
Huang Yiming "killed crazy"! The live broadcast room sells green onions to raise children! Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

author:Fei Ge said entertainment

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Today I'm going to tell you a pretty special story. Have you heard of Huang Yiming? She's been really "crazy" lately! Selling green onions in the live broadcast room, behind this seemingly ordinary move, it has an extraordinary meaning, because he is raising children! What's even more interesting is that even Wang Sicong has been completely out of temper. Imagine, a person who sells green onions in a unique style can make Wang Sicong, who has always done his own thing, helpless, what kind of story happened? Is it Huang Yiming's green onions that have special magic, or does he have irresistible sales skills?

All of this makes us curious. Let's walk into this story full of drama and accidents, explore the wonders, and see how Huang Yiming performed his green onion legend in the live broadcast room, and how Wang Sicong had to be convinced. Let's start this wonderful journey together!

Huang Yiming "killed crazy"! The live broadcast room sells green onions to raise children! Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

Internet celebrity Huang Yiming suddenly announced that the father of his daughter was Wang Sicong, and this news instantly exploded on the Internet. Huang Yiming's operation really earned enough eyeballs, she was like a clown jumping off the beam, and she started a crazy hype and selling mode. Can you imagine? She actually sold food related to "green onions" in the live broadcast, and said proudly that she was mocking Wang Sicong. This strange move really makes people laugh and cry.

What's even more outrageous is that Huang Yiming also taught his daughter to call her father, and then coded her daughter with a picture of green onions. This scene is simply jaw-dropping, she really used any trick in order to hype up the heat. I just want to ask, what is this mother's mind thinking?

Huang Yiming "killed crazy"! The live broadcast room sells green onions to raise children! Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

This is not the end, Huang Yiming actually connected with Wang Sicong's ex-girlfriend Xiao Yu. Good guys, both of them have green onions in their hands, and that scene is like a funny comedy. Huang Yiming also said unashamedly that he wanted to take people to dance the onion dance together, which was really confusing. This series of behaviors has aroused the attention and discussion of countless people, and the Internet has simply exploded.

Netizens couldn't sit still and criticized Huang Yiming's behavior. Someone said: "This Huang Yiming is simply crazy, he doesn't even let go of his children in order to make money, isn't this consuming children?" Someone else quipped: "She is crazy about money, and even the child has become a tool for her to make money, what can this child do when he grows up!" ”

Huang Yiming "killed crazy"! The live broadcast room sells green onions to raise children! Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

Many netizens are worried that Huang Yiming's consumption of Wang Sicong's popularity is also consuming his daughter. The child is still so young, and he is about to be involved in such rights and wrongs, can the future growth path be smooth? Everyone is sweating for this innocent child.

Some netizens also appealed rationally: "Huang Yiming, you better take good care of the children, don't fix these things." A family as big as the Wang family will definitely deal with the problem of children, so don't toss around. ”

Huang Yiming "killed crazy"! The live broadcast room sells green onions to raise children! Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

To be honest, seeing such a farce, I really don't feel good in my heart. In order to become famous and make money, Huang Yiming didn't care about anything. The child is innocent, how can she treat her own flesh and blood like this?

It reminds me of a similar example from before, and it was really embarrassing. There is an Internet celebrity named Xiaoli, in order to become popular quickly, it can be said that he racked his brains and used all kinds of unscrupulous tricks.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy"! The live broadcast room sells green onions to raise children! Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

At first, she concocted a series of touching but purely fictional tragic life stories, claiming that she had grown up in an orphanage with the death of both her parents when she was a child, and had endured countless hardships and tribulations. Relying on this false story, she has earned the sympathy and attention of a large number of netizens, and the number of fans has been rising.

Paper can't contain fire after all. Some careful netizens found out that everything she said was a lie through deep digging and investigation. This time, public opinion exploded in an instant, and netizens felt deeply deceived and fooled, and anger surged like a tide.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy"! The live broadcast room sells green onions to raise children! Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

Later, she came up with even more outrageous tricks. In order to attract attention, she deliberately created all kinds of vulgar and vulgar video content, which has no bottom line at all. What exaggerated dressing, absurd performance, as long as it can attract attention, she dares to do it.

But this kind of behavior without morality and principles will not last long after all. Soon, she was banned by major platforms, and the fans who once pursued her also defected and criticized her. She used to be infinitely beautiful, but she fell from the clouds to the bottom in an instant, ruined her reputation, and became the object of everyone's spit.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy"! The live broadcast room sells green onions to raise children! Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

Looking at Huang Yiming now, doesn't she learn such a lesson? She thought that she could soar to the sky with these crooked ways and become the focus of attention. As everyone knows, she is digging a huge trap for herself.

It's like a person groping in the dark, focusing only on the seemingly alluring light in front of him, but ignoring the abyss under his feet. She only sees short-lived traffic and benefits, but does not realize the serious consequences of such behavior.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy"! The live broadcast room sells green onions to raise children! Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

Perhaps in her fantasy, by consuming Wang Sicong's popularity, she can make herself fame and fortune and live a rich and worry-free life from now on. But she didn't think about how much damage this behavior would bring to her reputation and what a bad impact it would have on her children's growth.

Moreover, the eyes of netizens are bright, and they are able to have a keen insight into the essence and truth of things. In this era of rapid information dissemination, the public is no longer easily deceived and misled. The public's aesthetics and values are also constantly improving, and there is a growing desire and appreciation for high-quality, connotative content.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy"! The live broadcast room sells green onions to raise children! Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

Those who try to rely on hype and vulgar means to gain attention are like meteors flashing in the night sky, which may attract people's attention in an instant, but they will not shine for a long time after all. What they rely on is only a momentary curiosity and short-term heat, lacking real value and connotation.

This short-sighted behavior is like a castle piled up on the beach, which looks gorgeous, but it can't withstand the gentle lapping of the waves. Over time, when people's novelty fades, when society's aesthetic standards improve, they will find that they have lost their footing. Because the public will use the right to choose in their hands to discard those contents that are not nutritious and purely for eyeballs. In the end, these people can only be eliminated in the tide of the times and become forgotten corners.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy"! The live broadcast room sells green onions to raise children! Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

It's like a building without a foundation, which seems to be towering into the sky, but in fact it is crumbling. Once the wind blows, it will collapse with a bang. Isn't the path Huang Yiming is taking now exactly such a path full of danger and uncertainty? If she doesn't wake up in time, what awaits her will inevitably be the same fate as Xiaoli, and it may even be even more miserable.

I really hope that Huang Yiming can come to his senses and think more about the future of his children. Stop being obsessed with doing things that make people spurn. I also hope that there will be fewer such farces in the future, and a clean environment will be provided on the Internet.

Huang Yiming "killed crazy"! The live broadcast room sells green onions to raise children! Wang Sicong was completely out of temper

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