
Gaotai: Little ginseng fruit bears the "golden fruit" of rural revitalization

author:Zhangye agriculture and rural areas

Based on the functional positioning of agriculture priority, Gaotai County has continuously improved the service system, consolidated scientific and technological support, and actively built the whole industrial chain of ginseng fruit, so that ginseng fruit can become the "golden fruit" of rural revitalization.

Gaotai: Little ginseng fruit bears the "golden fruit" of rural revitalization

  Nowadays, when the ginseng fruit is ripe, walking into the greenhouse of Wang Caiqin, a villager in Taizisi Village, Xuanhua Town, the lush vines are neatly arranged, and the ginseng fruits are bright in color and full of branches. "It was sold around March 20, and now it has sold for 30,000 yuan, and we have orders for this, and we don't have to worry about selling, and the income is good, and it can be sold for two months." Wang Caiqin said.

Gaotai: Little ginseng fruit bears the "golden fruit" of rural revitalization

  In recent years, Taizisi Village, Xuanhua Town, in accordance with the development ideas of building a base, building a brand, expanding sales channels, and promoting income increase, has adopted the method of party members taking the lead in the first trial and the masses following up the planting, and vigorously developed the ginseng fruit industry. At the same time, agricultural technicians and science and technology correspondents have been rooted in the production line for a long time to provide technical guidance for the masses, so that ginseng fruit has become a "golden fruit" for the local people to increase their income and get rich. "We have planted 26 sheds of ginseng fruit in our village, and the average income of one shed is about 45,000 yuan, and the income is about 40,000 yuan after removing the cost." Zhao Xiaohua, secretary of the general party branch of the village and director of the village committee, introduced.

Gaotai: Little ginseng fruit bears the "golden fruit" of rural revitalization

  The key to rural revitalization is industrial revitalization. Through government guidance, support, skill training and other measures, Gaotai County has made the ginseng fruit industry better and stronger, and empowered the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside. So far, the county has planted a total of 173 acres of ginseng fruit, and it is expected to achieve an economic income of about 6.2 million yuan.

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