
"Summer Lightning" Thunder Attack Concentrated implementation to protect people's livelihood

author:Indifferent beam w

In order to thoroughly implement the concept of justice for the people of "as I am in action", increase the intensity of the crackdown on refusal to enforce, and effectively improve the quality and efficiency of enforcement, under the unified leadership of the Executive Bureau of the Changchun Intermediate People's Court, the Executive Bureau of the Shuangyang Court launched the "Summer Lightning" special centralized enforcement action on June 17, 2024.

"Summer Lightning" Thunder Attack Concentrated implementation to protect people's livelihood
"Summer Lightning" Thunder Attack Concentrated implementation to protect people's livelihood

At 5:30 a.m., the officers and police of the Executive Directorate were assembled and ready to go, and with the order of Yang Gang, Director of the Executive Bureau, the two enforcement teams quickly rushed to the execution site.

"Summer Lightning" Thunder Attack Concentrated implementation to protect people's livelihood

In the scorching summer, the enthusiasm of the enforcement cadres and police continued unabated, and they ran around the fields and community streets, flexibly using compulsory enforcement measures to severely punish acts of evading and resisting enforcement in accordance with the law. During the course of enforcement, the enforcement cadres and police conducted in-depth communication with the person subject to enforcement, both moved by emotion and reason, and at the same time explained to the person subject to enforcement the serious legal consequences of refusing to enforce, and advised the person subject to enforcement to perform the obligations of the effective judgment as soon as possible, so as not to cause greater losses.

This enforcement action dispatched 27 judicial police and enforcement police, 7 police cars, 7 people detained and summoned the person subject to execution, detained 1 person, and the execution was 136,063.00 yuan, which achieved the effect of "enforcing a group, deterring one party, and educating one".

There is still a long way to go, and there is still a lot to be done. In the next step, Shuangyang Court will uphold the work concept of "as I am in action", actively practice active performance of duties, effectively increase enforcement efforts, explore innovative enforcement measures, continue to make efforts to protect people's livelihood and escort development, defend people's livelihood "temperature" with enforcement "strength", and enhance the people's sense of access to justice and satisfaction with practical actions.

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