
Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

author:Gourmet qualities

"The days are long until the summer solstice, and the days are short until the winter solstice", when the daylight hours reach the longest, the summer solstice will come as scheduled.

The summer solstice is the starting point of midsummer, not far from the hottest "dog days" of the year, as the saying goes, "the yang is the pole and the yin is born", at this time the climate will change more drastically, the temperature continues to rise, the thunderstorm increases, the hot and humid weather like a sauna makes us feel uncomfortable, at this time do not blindly cool off the heat, but learn to heat up, sweat more, and discharge the moisture and cold in the body.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

In the hot weather, we sweat a lot and consume our physical strength quickly, so we pay attention to eating well and replenishing nutrition during the summer solstice, so there is an old tradition of "summer supplement" on the summer solstice. But in summer, it is important to make up for the body and not grow meat, in fact, to put it bluntly, it is necessary to eat some nutritious but not fatty and meaty ingredients.

"Summer supplement, winter supplement, winter supplement", different seasons of the nourishing method is different, the midsummer solar term of the "summer supplement" pay attention to the clear supplement, can not eat big fish and meat greasy, can not eat white porridge and pickles light, in the choice of ingredients are particular, summer is also a high incidence of gastrointestinal problems, to remember "eat 2 things, do 2 things, avoid 3 things" prosperous, prosperous and prosperous, into the bitter summer without suffering.

Eat 2 things

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous


Sea cucumber is a highly nutritious food, it is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, especially collagen, which is very beneficial for skin health. The protein in sea cucumber is a high-quality protein, which is easily absorbed and utilized by the human body, and the fat content of sea cucumber is indeed very low, so when consumed in moderation, it is beneficial for weight control and maintaining health.

In summer, due to the hot weather, people tend to lose their appetite, and moderate consumption of sea cucumbers can supplement nutrition and enhance physical fitness. But at the same time, it is important to pay attention to the diversity of your diet and ensure that you consume enough vegetables, fruits and other nutrients to maintain the overall nutritional needs of the body.

In addition, the way sea cucumbers are cooked can also affect their nutritional value. It is recommended to use lighter cooking methods such as steaming and boiling, and avoid over-processing to retain its nutrients.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

Sea cucumber millet porridge is a nutritious and delicious porridge, especially suitable for summer consumption, because it can not only provide rich nutrients, but also easy to digest and absorb, suitable for all kinds of people, especially the elderly and infirm.


1. Preparation: First of all, the sea cucumber is soaked in advance, and the method of soaking is to put the dried sea cucumber into a clean container, add enough water, put it in the refrigerator and soak it for 2448 hours, during which the water is changed 23 times until the sea cucumber becomes soft. The soaked sea cucumber needs to be cleaned to remove internal organs and impurities.

2. Cook porridge: Wash the millet, put it in the pot, add enough water, turn to low heat and cook slowly after boiling, stirring from time to time during the period to prevent sticking to the pot.

3. Add sea cucumber: When the millet porridge is cooked until it is viscous, cut the soaked sea cucumber into small pieces or thin slices, add them to the porridge, and add ginger slices to remove the smell.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

4. Seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste according to personal taste, and continue to cook until the sea cucumber is cooked through.

5. Remove from the pot: When the sea cucumber is fully cooked and the porridge has become viscous, you can turn off the heat and let the porridge sit for a few minutes to let the flavors blend.

Sea cucumber millet porridge is not only delicious, but also nutritious, the protein, amino acids, vitamins and minerals in the sea cucumber and other nutrients are combined with the carbohydrates and dietary fiber in the millet, which can provide balanced nutrition, suitable for people who need to supplement nutrition and enhance physical fitness. At the same time, sea cucumber millet porridge is easy to digest and absorb, and is suitable for people with weak gastrointestinal function.

Duck meat

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

Duck meat is a type of meat that is suitable for summer consumption. It is cool, helps to clear away heat and detoxify, and is suitable for consumption in the hot summer to help the body regulate body temperature and avoid fire. Duck meat is relatively low in fat, especially duck breast, which contains more unsaturated fatty acids, which are beneficial for cardiovascular health. At the same time, duck meat is also rich in protein and is a source of high-quality protein.

During the summer months, duck meat can be cooked in a variety of ways, such as stewing, boiling, steaming, etc., to reduce the intake of fat. For example, you can make stewed duck soup, steamed duck meat, and stir-fried vegetables with duck meat, which not only retains the nutrients of duck meat, but also reduces fat intake and makes it healthier.

In addition, duck meat is also rich in vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B complex, iron, zinc, etc., these nutrients have a positive effect on maintaining good health and enhancing immunity.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

Steamed duck leg with soy sauce is a simple and delicious home-cooked dish that combines the flavor of soy sauce (soy sauce) with the meat quality of the duck leg to create a unique flavor.


