
How shameful is Jingkang's shame? Why did the queen choose to commit suicide? The concubines and princesses were numb

author:Xiaolong said history

"Jing Kang is ashamed, it is still snowing, the courtiers hate, when will it be destroyed!"

Every time I recall the Northern Song Dynasty, Yue Fei's magnificent words and sentences echo in my mind, and the shame of Jingkang, which directly led to the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, is even more heartbreaking and unrelieved.

The Shame of Jingkang was a major historical event that occurred during the Northern Song Dynasty, marking the transition from the Northern Song Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty.

This event was due to the invasion of the Jin Dynasty, which led to the destruction of the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, Tokyo (present-day Kaifeng, Henan), and a large number of Zhao royal families, harem concubines, Guiqing, courtiers, etc., were captured and escorted north to the Jin Kingdom.

There were about 10,000 princes, ministers and palace maids who were captured by the Jin, and let these people perform the sheep ceremony, and the queen even committed suicide because of this.

How shameful is Jingkang's shame? Why did the queen choose to commit suicide? The concubines and princesses were numb

The Northern Song Dynasty was a very special dynasty in Chinese history, with a super economic strength and an army of millions.

But they couldn't resist the 100,000 Jin people.

In fact, the reason that directly led to the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty was the emphasis on literature and light on military force.

The economy of the Northern Song Dynasty has always been in a leading position in the world.

Among the 5,000-year-old feudal dynasties, the Northern Song Dynasty was also one of the richest dynasties.

The Northern Song Dynasty was the period of the fastest economic development.

Whether it is agriculture, commerce, handicrafts and other aspects can not be ignored, it played a leading role in the world at that time.

In 1119 AD, three regimes emerged in the land of China, and the Jurchens located in the area of the Korean Peninsula were the Jurchens. The Liao Kingdom in northern China and the Northern Song Dynasty.

Among the Three Kingdoms, the Jurchen people were the most energetic, and the Northern Song Dynasty court was the richest.

However, in 1119 and 1121 AD, the Northern Song Dynasty experienced the Songjiang and Fangla uprisings successively, although the Northern Song Dynasty Huizong finally suppressed it, but it also seriously weakened the national strength of the Northern Song Dynasty.

The rise of the Jurchen tribe was suppressed by the Liao State, so the Jurchen tribe and the Northern Song Dynasty shared the same hatred and formed an alliance.

In 1121 AD, Huizong of the Song Dynasty signed the famous maritime alliance with the Jurchen tribe who established the Jin regime, which stipulated that the two countries would jointly resist the Liao state, and after destroying the Liao state, the sixteen states of Yanyun occupied by the Liao state would be returned to the Northern Song Dynasty.

But what is surprising is that the Jin soldiers were extremely brave in the battle with the Liao State, and the Liao State was defeated and retreated, while the soldiers and horses of the Northern Song Dynasty were beaten like lost dogs when they touched the Liao army.

Although the Liao State was destroyed in 1122, the Jin State looked at the battle results and found that the Northern Song Dynasty was so weak that it had no effect except to give away heads, and it didn't want to return the Sixteen Prefectures of Yanyun to the Northern Song Dynasty.

Simply make things difficult for the Northern Song Dynasty, not only requiring the Northern Song Dynasty to pay an annual tribute of 1.4 million yuan in taxes, but also to hand over the taxes of these sixteen states to the Jin Dynasty.

At this time, the sixteen states of Yanyun had already been scorched in the years of war, but Song Huizong changed his position with a huge amount of money, and regained the lost land in the name of it, and also held a banquet to praise this immortal achievement, without realizing the seriousness of the problem, that is, after the fall of the Liao State, the Northern Song Dynasty will directly face the iron hooves of the Jin Dynasty.

Especially after Jin Taizong succeeded to the throne after Yan Sheng, the Jin Dynasty was even more eyeing the Northern Song Dynasty, but it suffered from having no excuse and could not send troops.

It happened that in 1123, after Zhang Jue, the former general of the Liao State, surrendered to the Jin State, he actually defected to the Northern Song Dynasty and was accepted by the Northern Song Dynasty, which gave the Jin State a pretext to send troops.

In August 1125, the Jin State used this as an excuse to send troops south, and it was not long before they crossed the Yellow River to besiege Bianjing, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty.

But the funny thing is that the Jin soldiers have already approached the city, but there is no unanimous opinion within the Northern Song Dynasty, and the main battle faction and the main peace faction are arguing.

Song Huizong was even more ridiculous, directly gave up the throne to his son Song Qinzong, and became the emperor himself, thinking that as long as he was not the emperor, this disaster had nothing to do with the infamy of later generations.

Song Qinzong, who had just ascended the throne, was also confused, and it happened that the Jin soldiers led by the Shaanxi general Cheng Shidao rushed to King Qin, and the minister Li Gang also vigorously advocated fighting with the Jin soldiers, but mainly to defend the city.

