
In 06, the 99-year-old Red Army enjoyed provincial medical treatment, and after his death, a member of the Politburo appeared at the funeral

author:The sky of history

In 06, the 99-year-old Red Army enjoyed provincial medical treatment, and after his death, a member of the Politburo appeared at the funeral. If a person's life is compared to a mountain, then Mr. Wang Shengrong's life is the kind of magnificent peaks, towering and magnificent. From a child of a poor fisherman's family, he has experienced all kinds of life and vicissitudes, and finally became an admirable old hero of the republic. Not long ago, this 99-year-old veteran Red Army passed away in Wuhan, and a generation of heroes took the parting Xuanzhou to go away. So, when a member of the Politburo - Yu Zhengsheng came to mourn and see off the old man, did you also have some doubts and curiosity? What exactly did the legendary life of a 99-year-old Red Army veteran go through?

In 06, the 99-year-old Red Army enjoyed provincial medical treatment, and after his death, a member of the Politburo appeared at the funeral

At the age of 13, he left his hometown and came to Shanghai alone, where he worked as a child laborer in a yarn factory. However, it was under the propaganda of the yarn factory trade union that Wang Shengrong realized the importance of the revolution, and from then on his enthusiasm began to boil, and he threw himself into the embrace of the revolution with great ambition.

In 06, the 99-year-old Red Army enjoyed provincial medical treatment, and after his death, a member of the Politburo appeared at the funeral

In 1926, Wang Shengrong was absorbed by the party organization because of his outstanding performance and became a member of the Communist Youth League. After that, he never looked back, bravely participating in the "May Revolution" and the third armed uprising of the Shanghai workers. With the start of the Northern Expedition, Wang Shengrong, who was only in his early 20s, entered the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and started his revolutionary career.

In 06, the 99-year-old Red Army enjoyed provincial medical treatment, and after his death, a member of the Politburo appeared at the funeral

In those turbulent times, the White Terror was pervasive. Wang Shengrong had to go underground with the party organization, but even in such a dangerous environment, he still performed miraculous feats and brilliantly completed every task assigned to him by the party. As a commendation, he was chosen to go to the USSR to study and be fully prepared for the revolution in the future.

In 06, the 99-year-old Red Army enjoyed provincial medical treatment, and after his death, a member of the Politburo appeared at the funeral

Time flies, time flies. In a blink of an eye, in 1932, by chance, Wang Shengrong came to southern Gannan and rescued Chairman Mao, who was attacked and in distress, which can be said to be indispensable. Since then, he has written many wonderful chapters for the party and the revolutionary cause. In 1933, even the Party Central Committee sent him to Shanghai to transport huge sums of money to relieve difficulties, but he alone overcame many hurdles and finally completed the task without fail.

In 06, the 99-year-old Red Army enjoyed provincial medical treatment, and after his death, a member of the Politburo appeared at the funeral

During the War of Liberation, the brave and warlike Wang Shengrong galloped across the field. He led his troops to conquer important towns and was appointed political commissar of the army. Who would have thought that an accidental shooting would take him a leg and force him to transfer to the logistics department. But he never gave up and still worked hard to the end. Even after suffering injustice in some political movements, the elderly never complained. In 1957, Chairman Mao promoted him exceptionally when he inspected Hubei, but unfortunately due to health reasons, he had to retire a year later.

In 06, the 99-year-old Red Army enjoyed provincial medical treatment, and after his death, a member of the Politburo appeared at the funeral

Mr. Wang Shengrong's legendary life is so wonderful that even some young people can hardly match it. From a poor fisherman's child laborer, he has grown step by step into a revolutionary pioneer who bravely fought for the independence and liberation of the country and the nation, and can be described as a model of hard work and firm faith. He worked tirelessly for the interests of the motherland and the people, did not seek fame and fortune or returns, and was indifferent to fame and fortune all his life, and was poor and self-controlled. It was revolutionaries of the older generation like him who paved the way for New China with their faith and lives. We should respect their noble spirit, firmly engrave the legacy of our revolutionary predecessors in our hearts, vigorously carry forward the great spirit of the Long March, never forget our original aspiration, keep our mission firmly in mind, and strive to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

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