1. Prepare the duck leg: Clean the duck leg and make a few cuts on the duck leg with a knife to absorb the flavor.

2. Marinate the duck legs: Put the duck legs in a large bowl, add an appropriate amount of soy sauce, cooking wine, ginger slices, green onions and a little sugar (if you like sweetness), gently massage the duck legs with your hands to allow the seasoning to penetrate fully. Marinate for at least 30 minutes, and you can put it in the refrigerator to marinate the night in advance to make the duck legs more flavorful.

3. Steamed duck legs: Take out the marinated duck legs, put them on the steaming plate, and pour the juice from the marinating into the steaming plate. Apply a little cooking oil to the surface of the duck leg to increase the shine and prevent the meat from drying out too much.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

4. Steaming: Put the steaming tray into the steamer, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to medium heat and steam for about 2030 minutes, the specific time is adjusted according to the size and thickness of the duck legs. Steam until the duck legs are cooked through and the meat is soft and tender.

5. Remove from the pot: After steaming, take out the steaming tray, sprinkle some chopped green onions or coriander as a garnish, and serve on the table.

The key to the production of steamed duck legs with soy sauce lies in the time of marinating and steaming, the longer the marinating time, the more flavorful the duck legs will be; The steaming time should be adjusted according to the size and thickness of the duck leg to ensure that the duck leg is cooked thoroughly but not too dry.

Not only is this dish delicious, but it is also nutritious and suitable for summer consumption, as the way it is steamed reduces the intake of fat and is healthier.

Do 2 things

Drink plenty of fluids

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

With the arrival of summer, the temperature gradually rises, and people are facing the challenges of high temperatures while enjoying the sun and warmth. During seasons like these, it's important to maintain adequate hydration. Water is the source of life and is essential for maintaining the normal physiological functions of the human body. Especially in the hot summer months, drinking plenty of water can not only help the body regulate body temperature, but also prevent dehydration and maintain good health.

First of all, drinking plenty of water in the summer helps regulate body temperature. When the outside temperature rises, the human body dissipates heat by sweating to keep the body temperature stable. Sweating can lead to the loss of water and electrolytes in the body, and if not replenished in time, it can lead to dehydration, causing symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue. Therefore, timely hydration can help the body maintain normal thermoregulatory mechanisms.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

Secondly, drinking plenty of water can help boost metabolism. Water is a mediator for many biochemical reactions, and adequate water intake can boost metabolism, help the body better digest food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste. Especially in the summer, due to the hot weather, the body's metabolism accelerates, and the demand for water also increases.

Also, drinking plenty of water can help keep your skin healthy. Water is an important part of skin cells, and adequate water intake can keep the skin moist and elastic, preventing skin dryness and wrinkles. In addition, drinking water can also help the body flush out toxins and reduce the occurrence of skin problems.

To ensure the effectiveness of summer hydration, there are a few things you can do:

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

1. Drink water regularly: Develop the habit of drinking water regularly, and don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water. You can set several fixed time points, such as after waking up, before and after meals, after exercise, etc., to remind yourself to drink water.

2. Choose healthy drinks: In addition to water, you can also choose some healthy drinks, such as weak tea, sugar-free lemonade, etc., which can not only replenish water but also provide additional nutrients.

3. Add water to your diet: Hydration can also be helped by eating foods with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.

4. Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages: Caffeine and alcohol have diuretic effects that may cause the body to lose water, so you should try to avoid or reduce your intake of such beverages during the summer months.

Spend more time on your back

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

Spending more time on your back in summer is indeed a healthy habit. On a sunny day, the right amount of sun exposure can not only bring a pleasant mood, but also bring a variety of health benefits to the body. Below I will explain the benefits of tanning your back and what to look out for in detail.

The ultraviolet B rays in sunlight can penetrate the skin and stimulate the body to synthesize vitamin D. Vitamin D plays a vital role in bone health, immune system function, cardiovascular health, etc., sunlight can stimulate the body's immune system, increase the activity of immune cells such as white blood cells, and thus improve the body's immunity.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

Spending time in the sun stimulates the brain to release endorphins and serotonin, which can improve mood and anxiety and depression, which in turn improves sleep quality. Sunning the back can strengthen the movement of the back muscles, promote the smooth flow of blood circulation, help improve the blood circulation of the body, and relieve fatigue and stress. Drying your back can relieve muscle tension and stiffness in your back, help improve shoulder and neck problems, and eliminate fatigue and discomfort.

