
Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

author:Big Fish Quest
Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

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Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

Li Xuan has lived in the love of her parents since she was a child, and it was her happiest and happiest time. Her father, Li Yunqi, was very fond of her, and as long as he was at home, he would personally cook delicious meals for her; Even if she is busy with work, she will ask someone to bring her favorite dishes.

Although her mother Gao Xiumin is very busy with work, she always finds time to stay with her daughter Li Xuan, so that Li Xuan has spent a happy and carefree childhood under the care of her parents.

Fate hit her hard at the age of 18, and on August 15, 2008, Li Xuan's beloved mother died in a deep sleep due to a sudden illness. That scene is still vividly imprinted in her mind: her mother's cold body lies there peacefully, but Li Xuan can't shed even a single tear.

Just the day before, she had had an intimate conversation with her mother, but in the blink of an eye, she was separated from life and death forever. For the young Li Xuan, the blow was undoubtedly huge.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

Shortly after Gao Xiumin's death, her father Li Yunqi also died of lung cancer. This blow made Li Xuan no longer able to bear the merciless torture of fate, and she fell into endless loneliness and despair.

She felt that the whole world had forgotten her, and she felt a deep fear and confusion about her future life.

After encountering a sudden and huge change, the young Li Xuan fell into a desperate situation for a while, silently shedding sad tears, recalling the bits and pieces of getting along with her parents.

Every time she sees the intimate and warm scenes of other children and their parents, her heart swells up with jealousy and envy. She often blames herself and regrets why she didn't filial her parents in the first place, and now that they are gone forever, she can no longer make up for this regret.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

When Li Xuan was deeply tired and in endless pain, Gao Xiumin's friends reached out in time and warmed Li Xuan's cold heart with the fire of their friendship.

After Zhao Benshan, Fan Wei and others learned of Li Xuan's experience, they came to her side to comfort and encourage. They spared no effort to provide Li Xuan with job opportunities and help her regain hope and courage in life.

It is precisely because of the support and encouragement of these friends that Li Xuan can find hope in despair and rekindle her desire for life.

Among them, the most noteworthy is Yan Xuejing. She received a great favor from Gao Xiumin back then, and now her role in the play is incarnated as Li Xuan's "aunt", showing her most sincere love and care for this young girl.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

Yan Xuejing has justified Li Xuan's name in public many times to express her understanding and support. She said to Li Xuan affectionately: "No matter when and where, as long as you need it, you can find my aunt at any time."

Li Xuan always remembers those difficult days with great gratitude. It was the selfless help and support of those friends that allowed her to regain hope and courage in life and successfully get out of the trough of life.

If it weren't for their help, she would have found herself in a desperate situation.

In addition to providing moral support, Yan Xuejing and others also gave Li Xuan real care and care in life. They would visit Li Xuan from time to time, send her daily necessities, and often invite her to eat together to share the bits and pieces of life.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

Although the distance is sometimes far away, this friendship rekindles Li Xuan's hope for life.

When Li Xuan fell into despair and helplessness, her stepfather He Qingkui gave her unprecedented care and love. He Qingkui regarded Li Xuan as his own daughter, and did his best to care for and pamper her.

Since being with Gao Xiumin, He Qingkui has put all his mind on Li Xuan, and even his own son has been left out in the cold intentionally or unintentionally.

He always violated Gao Xiumin's wishes and gave Li Xuan all kinds of material and spiritual support in private. Whenever Li Xuan was in school, He Qingkui would visit her at school, bring all kinds of daily necessities, and do his best to take care of her study and life.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

The classmates were attracted to this amiable elder, and they mistakenly thought that he was Li Xuan's father.

He Qingkui's care for Li Xuan has indeed reached a new height that has never been seen before. Although he couldn't divorce his original partner and couldn't give Gao Xiumin an orthodox identity, his dedication to this family was wholehearted and unreserved.

Li Xuan once refused to meet her biological father Li Yunqi for a period of time, but He Qingkui did not leave or give up on her because of this, but took care of her as always.

Maybe because Gao Xiumin's death hit He Qingkui too hard, or maybe he had a special fatherly love for Li Xuan, and in the last few years of his life, he put all his energy on taking care of Li Xuan.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

When Li Xuan decided to study abroad, He Qingkui said with an emotional offensive: "In our hometown, the affection and love between family members will provide you with an environment for growth; However, because we are not familiar with the environment abroad, we are unable to provide first-class support.

There was a hint of care for her in her tone.

