
Yu Qi is a repeat offender? Netizens are too powerful! also picked up her past bad deeds, and scolded netizens for being sick

author:Teasing the poor ghost


Yu Qi is a repeat offender? Netizens are too powerful! also picked up her past bad deeds, and scolded netizens for being sick

Things to look at:

Recently, in the bustling Sanlitun area of Chaoyang District, Beijing, an accident occurred in a traffic jam on an originally smooth road. 事件的焦点是一辆停靠在路边的外交‬车牌‬车辆堵住了路,更令人意想不到的是,车上的大妈却坚决拒绝将车辆移开,还声称自己享有特权‬。

Yu Qi is a repeat offender? Netizens are too powerful! also picked up her past bad deeds, and scolded netizens for being sick

Identity revealed:

This unique scene not only caused confusion but also aroused curiosity. 经过深入爆料,原来这位违规停车并声称自己拥有特权‬的大妈,竟是亚太空间合作组织的秘书长余琦。 This background of identity undoubtedly adds more drama and attention to the whole event, making people more interested in the event.

Yu Qi is a repeat offender? Netizens are too powerful! also picked up her past bad deeds, and scolded netizens for being sick

Further pickpocketed:

The fermentation of things will inevitably leak out a certain historical story, and netizens also revealed that Aunt Yu, who claims to be the "Secretary-General of the Asia-Pacific Region", actually regards behaviors such as driving on the line and changing lanes without lights as commonplace when she usually drives, which is unbelievable. What is even more shocking is that when her behavior was questioned and criticized by passers-by, not only did she not have a trace of remorse, but instead chose to respond in an impolite and arrogant way, openly mocking those passers-by who questioned her in the car, calling her "sick". This arrogant and domineering attitude makes people question her character and morality.

Yu Qi is a repeat offender? Netizens are too powerful! also picked up her past bad deeds, and scolded netizens for being sick

Issuing an apology:

Amid the wave of public doubts about her character and morals, Yu Qi finally realized the seriousness of the problem. She no longer chooses to remain silent or escape, but bravely stands up and faces public doubts and criticism. She apologized publicly, acknowledged her misconduct while driving, and deeply reflected on her mistakes. She said that she will humbly accept everyone's criticism and suggestions, strive to correct her mistakes, and face her future work and life with a more humble and responsible attitude.

Yu Qi is a repeat offender? Netizens are too powerful! also picked up her past bad deeds, and scolded netizens for being sick

Netizens hotly discussed:

Yu Qi is a repeat offender? Netizens are too powerful! also picked up her past bad deeds, and scolded netizens for being sick
Yu Qi is a repeat offender? Netizens are too powerful! also picked up her past bad deeds, and scolded netizens for being sick
Yu Qi is a repeat offender? Netizens are too powerful! also picked up her past bad deeds, and scolded netizens for being sick

The editor has something to say:

It can be seen from netizens,

Yu Qi is a repeat offender? Netizens are too powerful! also picked up her past bad deeds, and scolded netizens for being sick

The fact that people can comment so sharply on Yu Qi's behavior is largely due to her abuse of privilege. As a representative on the international stage, she seems to have misunderstood the privileges and responsibilities conferred by her position. Not only did she show no remorse when she violated the traffic rules, but she even openly mocked the public who questioned her, and this overuse of power and disregard for the rules made people deeply worried.

Yu Qi is a repeat offender? Netizens are too powerful! also picked up her past bad deeds, and scolded netizens for being sick

她的行为不仅损害了她个人的形象和声誉,更是对国家形象产生‬影响。 This abuse of privilege has exacerbated public concerns and dissatisfaction with the abuse of power. Therefore, everyone's comment is not without purpose, but based on a deep reflection and criticism of the nature of the abuse of privilege behind her behavior.

Yu Qi is a repeat offender? Netizens are too powerful! also picked up her past bad deeds, and scolded netizens for being sick

This incident also reminds public officials to always keep a clear head, keep in mind their duties and missions, and always adhere to professional ethics and codes of conduct. We should set an example, set a good example, and practice the purpose of serving the people and the country with practical actions. At the same time, they should also strengthen supervision and restraint over their own behavior, and constantly improve their own quality and ability, so as to better perform the duties and missions of public officials.

What do you think of this incident?