Choose to tan your back in the morning or evening when the sun is mild, and avoid exposure to the sun in the middle of the day when the sun is strong. It is recommended to gradually increase the duration of the first back tanning from a short period of time, and it is generally recommended to spend 1530 minutes each time to avoid excessive sun exposure. You can use sunscreen, sunglasses and other protective equipment when drying your back to avoid UV damage to your skin. You will sweat a lot during the sunbathing process, so you should pay attention to replenishing water in time to avoid dehydration.

Avoid 3 things

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

Don't take cold showers

In the summer, when the temperature rises, people often look for ways to cool down. Taking a cold shower may seem like a quick and effective way to cool down on a hot day, but it's not always appropriate, especially for people with weak constitutions or specific health conditions. This article will explore the potential risks of taking cold showers in summer and advocate the use of warm water for health and wellness.

Cold showers cause blood vessels on the surface of the skin to constrict rapidly, which may cause an increase in blood pressure, which can be a risky behavior for people with high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease.

Cold showers may cause sudden muscle contractions, causing muscle cramps or pain, especially if you haven't exercised for a long time or if your body is stiff.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

The body's thermoregulatory system takes a certain amount of time to adapt to changes in the outside temperature. Sudden cold water stimulation may interfere with thermoregulatory mechanisms, making it difficult for the body to adapt to the high temperatures.

Cold showers may lower your body's immunity and increase the risk of colds and other respiratory infections, especially in the summer months, when colds are more likely to occur due to the large temperature difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures.

Benefits of warm bathing. A warm bath stimulates blood circulation, helps the body relax, and relieves muscle tension and fatigue. Warm baths help to improve the body's immunity and reduce the occurrence of colds and other diseases. Warm baths help to relax the body and mind, improve sleep quality, and are especially effective in relieving insomnia caused by high temperatures in the summer. A warm bath cleanses the skin better, removes dirt and oil from the skin's surface, and keeps the skin clean and healthy.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

Don't go to bed late and eat a late-night snack

In summer, the days are long and the nights are short, and the rhythm of life changes. During such seasons, it is especially important to maintain a good routine and eating habits. Sleeping late and eating late-night snacks are common bad habits in summer, which not only affect physical health, but can also have a negative impact on sleep quality.

Going to bed late can disrupt the body's biological clock, resulting in a decrease in sleep duration and sleep quality. Sleeping late for a long time can also lead to insomnia, affecting your mental state and productivity the next day. Going to bed late increases the risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, etc. In addition, going to bed late may also affect the endocrine system, leading to hormone imbalances. Going to bed late can easily lead to mood swings and increase the risk of anxiety and depression. Sleeping late for a long time may also affect memory and cognitive function.

At night, the activity of the human digestive system is weakened, and eating supper will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, which may lead to symptoms such as indigestion and stomach pain. Eating late-night snacks, especially greasy, spicy foods, may cause acid reflux, affect sleep quality, and cause you to wake up at night. Reduced activity at night and late-night snacks can easily lead to excess calories, which may lead to weight gain and increase the risk of obesity in the long term.

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

Try to go to bed between 10 and 11 p.m. and get 78 hours of sleep each night. Going to bed early helps the body recover and adjust, improving the mental state of the next day. Dinner should be done before 7 p.m. as much as possible, and eating too late should be avoided. Choose light, easily digestible foods for dinner and avoid greasy and spicy foods.

Try to avoid late-night snacks after dinner, and if you do feel hungry, choose some low-calorie, easy-to-digest foods such as fruits, yogurt, etc. In addition to good work and rest and eating habits, you should also maintain a moderate amount of exercise, such as walking, yoga, etc., which can help improve sleep quality and promote physical health.

Don't save money on electricity and don't turn on the air conditioner

Tomorrow on the summer solstice, remember to "eat 2 things, do 2 things, and avoid 3 things": prosperous, prosperous

Maintaining the right indoor temperature is essential for good health and comfort during the hot summer season. Therefore, the rational use of air conditioning is an effective way to keep the room cool and avoid heat stroke. Don't turn on the air conditioner because you save money on electricity.

It is recommended to set the air conditioner temperature at around 26°C, which is an energy-saving and comfortable temperature. Temperatures that are too low will not only increase your electricity bill, but may also cause physical discomfort. Even when using an air conditioner, windows should be opened regularly for ventilation to keep indoor air fresh. This helps to reduce indoor air pollution and improve air quality.

Turning your air conditioner on and off frequently not only increases energy consumption, but it can also adversely affect the lifespan of your air conditioner. It is advisable to turn off the air conditioner only when you are away from the room for an extended period of time. Most modern air conditioners have an energy-saving mode, which can effectively reduce energy consumption. When the air conditioner is in use, the energy-saving mode can be turned on to achieve the purpose of saving electricity.