
About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

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Brushing questions has become the "standard" for the college entrance examination, but Yuan Yaxiang, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, pointed out that many people who get high scores in brushing questions have no innovation ability.

He called for education to return to its roots, not only on scores, but also on children's development, although brushing questions can improve numeracy skills.

Cultivating innovative thinking requires a relaxed environment, and parents should not only focus on scores, but also ignite children's curiosity.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

The education sector should also adjust the evaluation system and focus on the process.

We need to examine the essence of education and let children become explorers who can think and innovate, which requires multi-party cooperation, understanding and space, so that education can return to its original heart and achieve children's unique possibilities.


Jiang Ping, a secondary school student, has achieved remarkable results in the preliminaries of the Global Mathematics Competition.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

Such a contrast not only makes people marvel at her talent and hard work, but also makes people start to pay attention to the once neglected territory of vocational education.

Her success has shattered the stereotype that vocational education students can only engage in manual labor, and has demonstrated that vocational education students can also have excellent academic ability and innovative thinking.

Jiang Ping's story shows us the infinite possibilities of vocational education students.

They may not have received an "elite education" in the traditional sense, but they also have the desire to pursue their dreams and realize their self-worth.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

On the stage of vocational education, they can also shine and contribute to the development of society.

Jiang Ping's success also makes us have to reflect on the disadvantages of exam-oriented education.

In the context of exam-oriented education, brushing questions has become a "compulsory course" for middle school students in the college entrance examination, and "brushing masters" enter prestigious schools through high scores, but can such an education method really cultivate talents with innovative thinking and the ability to solve practical problems?

The views of education experts such as Yuan Yaxiang provide us with profound enlightenment.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

They pointed out that high scores are not the only sign of educational success, and education should return to its roots and focus on cultivating students' comprehensive quality and innovation ability.

Exam-oriented education is utilitarian, only looking at scores, ignoring students' interests and intrinsic motivation, which will undoubtedly stifle students' creativity and innovative spirit.

With the acceleration of industrial upgrading, the demand for talents in society is also undergoing profound changes.

Vocational education, as an important position for cultivating skilled talents, is ushering in unprecedented development opportunities.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

In this era, we need not only talents with certain skills, but also talents with innovative thinking and the ability to solve practical problems.

In the fashion design industry, for example, mathematics plays a fundamental role in it.

From design to production to sales, every step requires the application of mathematical knowledge.

Vocational education should also pay attention to the teaching of basic subjects such as mathematics in cultivating students' skills, so as to improve students' comprehensive quality and innovation ability.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

The mainland is vigorously developing vocational education, and the implementation of relevant laws and the strengthening of teachers have provided a strong guarantee for the transformation of vocational education.

In this context, vocational education should seize the opportunity to actively explore innovative education models and contribute to the cultivation of talents with innovative thinking and the ability to solve practical problems.

The rise of Jiang Ping allows us to see the potential and value of vocational education students, and also makes us begin to reflect on the disadvantages of exam-oriented education.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

In this process, we need to update the concept of education and change the stereotype of vocational education students.

We should recognize that vocational education students also have the ability to strive for excellence and realize their self-worth.

They may not have received an "elite education" in the traditional sense, but they can also establish themselves in society through their own efforts and talents.

We should pay attention to cultivating students' comprehensive quality and innovation ability.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

In the process of education, we should not only pay attention to students' grades and grades, but also pay attention to their interests, hobbies and internal motivation.

Only in this way can we truly cultivate talents with innovative thinking and the ability to solve practical problems.

We should provide more development opportunities and platforms for vocational education students.

The government, business and society should work together to provide more practical opportunities and jobs for vocational education students.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

We should also strengthen our attention and support for vocational education students, so that they can be more determined and confident on the road to growth.

17 years old is an age full of infinite possibilities.

At this age, young people are at a critical stage of development, and their choices and growth need to be more understood and supported.

For young people like Jiang Ping, her success is not only a personal honor and achievement, but also a profound challenge and enlightenment to vocational education and social concepts.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

We should be more lenient and tolerant in our approach to the choices and growth of young people.

No matter what path and career direction they choose, we should respect their choice and give them full support and encouragement.

Only in this way can we truly cultivate talents with innovative spirit and practical ability to contribute to the development and progress of society.

In the process of transforming vocational education, we cannot ignore the importance of educational equity.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

Educational equity is an important cornerstone of social equity, which is related to the future of every child and the long-term development of the country.

We should strive to eliminate the problem of uneven distribution of educational resources, so that every child can receive high-quality educational resources.

We should also encourage the development of educational diversity.

Every child has their own interests and strengths, and they should be allowed to develop freely in areas that suit them.

Vocational education, as an important part of educational diversity, deserves more attention and support.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

We should provide more resources and opportunities for vocational education to make it an important stage for children to realize their dreams.

Both home and school play a vital role in a child's development.

The family is the initial place of education for children, and parents' education methods and attitudes have a profound impact on children's growth.

The school is an important place for children to receive systematic education, which can provide children with more comprehensive and in-depth educational resources.

We should strengthen the cooperation between home and school to jointly promote the growth of children.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

Parents should actively participate in their children's education process, understand their children's interests and strengths, and provide them with appropriate guidance and support.

The school should strengthen communication and exchanges with parents, provide timely feedback on children's learning and growth dynamics, and jointly formulate education plans suitable for children.

The rise of Jiang Ping has given us new hope and new possibilities for vocational education.

In the process of promoting the transformation of vocational education, we need to update the concept of education, pay attention to educational equity, encourage the diversified development of education, and strengthen the cooperation between home and school.

Only in this way can we truly cultivate talents with innovative thinking and practical ability, and contribute to the development and progress of society.

About Jiang Ping, Yuan Yaxiang, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: Most of the people who get high scores by brushing questions have no innovation ability

Let's look forward to a new chapter in vocational education and create a better tomorrow for children's future.

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