Song Qinzong had the attitude of trying it out, and did not choose to surrender, and let the two of them take over the work of guarding Bianjing together.

When everyone was not optimistic, the two actually held Bianjing.

Seeing that the strong attack could not be carried out, the Jin State sent an envoy to persuade him to surrender.

What everyone didn't expect was that Song Qinzong actually agreed, not only compensated a large amount of gold and silver treasures, but also ceded Taiyuan and other three places, and even King Kang Zhao Gou and Dazai Zhang Bangchang became hostages of the Jin State.

originally thought that the two countries would achieve peace, but who knew that Song Qinzong actually listened to the rumors, not only did not reward Li Gang and Cheng Shidao for their meritorious service in defending the city, but also demoted Li Gang to a commoner, and Cheng Shidao, who was in his 70s, was even more angry to death.

As soon as Jin Guo saw that the two main battle factions that would defend the city were gone, he immediately made a comeback.

In August 1126, the Jin Kingdom, which had just retreated for less than half a year, once again waved its troops south, and the military seal surrounded Kaifeng and Bianjing in a blink of an eye.

In the face of danger, without the two mainstays of Li Gang and Cheng Shidao, Song Qinzong threw the burden of defending the city to Uncle Sun, the right man of Shangshu at that time, and Uncle Sun himself did not know how to defend the city, but he was extremely superstitious, and found a god Guo Jing to be responsible for the responsibility of defending the city.

Guo Jing didn't know the art of war at all, and he had no experience in leading troops, but he claimed that he knew the immortal method of Liuding Liujia, and he only needed 7,777 people to repel the Jin soldiers.

This kind of nonsense actually made the whole court believe it, not only to add him to the rank of knight, but also to give money to people.

And the 7,777 people that Guo Jing wanted, the first consideration was the eight characters of birth, and under his careful selection, the 7,777 people were quickly defeated by Jin Bing in one fell swoop.

In January 1127 AD, the Jin soldiers broke through Kaifeng, but at this moment the Jin soldiers were already at the end of the crossbow, even if they could plunder Kaifeng, they could not continue to go south.

In order to maximize his interests, Jin took the initiative to find the Northern Song Dynasty court to ask for peace.

Song Qinzong hurriedly sent the prime minister of the current dynasty and Zhao Xi, the king of Qi, but the Jin State refused to negotiate peace on the grounds that these two people were in low positions, and demanded that the emperor Song Huizong must come to make peace.

But even Song Qinzong, who was the emperor of the dynasty, really couldn't call his own father, so he could only venture to Jinying to negotiate peace.

But when Song Qinzong arrived at the enemy camp, everything was involuntarily.

Under the threat of the Jin State, Song Jinzong agreed to a series of conditions put forward by the Jin State, and completed the surrender ceremony in accordance with the customs of the Jurchens, so that he was able to return to Bianjing.

However, the conditions proposed by the Jin State were too harsh, and a huge indemnity of 10 million taels of gold, 20 million taels of silver, and 10 million horses of silk was issued, and if the Northern Song Dynasty did not pay on time, then they would invade Bianjing.

Although the economic strength of the Northern Song Dynasty was undoubted, Bianjing was already under siege at that time, and could only loot money in the capital.

Song Qinzong, who was bold, intensified his efforts to loot the people's fat and ointment, and even the princes and nobles did not let go, and almost emptied the wealth of the entire Bianjing City, but still could not meet the requirements put forward by the Jin State.

Hou Jin Guo made a concession and put forward a proposal to use women to pay off debts.

Among them, the princess and princess can each be worth 1,000 gold, the county lord 500 gold, and the noble lady 200 gold.

This kind of proposal to lose power and humiliate the country was actually approved by all the princes and nobles from Song Qinzong down, and even Song Qinzong's 24-year-old daughter was sent to the Jinren camp, and his fate can be imagined.

At that time, the Jurchens were not yet civilized, and they fought fiercely, but they had no ethics at all.

And starting from this princess, more and more women in the Northern Song Dynasty were sent to the Jin camp.

In order to pay off the debt, many officials directly disguised the civilian women as princesses and county lords and sent them to the gold camp.

How shameful is Jingkang's shame? Why did the queen choose to commit suicide? The concubines and princesses were numb

Many princes and ministers could not bear to suffer such humiliation for their wives and daughters, and hid them among the people, but the lords and factions were able to find them and send them to the golden camp as quickly as possible.

These aristocratic women became fragrant and humiliated in the eyes of the Jinren, but they still could not fill the gap of the huge indemnity.

The Jin people also offered to use craftsmen, ritual vessels, imperial doctors, and happy visiting workers to pay off debts, and the Northern Song Dynasty satisfied them one by one.

For the princes and nobles of the Song Dynasty, in addition to their own lives, the Jin Kingdom will give whatever it wants, as long as the Northern Song Dynasty is still there, then with the blessing of power, there will always be glory and wealth.

The top priority is to send Jin Guo away, but no matter how they loot, they will not be able to satisfy Jin Guo's appetite.

