
Roses don't need green leaves to accompany them: Huang Yimei is finally divorced, netizens: Fang Xiewen, you're out!



A controlling husband and a selfish mother-in-law: a double bond in marriage

Huang Yimei finally divorced Fang Xiewen! This marriage was undoubtedly a long ordeal for her. Fang Xiewen, a husband with a strong desire to control, always seems to want to turn Huang Yimei into his appendage. From the small things in life to the decisions at work, Fang Xiewen has shown a strong desire for control.

Roses don't need green leaves to accompany them: Huang Yimei is finally divorced, netizens: Fang Xiewen, you're out!

Anything involving Huang Yimei's independent decision, Fang Xiewen has to intervene, even at the expense of destroying her career. Netizens sighed that Fang Xiewen's desire to control could feel suffocated across the screen.

Roses don't need green leaves to accompany them: Huang Yimei is finally divorced, netizens: Fang Xiewen, you're out!

What's even more unbearable is that Huang Yimei also has to face a selfish mother-in-law. Not only does the mother-in-law not understand her pursuits and dreams, but she always tries to interfere in her life. The mother-in-law commented on Huang Yimei's appearance, and even deprived her of the right to love beauty. Many netizens said that such a mother-in-law is simply a "living marriage counselor". In such an environment, Huang Yimei's life is simply deprived of joy and freedom.

Be brave enough to file for divorce: be the director of your own life


Finally, Huang Yimei decided to end this suffocating marriage. She has the courage to accept defeat and the determination to make decisions. Netizens praised her one after another, calling her "calm and handsome Huang Yimei". Huang Yimei's calmness and firmness in the divorce let everyone see the strength of her heart.

Roses don't need green leaves to accompany them: Huang Yimei is finally divorced, netizens: Fang Xiewen, you're out!

She told Fang Xiewen, "Today I mentioned divorce for the first time, I can understand your anger and unacceptable, but I still hope to resolve this matter peacefully, if you can't do it, it doesn't matter, I will sue for divorce, and I will definitely be able to fight for the custody of Xiaochu." ”

Roses don't need green leaves to accompany them: Huang Yimei is finally divorced, netizens: Fang Xiewen, you're out!

This passage can't help but make people applaud. Netizens laughed and said: "Haha, good." Should. Hurry up. Square two arms. It can be seen that everyone has endured Fang Xiewen's behavior, and has long hoped that Huang Yimei can get out of the sea of suffering.

Roses don't need green leaves to accompany them: Huang Yimei is finally divorced, netizens: Fang Xiewen, you're out!

Struggles in Marriage: Never Stop Growing Up

Even in marriage, Huang Yimei has never stopped struggling upward. Her pursuit of freedom and her insistence on self have allowed her to grow in the midst of difficult situations. Huang Yimei has never given up on herself, her soul is like a phoenix soaring among thorns, destined to break through the shackles and fly to the sky of freedom.

Roses don't need green leaves to accompany them: Huang Yimei is finally divorced, netizens: Fang Xiewen, you're out!

Netizens said that Huang Yimei's bravery and tenacity made them deeply inspired. A netizen wrote: "Even if Huang Yimei is free and imprisoned, she has never stopped struggling to grow upward! The free soul will never be trapped in thorns, Huang Yimei is destined to be a phoenix soaring in the sky! Everyone is full of expectations for Huang Yimei's future, thinking that she will definitely bloom more charming in the new stage of life.

Roses don't need green leaves to accompany them: Huang Yimei is finally divorced, netizens: Fang Xiewen, you're out!

Turn around if you don't love it: Huang Yimei's chic choice

Huang Yimei's divorce has taught us a vivid lesson: when marriage becomes a cage, it is better to turn around and start again. This kind of decisiveness and firmness is exactly what modern women need. Many netizens shared their views in the comment area and praised Huang Yimei's courage and determination. A netizen teased: "Mom! Huang Yimei: Hello, calm and handsome!! It's worthy of you Huang Yimei!! If you don't love it, you will turn around and leave, it's him who doesn't deserve it, and you rush to get a full score when you get married, but some people tear up the roll as soon as they get married. ”

Roses don't need green leaves to accompany them: Huang Yimei is finally divorced, netizens: Fang Xiewen, you're out!

Such comments not only express support for Huang Yimei, but also reflect everyone's rethinking of the nature of marriage. Divorce is not scary, what is really scary is losing oneself in an unhappy marriage.

Roses don't need green leaves to accompany them: Huang Yimei is finally divorced, netizens: Fang Xiewen, you're out!

End of the story: controversy and anticipation

Huang Yimei's divorce incident has sparked widespread discussion. Some people think that she is brave and decisive and deserves praise; There are also people who feel that marriage needs more tolerance and patience, and divorce should not be the first choice. The emotional storm has set off a craze on social media, with many people voicing their opinions and opinions in the comment section.

Roses don't need green leaves to accompany them: Huang Yimei is finally divorced, netizens: Fang Xiewen, you're out!

In any case, this story brings us to think: how to maintain oneself in marriage, how to find balance, how to be brave in the face of adversity, how to make brave choices. Huang Yimei's experience may be exactly what many people are experiencing or about to face. I hope that her future life can be like that wanton blooming rose, ushering in her own good times.

Roses don't need green leaves to accompany them: Huang Yimei is finally divorced, netizens: Fang Xiewen, you're out!
Roses don't need green leaves to accompany them: Huang Yimei is finally divorced, netizens: Fang Xiewen, you're out!

Everyone is welcome to continue the discussion in the comment area and share your views and feelings on Huang Yimei's divorce. What do you think is the most important thing in marriage? How do you choose when faced with a dilemma? Let's talk about these topics together, and you may find that many people have similar experiences and thoughts as you.