
The top ten marshals of the founding of the country, why did they all die? Each is heartbreaking

author:Love to laugh at history

The years fly by, and the vicissitudes of life. The situation is changing, and the heroes are chasing the deer. At the critical moment of the founding of New China, the ten founding marshals contributed their life's work to the birth of the country. Today, they are no longer with us, but their exploits and deeds are engraved in the long river of history and will always be remembered and paid tribute to. I don't know if you still have an impression? How did these founding marshals, who were once active in the smoke of war, finally pass away?

The top ten marshals of the founding of the country, why did they all die? Each is heartbreaking

Comrade Zhu De, the "veteran" among the founding marshals, is known as the "Commander-in-Chief of Great Zhu". During the long and difficult revolutionary years, he was close to Mr. Mao Zedong and took care of each other. From the August 1 Nanchang Uprising to the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base, to the Yan'an Rectification, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, Zhu De was omnipresent and omnipotent. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhu De still served as vice chairman and in charge of foreign affairs and other important positions until his death in 1976 at the age of 89, and he was still working for the country before his death.

The top ten marshals of the founding of the country, why did they all die? Each is heartbreaking

Like Zhu De, Peng Dehuai is also a veteran of the Anti-Japanese War who shocked China. This brilliant hero, who was praised by Chairman Mao as "who dares to cross the sword immediately, is the only one who is General Peng", has been in flames all his life. From the Battle of the Hundred Regiments, the Battle of Yan'an to the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, all of them showed Peng Dehuai's fearless combat wisdom. However, the good times did not last long, after the Lushan Conference in 1959, Peng Dehuai was hit by the "left", and finally died of rectal cancer in 1974 at the age of 76.

The top ten marshals of the founding of the country, why did they all die? Each is heartbreaking

Lin Biao is a rare war commander, and the victory of Pingxingguan is his masterpiece. During the War of Liberation, the old Siye soldiers under Lin Biao swept through the northeast and promoted the development of the war situation. It is a pity that Lin Biao in his later years had rebellious ambitions due to selfish desires, and died in a plane crash in Mongolia in 1971 at the age of 63, making him the earliest deceased founding marshal.

The top ten marshals of the founding of the country, why did they all die? Each is heartbreaking

Liu Bocheng was called "the grandson of the Red Army". This military theorist, who graduated from the Soviet Military Academy, not only founded the military education system of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, but also was the commander of the Central Plains Field Army, opening the prelude to the strategic counteroffensive of the Liberation War. It is a pity that Liu Bocheng was blind in his later years, unable to take care of himself, and died at the age of 93 in 1986, becoming the longest-lived founding marshal.

The top ten marshals of the founding of the country, why did they all die? Each is heartbreaking

He Long was a famous logistics organizer during the Anti-Japanese War and was known as the "father of ordnance". The 359 Brigade's large-scale production in Nanniwan is his proud work. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, He Long was in charge of sports, but unfortunately he was tortured in his later years due to illness and died in 1969 at the age of 73. And Chen Yi is a battle-hardened Shanghai Tang lady. He not only participated in the August 1st Uprising, but also served as the mayor of Shanghai. In 1972, the 70-year-old revolutionary veteran unfortunately died of intestinal cancer.

The top ten marshals of the founding of the country, why did they all die? Each is heartbreaking

Although Luo Ronghuan has never led soldiers, he is very respected by Chairman Mao. However, he was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 1946, and he died in 1963 at the age of 61, the earliest of the ten marshals of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Xu Xiangqian was the commander of the Red Fourth Front Army, who had established a base in the Sichuan-Shaanxi region, and served as chief of the General Staff after the New China. He died of tuberculosis in 1990 at the age of 88.

The top ten marshals of the founding of the country, why did they all die? Each is heartbreaking

Nie Rongzhen is a military scientist known as "China's Lugou Bridge". He not only opened up the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei revolutionary base area, but also led the development of the "two bombs and one satellite" later, making indelible contributions to the cause of national defense. In 1992, 92-year-old Nie Rongzhen finally passed away, the last of the founding marshals to die. The last person to open the picture of the country's destiny was Comrade Ye Jianying. This old man, who has devoted himself to the revolution for 70 years, once protected Sun Yat-sen, personally defeated the Gang of Four, and promoted reform and opening up. He died in 1986 at the age of 89, and was the longest-lived founding marshal along with Zhu De.

The top ten marshals of the founding of the country, why did they all die? Each is heartbreaking

Every founding marshal is the backbone of the nation, and they have fought bloody battles for the country today, and they regard death as home. Whether it is an era of war or peace, they have always had a pure heart and are unswerving. Although they passed away one after another, their great achievements will forever be remembered in the hearts of the party and the people. Today's peaceful and prosperous era is paved with their blood and lives, and we have the responsibility to grasp this era of peace and strive for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

The top ten marshals of the founding of the country, why did they all die? Each is heartbreaking