
The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

author:Xiaoshui said entertainment

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The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

The 2024 World Women's Volleyball League Finals is like a fierce battle that is about to kick off, filled with gunsmoke, full of unknowns and expectations.

At 18:00 on June 20, this moment, like a military order, made the hearts of countless fans hang in an instant.

The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

The first matchup is the strong collision between the Chinese women's volleyball team and the Japanese women's volleyball team, which is destined to be a gripping competition.

This time, assistant coach Yuan Zhi led the team, which is undoubtedly a new attempt and a huge challenge for the women's volleyball team.

What is jaw-dropping is that the main players Li Yingying and Zhu Ting are not on the list, but stay at the Zhangzhou training base to prepare for the game.

What the hell is going on?

Let's talk about Li Yingying first, this is a dazzling star on the field! Her performance on the court is amazing, smashing the ball, blocking the net, everything is excellent, and her strength is simply barred! But this time in the finals, she was actually absent.

The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

This can make the fans anxious, and there are 10,000 question marks swirling in their hearts.

Could it be that the coaching staff deliberately asked her to preserve her strength? Or is it arranging more high-intensity and targeted special training for her, in order to make her become the team's savior at a more critical moment in the future and turn the tide? You see, in previous games, Li Yingying stepped forward many times at critical moments and led the team to victory.

For example, in the duel with the strong rival Brazil team, seeing that the score was behind, Li Yingying relied on her excellent personal ability to attack again and again, and she turned the situation around.

So, this time she was absent from the finals, and everyone is speculating whether the coaching staff has a deeper plan.

The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

Let's talk about Zhu Ting, the former core figure of the women's volleyball team, whose status in the hearts of fans is extremely lofty.

However, due to a wrist injury and a lower back problem, she has not been able to fully integrate into the team since her return.

Her health condition is like a tight string that always touches the hearts of fans.

She failed to compete in the finals this time, and everyone is worried, does this mean that her journey to the Paris Olympics will be full of thorns?

The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

Let's think about it, the former Zhu Ting was majestic and invincible on the field.

Her smash is powerful and fast, making her opponent unguardable.

She led the Chinese women's volleyball team to achieve brilliant results one after another.

But now, injuries have become her worst enemy.

Missing the finals this time, could it be that her injury has not healed? Or did the coaching staff want her to take the risk too soon? All of this is like a fog, unpredictable.

In fact, this is not the first time that such a situation has occurred in the sports world.

The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

Take the basketball superstar Yao Ming of the year, for example, he also missed some important games due to injuries.

However, after a period of recuperation and special training, he finally returned strongly and led the team to excellent results.

So can Zhu Ting, like Yao Ming, overcome her injuries and regain her peak form? It's really an unknown.

Also, have you ever thought that the coaching staff made such a decision, perhaps for the long-term development of the team.

After all, the Paris Olympics are the top priority.

The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

They may want Li Yingying and Zhu Ting to adjust their state and improve their strength during this time, so as to meet the challenges of the Olympics with the best attitude.

Speaking of Wu Mengjie, she did not participate in the finals, but this situation is considered to have the strength to directly participate in the Paris Olympics.

What kind of judgment is this? What is it about her that makes the coaching staff so trusted? Is it her outstanding performance in her daily training routine, or her impressive performances in previous competitions?

And the performance of Zhuang Yushan and other alternative players in the World Women's Volleyball League is also like an unknown.

The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

Every smash they make, every time they defend, could be the key to their future status and chances in the national team.

Will they be able to seize this fleeting opportunity to establish themselves in a highly competitive national team?

Wang Yunrui, the once highly anticipated player, fell out of favor and became a fringe player at the crucial moment of the sprint to the Paris Olympics.

Her position and future are in the spotlight, what went wrong? Is it a poor form, or is it a tactical mismatch? And how will she turn things around and regain the trust of the coaching staff?

In terms of competition for the main offensive position, the competition between Li Yingying, Wu Mengjie and Zhu Ting can be called white-hot.

The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

Li Yingying's sharp attack, Wu Mengjie's unlimited potential, and Zhu Ting's rich experience, who can dominate the arena in the Paris Olympics? It's a battle of strength and opportunity.

In the setter position, Diao Linyu is favored, can her passes be as accurate as a scalpel and create excellent scoring opportunities for attackers? In the receiving position, Gong Xiangyu is regarded as the first choice of iron fighting, can she live up to expectations and continue to shine in the arena?

On the libero side, Wang Mengjie and Ni Feifei have been stable and efficient, can they build a solid defensive line for the team at critical moments?

The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

This series of questions is like a suspense, waiting for time to reveal the answer.

The future of the Chinese women's volleyball team is full of challenges and opportunities, and every player is fighting for their dreams and honors.

Let's wait and see what they do on the field!

Take Zhu Ting as an example, she used to be heroic on the field, and she smashed vigorously again and again, which made the opponent frightened.

But now he is riddled with injuries, which is an inevitable bump in the career of an athlete.

The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

But we have to believe that Zhu Ting has a tenacious will and an extreme desire to win, and she will definitely work hard to overcome difficulties.

Recalling those classic games in the past, Zhu Ting can always stand up at critical moments and lead the team to victory.

Now, despite the temporary difficulties, her past achievements are enough to prove her strength and worth.

Looking at Li Yingying again, her growth rate is amazing.

The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

From a fledgling young general to a general who can now take charge of herself, she has paid countless sweats.

Every time she trained, she gave it her all; In every game, she gave her all.

Her fighting spirit infects every teammate around her, and also makes fans full of expectations for her.

Wu Mengjie, this rising star with high hopes, her potential is unlimited.

The women's volleyball team's main attack competition is white-hot: Wu Mengjie has gone ashore, Wang Yunrui is unwilling, and Zhu Ting is slightly variable

Perhaps in the near future, she will become the new core of the Chinese women's volleyball team and lead the team to new heights.

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