
He insisted on building a house on the ancient tomb, and was carried to the courtyard in the middle of the night, only to blame him for breaking the rules


The builder of the house above the tomb

In ancient times, there was a small village called Qingyang, which was surrounded by mountains, with beautiful scenery and simple folk customs. However, on the edge of the village lies an ancient tomb that is said to have been owned by a man of great cultivation who became immortal because of his cultivation, leaving behind endless legends and mysteries.

There is a young man named Li Ming in Qingyang Village, who is smart and capable, but has a stubborn personality. One day, Li Ming took a fancy to a piece of feng shui treasure next to the ancient tomb and decided to build a house there. The elders of the village dissuaded him one after another, telling him that the ancient tomb had unspeakable taboos, but Li Ming turned a deaf ear and insisted on building it.

After months of hard work, a brand new house was erected on top of the tomb. Li Ming looked at his masterpiece, and his heart was full of pride. However, since the day the new house was built, a series of strange things began to happen in the village. First, poultry and livestock disappeared for no apparent reason, and then the villagers' crops were damaged by unknown creatures. The villagers talked a lot, and they all thought that it was Li Ming who angered the owner of the ancient tomb and caused these disasters.

Although Li Ming was apprehensive in his heart, he pretended not to care on the surface. However, as the strange events continue to escalate, Li Ming also begins to feel fear. Late one night, Li Ming was sleeping soundly in his room when he was suddenly awakened by a rapid knock on the door. When he opened the door, he saw several villagers standing outside the door with frightened faces, saying that they had seen strange black shadows around his house.

Although Li Ming does not believe in evil, he can't help but feel furious in his heart. He dared to go out of the room, only to find that the courtyard was empty, only the moonlight sprinkled on the tombstones, which looked particularly eerie. At this moment, a gust of yin wind blew, and Li Ming only felt a chill coming, and his body shivered involuntarily.

At this moment, Li Ming suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the ancient tomb, the voice was low and terrifying, as if it was a moan coming from the depths of the earth. He boldly approached the ancient tomb, only to see a cloud of black gas suddenly emerge from the tombstone, and then a vague figure slowly walked out of the black air.

The figure was dressed in ancient costume, his face was old, but his eyes were shining with a faint light. He walked up to Li Ming and said coldly, "Do you know who the owner of this ancient tomb is?" How bold it is for you to build a house on his grave! ”

He insisted on building a house on the ancient tomb, and was carried to the courtyard in the middle of the night, only to blame him for breaking the rules

Li Ming was so frightened that he stammered and asked, "...... you Who are you? What do you want? ”

The old man snorted coldly and said, "I am the master of the ancient tomb, and today I am here to punish you, a boy who does not know the height of the sky!" As he spoke, he stretched out his palm, and a powerful suction force sucked Li Ming towards him.

Li Ming struggled in horror, but the suction was too strong for him to resist. Just as he was about to be sucked into the old man's palm, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky, knocking the old man back a few steps.

After the golden light dissipated, a middle-aged Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe appeared in the field. He held the dust in his hand, looked at the old man with a smile, and said, "Why is this fellow Daoist so angry? He's just an ignorant villager, so why bother with him? ”

Seeing that the Taoist priest's cultivation was profound, the old man didn't dare to act rashly, so he snorted coldly, turned around and disappeared into the black air.

The Taoist priest walked up to Li Ming, helped him up and said, "Do you know that you almost lost your life today?" ”

Li Ming trembled with fright, and hurriedly thanked him. The Taoist priest waved his hand and said, "Don't thank me, your disaster today is all caused by your broken rules." The owner of this ancient tomb is a man of great morality, and you dare to build a house on his tomb. But remember your ignorance, and I will spare you once. But you have to tear down the house and restore it to its original state, or disaster will be! ”

He insisted on building a house on the ancient tomb, and was carried to the courtyard in the middle of the night, only to blame him for breaking the rules

Li Ming hurriedly nodded in agreement, but he was secretly glad that he had escaped. He demolished the house and restored the tomb to its original state as instructed by the Taoist priest. Since then, nothing strange has happened in Qingyang Village, and the villagers have lived a peaceful life.

Since Li Ming demolished the houses built on the ancient tomb and restored the original state of the ancient tomb according to the instructions of the Taoist priest, Qingyang Village has returned to its former tranquility. But Li Ming's heart could not be calm, and the terrifying experience of that night was like a heavy stone, weighing him down.

As time passed, Li Ming gradually came out of his fear, but he became deeply interested in the ancient tomb and the story of the Taoist priest. He began to inquire about the legend of the owner of the tomb and the origin of the Taoist priest.

After some hard work, Li Ming finally learned something about the owner of the ancient tomb from the elders of the village. It turned out that the owner of the ancient tomb was indeed a master of Taoism, who had cultivated successfully during his lifetime, and became an immortal after his death, leaving endless legends. And that Taoist priest is the best friend of the owner of the ancient tomb and his master, who has always guarded the ancient tomb to prevent anyone from disturbing the peace of the owner of the ancient tomb.

After learning this, Li Ming's heart was full of gratitude and admiration for that Taoist priest. He decided to visit the Taoist priest in person to express his gratitude to him.

After some twists and turns, Li Ming finally found the residence of the Taoist priest. It is a Taoist temple located on the top of a mountain, surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland. Li Ming walked into the Taoist temple and saw that the Taoist priest was meditating with his eyes closed, and his expression was peaceful.

Li Ming didn't dare to disturb the Taoist priest, but just stood quietly on the side. After a while, the Taoist priest opened his eyes and saw Li Ming standing aside. He smiled slightly and said, "You're here." ”

He insisted on building a house on the ancient tomb, and was carried to the courtyard in the middle of the night, only to blame him for breaking the rules

Li Ming hurriedly stepped forward and saluted, saying, "Senior Li Ming, I have come to thank the Taoist for saving his life." If it weren't for the Taoist to come to the rescue, the younger generation would have died long ago. ”

The Taoist priest waved his hand and said, "No need to say thank you, everything is predestined." Now that you've understood your mistake and made the right choice, it's all worth it. ”

After hearing this, Li Ming felt a lot of emotion in his heart, and he asked, "Dao Chief, may I ask how I can cultivate like you and the ancient tomb master and reach the realm of feathering and ascending to the immortal?" ”

The Taoist priest smiled slightly and said, "The way of cultivation lies in the heart, not in the form. You have to understand that true cultivation is the cultivation of the inner being, not the external exercises. Only when you are strong in your heart and able to resist the temptations and interferences of the outside world can you truly embark on the path of cultivation. ”

After hearing this, Li Ming suddenly realized, he bowed deeply, and said: "Thank you for the guidance of the Taoist, the younger generation will definitely remember it." ”

From then on, Li Ming began to focus on cultivating his heart, he was no longer affected by the distractions of the outside world, and single-mindedly pursued inner peace and strength. After years of hard work, he has finally reached a whole new level, and his heart has become incomparably stronger, able to resist any temptation and interference.

And the people of Qingyang Village also found that Li Ming became more and more mysterious, and his body seemed to exude an otherworldly atmosphere. They all knew that Li Ming was no longer that ordinary villager, and he had embarked on a path to a higher realm.

He insisted on building a house on the ancient tomb, and was carried to the courtyard in the middle of the night, only to blame him for breaking the rules

In Qingyang Village, Li Ming's deeds and changes have attracted widespread attention from the villagers. They began to take a fresh look at this former villager, who now seemed to be a cultivator who had transcended the mortal world. Although Li Ming has become more introverted and mysterious, he has not forgotten his roots, and often helps the elderly and children in the village, using what he has learned to benefit the villagers.

One day, Li Ming met a young Taoist priest by the stream outside the village, this Taoist priest named Qingyun, from a distant Taoist temple, he also has a profound attainment in the way of cultivation. The two hit it off at first sight and had a good conversation. Qingyun told Li Ming that the path of cultivation was long and difficult, but as long as there was a way in his heart, he would be able to overcome all difficulties and reach the ultimate realm.

Inspired by Qingyun, Li Ming decided to leave Qingyang Village and go to the wider world to find a way to cultivate. He said goodbye to the villagers and Qingyun and embarked on a long path of cultivation.

In the process of practicing, Li Ming encountered various challenges and difficulties. Sometimes he had to cross steep mountains, sometimes he had to cross fast-flowing rivers. But he never gave up, and he always believed that only through these trials and tribulations could he become stronger.

By chance, Li Ming met a master. This master's name is Ziyang Zhenren, and he is a true cultivation master. He saw Li Ming's potential and tenacity, and decided to take him as an apprentice and teach him a higher cultivation method.

Under the guidance of Ziyang Zhenren, Li Ming's cultivation path has advanced by leaps and bounds. He learned how to control his breath and how to condense his spiritual strength. His heart grew stronger and stronger, and he could feel the connection between himself and heaven and earth, as if he had become a part of the universe.

After several years of cultivation, Li Ming finally reached a new realm. He can feel the flow of energy in his body, and he can use his power to influence the things around him. But he didn't get complacent because of this, and he understood that the true way to cultivation lies in the heart, not in strength.

He insisted on building a house on the ancient tomb, and was carried to the courtyard in the middle of the night, only to blame him for breaking the rules

In the process of cultivation, Li Ming also made many like-minded friends. They discussed the path of cultivation together and faced various challenges and difficulties together. Their friendship and spirit of mutual assistance made Li Ming feel the warmth and strength on the path of cultivation.

Eventually, Li Ming decided to return to Qingyang Village and pass on what he had learned and felt to the villagers. He hoped that the people of Qingyang Village would also understand the importance of the path of cultivation, so that they could also pursue inner peace and strength.

When Li Ming returned to Qingyang Village, he was warmly welcomed by the villagers. They saw that Li Ming had become more calm and profound, as if he had been reborn. Li Ming set up a cultivation course in the Taoist temple in the village, which attracted many villagers to come and study.

Under Li Ming's guidance, the people of Qingyang Village began to gradually comprehend the true meaning of the path of cultivation. They learn how to control their emotions and desires, how to live in harmony with nature. The whole village has become more harmonious and peaceful, and the people's mental outlook has been greatly improved.

And Li Ming also found his true home in the process. He understands that the path of cultivation is not only the pursuit of personal strength and transcendence, but also the benefit of others and the inheritance of culture. He will continue to move forward on the path of cultivation and bring hope and light to Qingyang Village and more people. The Builder of the Tomb (continued)

After Li Ming opened a cultivation course in Qingyang Village, he not only attracted the attention of the villagers, but also attracted the attention of the outside world. Some cultivators from afar heard of Li Ming's reputation and came to visit Qingyang Village, hoping to get his guidance.

Li Ming did not refuse to come, he knew that the path of cultivation needed exchanges and references, so he warmly received these practitioners and discussed the mysteries of cultivation with them. Li Ming used the story of the owner of the ancient tomb as a guide to tell how he gradually embarked on the path of cultivation from an ordinary villager. His experience not only deeply shocked the visiting practitioners, but also inspired them to practice.

During the exchange, Li Ming discovered that these practitioners came from different sects and backgrounds, and each of them had their own unique methods and philosophies. Li Ming humbly learns from them, absorbs their strengths, and shares his own spiritual experience with them. This atmosphere of learning from each other and making progress together has made Qingyang Village a holy place for practitioners.

He insisted on building a house on the ancient tomb, and was carried to the courtyard in the middle of the night, only to blame him for breaking the rules

However, with the increase in the number of practitioners, Qingyang Village also faced some challenges. Some practitioners began to have conflicts and disputes in order to compete for cultivation resources. Li Ming knew very well that the path of cultivation required inner peace and harmony, and he could not sit idly by.

Therefore, Li Ming decided to organize an alliance of practitioners and formulate some basic rules and systems to ensure harmonious coexistence among practitioners. He invited a number of highly respected cultivators to serve as elders of the alliance and jointly manage the affairs of the alliance. With the joint efforts of Li Ming and the elders, the Cultivator Alliance gradually gained everyone's recognition and support.

With the establishment of the Alliance of Cultivators, Qingyang Village became more prosperous and harmonious. Practitioners respect each other and help each other, forming a close-knit and united collective. They explore the mysteries of their practice together and face the difficulties and challenges of their practice together. In the process, they not only improved their spiritual level, but also gained deep friendship and trust.

However, just when Qingyang Village was immersed in the harmonious atmosphere of the cultivators, a huge crisis crept in. An evil force awakens from the ancient tomb and begins to erode the tranquility of Qingyang Village. This force, fed by fear and desire, gradually spreads, affecting the hearts of the villagers and practitioners.

In the face of this crisis, Li Ming was undaunted. He knew that only by relying on the strength of his heart could he defeat this evil force. So, he gathered all the members of the Alliance of Practitioners to discuss countermeasures.

Under the leadership of Li Ming and the elders, the cultivators began a difficult battle of cultivation. They used their cultivation power to engage in a fierce battle with the evil forces. In this contest, the practitioners showed amazing perseverance and courage, and they proved the true meaning of the practice with their actions.

After a hard battle, the cultivators finally defeated the evil forces and restored the peace of Qingyang Village. The villagers and cultivators were full of gratitude and admiration for Li Ming and the Cultivator Alliance. They understood that it was Li Ming and the Alliance of Cultivators who had saved them and allowed them to regain their inner peace and tranquility.

He insisted on building a house on the ancient tomb, and was carried to the courtyard in the middle of the night, only to blame him for breaking the rules

Since then, Qingyang Village has become a sacred place for practitioners, attracting more practitioners to come to learn and communicate. Li Ming also continued to move forward on the path of cultivation, and he used his own experience and insights to inspire more people to embark on the path of cultivation. His story will forever be passed on in the long history of Qingyang Village and become a valuable asset for future generations to learn and learn from.