sticking to our principles may make some people dislike us, and even invite some trouble and misunderstandings. But I believe that people who really understand us will understand what we do and will respect our persistence. And those who turn away from us because we stick to our principles are not necessarily people we cherish.

On the road of life, we will meet all kinds of people and experience all kinds of things. We can't give up on our principles for fear of losing or offending others. We must firmly guard the persistence and belief in our hearts, and be a person with a bottom line and principles.

Talking to others well is an attitude we have towards others; And sticking to our own principles is our respect and responsibility for ourselves. We can't give up our individuality and worth in order to cater to others, we have to live our own wonderful life in this world.

When we are able to be both gentle and principled, we will find that our relationships become healthier and stronger. We will attract those who share our like-minded interests to grow and progress together. And those who are not suitable for us will naturally stay away from us, making our lives more pure and beautiful.

Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking
Just because I'm good at talking to you doesn't mean I'm good at talking

In the days to come, I will continue to communicate with others in a gentle way, but I will also be more determined to defend my principles. I will no longer let others trample on my bottom line at will, and I will no longer let myself fall into an unprincipled predicament. With this perseverance and courage, I will face all the challenges and opportunities in life and write my own wonderful life. I believe that as long as we have light and faith in our hearts, we will be able to find our own place in this complex world and shine our own light.