
Because he was given two pieces of silver, the carpenter put scissors in the main beam, and he suffered his own retribution

author:Chuangyi is important

Because he was given two pieces of silver, the carpenter put scissors in the main beam

In ancient times, there was a place called Qingyun Town, although the town is small, but it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the scenery is beautiful. Most of the townspeople are simple, kind, and live in harmony. However, in this calm town, a jaw-dropping thing happened.

Li Si, a carpenter in the town, is skilled, but he is a little stingy. He often struggled with others because of some small profits, and over time, he fell into the nickname of "Iron Rooster". Still, because of his skill, the townspeople were willing to hire him for carpentry.

One day, the wealthy merchant Wang Yuanwai in the town wanted to build a new house, so he invited Li Si. After the two sides negotiated the price, Li Si took the apprentices and started to get busy. Wang Yuanwai is bold, kind to people, and takes good care of the craftsmen. However, Li Si felt that the wages given by Wang Yuan were too small, and he couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied.

As the project progressed, the new house of Wang Yuanwai's family gradually took shape. Just when he was about to finish, Li Si found that his budget was insufficient. He thought to himself that if he followed the original price, not only would he not make money, but he would have to pay it upside down. So, he came up with a plan and decided to do something on the main beam of the king's family.

Li Si took advantage of the unpreparedness and secretly put a pair of scissors in the main beam. In Taoist legend, scissors symbolize evil spirits, and if placed in key parts of the house, they can bring disaster to the owner. Li Si thought that in this way, he could not only take revenge on Wang Yuan, but also avoid losing money.

However, Li Si's conspiracy did not succeed. On the day when the new house was completed, a Taoist priest came to Wang Yuan's house. This Taoist priest traveled all over the world and was well-informed, and he could see the scissors in the main beam at a glance. He explained the situation to Wang Yuanwai and told Wang Yuanwai that this was deliberately done by someone and intended to frame him.

Wang Yuan was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly asked the Taoist priest how to resolve it. The Taoist priest pondered for a moment and said, "This matter is not difficult to solve, just take out the scissors and worship again, and then you can dissolve the evil qi." Wang Yuanwai hurriedly instructed his subordinates to do what the Taoist priest instructed.

Because he was given two pieces of silver, the carpenter put scissors in the main beam, and he suffered his own retribution

Soon after, the scissors were removed without any problems. In order to thank the Taoist priest for saving his life, Wang Yuanwai set up a banquet to entertain him. During the banquet, the Taoist priest revealed the origin of the scissors to Wang Yuanwai, and reminded Wang Yuanwai to beware of the villains around him.

After hearing this, Wang Yuan suddenly realized, and couldn't help but have doubts about Li Si in his heart. He recalled some of Li Si's unusual actions during the construction process, and became more convinced of his guess. So, he secretly sent someone to investigate Li Si's whereabouts and background.

After some investigation, Wang Yuanwai finally discovered Li Si's conspiracy. It turned out that Li Si was dissatisfied because he felt that the salary was too small, so he came up with this vicious plan to take revenge on Wang Yuanwai. Wang Yuanwai was furious when he learned the truth and decided to severely punish Li Si.

However, when Wang Yuanwai was about to take action, the Taoist priest stopped him. The Taoist priest told Wang Yuanwai: "Although this person is greedy and has a bad heart, but for the sake of his superb craftsmanship and the fact that he has done a lot of good things for the residents of the town, he might as well be given a chance to mend his ways." ”

After listening to the words of the Taoist priest, Wang Yuanwai pondered for a long time, and finally decided to follow the Taoist priest's advice and give Li Si a chance to reform himself. He sent someone to find Li Si and questioned him about his crime in person. When Li Si saw that the matter was exposed, he knew that he could not deny it, so he knelt in front of Wang Yuanwai and wept bitterly to repent of his mistake.

Seeing that Li Si was truly repentant, Wang Yuanwai forgave him and warned him that he must reform and do more good deeds in the future. Li Si left Wang Yuanwai's house with grateful, and since then he has changed his mind and become a new person.

However, although Li Si has reformed on the surface, the greed and evil in his heart have not been completely eliminated. He is still full of thirst for money, and often does immoral things for small profits. Finally, one day, his greed and evil burst out again, bringing him irreparable disaster.

Because he was given two pieces of silver, the carpenter put scissors in the main beam, and he suffered his own retribution

During a time when building a house for someone else, Li Si caused the house to collapse because of cutting corners, causing many casualties. This incident aroused the anger and condemnation of the townspeople, who demanded that Li Si be severely punished. In the end, Li Si was sent to court and received the punishment he deserved.

Li Si was sent to court, and in the face of his crimes, he could no longer quibble. In prison, he recalled his life, from the diligence and studious in his youth, to the superb skills in middle age, to the greed and evil in his later years, and his heart was full of remorse. He realized that because of his momentary greed, he not only ruined his own future, but also brought endless pain to his family.

During his time in prison, Li Si began to reflect on his mistakes and tried to find a way to redeem himself. He consulted with a Taoist priest in prison to learn Taoist ideas and teachings. Through continuous learning and comprehension, he gradually understood the true meaning of life and the importance of morality.

A few years later, Li Si was released early because of his good behavior. He left prison with hope for the future and regret for the past. When he returns to his hometown, he finds that the town has changed a lot. His former apprentices have grown into skilled carpenters, who have inherited Li Si's craft and opened a carpentry workshop in the town.

Li Si didn't have the face to go to them, he knew that he had lost his former status and respect. However, he didn't give up, and he decided to spend the rest of his life making up for his past mistakes. He started volunteering in the town, helping those in need. He used his skills to repair houses for the elderly and widows, make furniture for poor families, and actively participated in public welfare activities in the town.

Li Si's change caught the attention of the townspeople, who began to take a fresh look at the former carpenter. They found that Li Si was no longer the greedy and stingy "iron rooster", but a kind and helpful elder. They began to accept him, respected him, and some even offered to invite him to join their families.

In the process, