
Orchid Repotting Guide: Why Autumn Is Top Choice?


To make orchids bloom at their best, repotting and dividing are essential maintenance steps. This operation is not only related to the health of orchids, but also directly affects their future growth and flowering quality. So, in which season should orchid repotting be done?

Orchid Repotting Guide: Why Autumn Is Top Choice?

First, the reason for choosing autumn repotting

In the practice of raising orchids for many years, many orchid friends have concluded that autumn, especially in early to mid-September, is the ideal time for orchid repotting and branching. During this period, the temperature gradually drops below 30°C, and the orchid ends the flower bud formation stage and enters the vegetative growth stage. At this time, the new shoots have not yet germinated, and repotting and dividing the plants can not only stimulate the rapid formation of sprout points in the bluegrass, but also take advantage of the mild climate conditions in autumn to make the bluegrass have enough time to recover and accumulate nutrients before the onset of winter. In the spring, these buds, which have undergone autumn and winter dormancy and nutrient accumulation, will be more robust, conducive to the emergence of more beautiful and healthy flowers.

Second, the advantages of autumn potting

1. Suitable temperature: The cool climate in autumn reduces the potential damage of high temperature to new shoots and avoids the high incidence of bacterial diseases in the high temperature and high humidity environment in summer.

2. Promote sprout formation: After repotting in autumn, orchids can quickly respond to external stimuli and form sprout spots, laying a solid foundation for growth in the following spring.

3. Conducive to winter dormancy: Autumn repotting gives the orchid enough time to recover before winter, ensuring that the root system and the plant as a whole can fully dormant in winter and accumulate the necessary nutrients.

4. Promote early spring growth: The new shoots of orchids that are repotted in autumn tend to emerge in early spring, so as to take the lead in the growing season and be more conducive to the management of the year-round growth cycle.

Orchid Repotting Guide: Why Autumn Is Top Choice?

3. Special considerations for spring and disease management

Although autumn is generally considered to be the best season to turn pots, spring is also a more suitable time to turn around the equinox. However, it should be noted that spring repotting should avoid the initial stage when the orchid has just woken up from dormancy, so as not to cause excessive stress on the orchid plant. After repotting in spring, orchids have a long recovery period and are in the peak growing season, which can easily lead to dead buds or diseases if not properly managed.

In the case of emergency repotting due to disease, regardless of the season, it should be carried out immediately to avoid the spread of the disease and damage to the health of the whole plant.

Orchid Repotting Guide: Why Autumn Is Top Choice?

Fourth, the precautions for the operation of turning pots

1. Selection of planting materials: When turning over pots, choose new planting materials with good air permeability and water retention, and remove diseased roots and dead roots in the old planting materials.

2. Root treatment: When dividing, pay attention to protecting the root system to avoid too much damage, and the wound can be treated with fungicide after dividing.

3. Environmental adjustment: After turning the pot, the orchid should be placed in a cool and ventilated place to avoid direct sunlight to ensure that the root system is stable and then gradually return to normal light and watering.

4. Recovery and fertilization: orchids that have not been seeded and only changed planting materials can resume normal management after one week; After seedling, fertilization is not recommended for at least 45 days, so as not to stimulate the wound before the new roots are not completely healed.

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