On the grounds of negotiating conditions, Jin Guo asked Song Qinzong to go to negotiate peace again, but this time he went and did not return.

The detained Song Qinzong was mistreated, and the court was only thinking about how to arrest people and search for money to satisfy the Jin.

When the imperial court really couldn't come up with the money, Jin Guo showed his fangs, directly attacked Bianjing, and captured the Emperor Song Huizong, the queen mother, princesses, and concubines.

On February 6, 1127, Song Qinzong was demoted to a concubine, and together with Emperor Song Huizong, he was taken into exile to the north, burning countless houses along the way.

The captives included emperors, empresses, concubines, princesses, and nobles, and the number of artisans and commoners was no less than 100,000, and the Northern Song Dynasty was declared extinct.

Zhu Lian, the empress of Song Qinzong, had been humiliated since her captivity, and the Jin people coveted the most noble woman of the Song Dynasty, and were eventually humiliated to death.

Among the 34 daughters of Emperor Song Huizong, 21 were taken captive, and the Jin people even built a military prostitute to place Song Dynasty women from the queen and concubines to the princess and commoners.

In 1128 A.D., Jin Taizong held a sheep holding ceremony for Song Huizong, Song Qinzong father and son, and more than 1,300 princes, princesses, princesses, etc., all of them were stripped of their clothes, put on sheepskins, and then put shackles on their necks, and were led by people like sheep, led by the Jin people all the way to the Aguta Temple.

And Jin Taizong even named Song Huizong as the Duke of Dude and Song Qinzong as the Duke of Chongdu, and imprisoned the two.

After the so-called ceremony, everyone was put in separate cells.

In prison, Qinzong met his wife in a trance, Empress Zhu.

Qinzong knew the reason why his wife was in a trance, she had suffered a lot of humiliation along the way, and the "sheep ceremony" made her lose her reputation.

Qinzong was both remorseful and distressed at the moment, and he didn't know how to face Empress Zhu.

In the evening, several Jin soldiers broke in and forcibly took Empress Zhu away, but Qinzong was powerless to stop him.

The next day, Qinzong finally learned the news of Empress Zhu.

The Jin soldiers privately discussed: The woman who was sent to the Khan's tent to sleep last night died, and I heard that she was the empress of the Han emperor and had outstanding appearance, but she committed suicide by throwing herself into the water.

Qin Zong's heart was like a knife when he heard this, but he could only be silent, pretending not to know......

Not only Empress Zhu, but also the concubines and princesses of the emperor's harem, and even the daughters of the ministers were not spared from this catastrophe.

Why did Empress Zhu choose to commit suicide?

The main reason is that she can no longer endure the humiliation of the Kim people.

On the way to be escorted, she continued to be molested by Jin Bing.

After entering Yanjing, she was forcibly taken off her shirt, suffered a very insulting "sheep holding ceremony", and then was asked to wait for Jin Taizong.

All this was unbearable for Empress Zhu, who was deeply bound by feudal etiquette.

For ancient women in the mainland, chastity is a very important existence, and this kind of sheep ceremony is actually a fundamental challenge to the dignity of these women, so they choose to commit suicide.

How shameful is Jingkang's shame? Why did the queen choose to commit suicide? The concubines and princesses were numb

And some people are already insensitive, even if they are going to be sold to those princes and nobles or soldiers and generals, they don't care.

Among them is Zhao Fujin, the daughter of Song Huizong and the sister of Song Qinzong.

As a well-known beauty at that time, Zhao Fujin was first occupied by Wanyan Zongwang, and then fell into the hands of Wanyan Xiyin.

And the more tragic one was Song Gaozong's biological mother, Empress Dowager Wei. She was sent along with the other concubines and princesses to a place called "Huanyiyuan".

It is worth noting that the Huanyi Courtyard here is not a simple laundry place, but a special place for the Jin people to contain the palace maids and concubines for their entertainment.

It is recorded that Empress Dowager Wei once received as many as 100 guests in one day, setting an astonishing record.

After that, she even became Wanyan Zongxian's concubine and gave birth to two sons for him.

Of Gojong's five daughters, except for three, who died on the way to the north, the remaining two were also sent to Huanyiyuan.

In this way, they became items that could be traded in the hands of the generals and soldiers, and they were bought and sold like slaves, and as long as they looked a little good, they had to be taken to the pleasure of those generals.

How shameful is Jingkang's shame? Why did the queen choose to commit suicide? The concubines and princesses were numb

Among the shame of Jingkang, the persecution of the royal family is undoubtedly the most humiliating and cruel.

These women suffered far more than men, and they were not only treated as playthings by the Jinren, but also suffered unspeakable torture, and finally completed their life's journey in loneliness and suffering.

In endless humiliation and torture, Song Huizong died in 1135 at the age of 54.

Song Qinzong was ordered to participate in a polo match in 1156, but was trampled to death at the age of 57.

So far, the Northern Song Dynasty has become a history full of regret and shame.