He Qingkui, an elder who is over the age of six, admirably poured his time and care into Li Xuan's daily life. Whenever Gao Xiumin and he needed to go out to perform, he always took Li Xuan with him without hesitation, and even paid extra expenses out of his own pocket.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

Sometimes Gao Xiumin would dissuade He Qingkui from taking Li Xuan with him, but He Qingkui always politely declined and insisted on taking Li Xuan with him. In daily life, he uses practical actions to interpret the demeanor of a "model stepfather".

At the end of 2005, with the help of her sister, Li Xuan and Liu Dawei met. When they first met, Liu Dawei was attracted by Li Xuan's unique personality, and he frankly expressed his heart to her.

At that time, Li Xuan was still haunted in her heart and lacked confidence in her feelings, but Liu Dawei's sincere friendship made her rekindle her desire for love.

Faced with such a sincere confession, Li Xuan finally nodded in agreement. Soon after they met, Liu Dawei boldly confessed their feelings to his family, and received their strong support and blessings.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

Soon after, the two decided to get married and entered the palace of marriage together.

Liu Dawei's family gave Li Xuan an unprecedentedly warm welcome. His parents were very fond of her and affectionately called her "second daughter". Li Xuan felt the warmth of home in such a warm and harmonious family.

The thoughtfulness and meticulous care of her in-laws made her life after marriage peaceful.

In 2007, Li Xuan gave birth to a son smoothly, which made the entire Liu family happy. Especially the in-laws, they came thousands of miles to take care of her diet and daily life, so that she could be confined and take care of the children with peace of mind.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

After giving birth, her in-laws took care of the baby wholeheartedly, allowing Li Xuan to recuperate. Seeing that her husband Liu Dawei was considerate to her and her in-laws took good care of her, Li Xuan's gratitude in her heart was beyond words.

After marriage, Li Xuan's life is very peaceful and happy, all thanks to her in-laws' thoughtfulness and care for her. Although Liu Dawei's parents are not her biological parents, they treat Li Xuan as their own daughter.

Whenever the festive season comes, her parents-in-law will carefully prepare all kinds of delicacies for Li Xuan and her children a few days in advance, and prepare a sumptuous holiday meal for them. Each dish is prepared by the parents-in-law with care, demonstrating their deep affection for their daughter-in-law and grandchildren.

Every time Li Xuan tastes these delicacies, her heart is always full of mixed feelings, as if she has re-experienced the love of her parents.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

On ordinary days outside the festival, the in-laws take care of Li Xuan and the children's daily life, and when the son is not at home, the in-laws also take the initiative to take on housework and do not let the daughter-in-law work at all.

Sometimes Liu Dawei is at home, and they will enthusiastically undertake all the housework so that the daughter-in-law can devote herself to accompanying her grandchildren.

In Li Xuan's life, her in-laws' love for her is reflected everywhere. For example, when the son is away from home, the in-laws will always take the initiative to ask his wife for the latest information, and will always pay attention to Li Xuan's life needs and try their best to help her.

In Li Xuan's memory, every summer under the scorching sun, her father-in-law would personally boil a bowl of sour plum soup to cool her down. In the cold winter, her in-laws will prepare warm supplies such as stoves and hot water bottles for her.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

The most touching thing is that my parents-in-law still work hard to take care of their grandson's daily life even when they are old. They always prepare a variety of nutritious ingredients in advance and carefully cook delicious dishes for their grandchildren to eat sweet and delicious.

Sometimes his grandchildren are picky eaters, but the delicious dishes made by his in-laws always make him find a dish he likes.

Since Li Xuan became pregnant and gave birth, the love of her in-laws has become even greater. In order to let their daughter-in-law raise the baby with peace of mind, they traveled thousands of miles to visit her and take care of her diet and daily life.

After Li Xuan gave birth, her in-laws unreservedly devoted themselves to the daily life of taking care of her grandson to alleviate her hard work. In the dead of night, as long as she hears her grandson's cry, her in-laws will always rush to coax the child to sleep as soon as possible, and will never let Li Xuan worry about it.

Gao Xiumin's daughter Li Xuan: Her parents died one after another, and her in-laws treated her as her own

Li Xuan's gratitude is indescribable, and the two amiable in-laws take care of her as if she were their own daughter, which fills her heart with warmth. She treats her in-laws with the same filial piety as she treats her biological parents.

Even if she has passed the age of a wife and mother, Li Xuan can't help but miss her deceased biological mother Gao Xiumin in the dead of night. Seeing the happy scene of the child and her in-laws, she will unconsciously become envious and jealous.

However, Li Xuan will soon adjust her mood with a positive and optimistic attitude, she knows that she already has a happy family, and she should be content and happy, and cherish everything in front of her.

She puts all her thoughts into the life of her new family, and strives to create a warm and peaceful environment for her children to grow up.

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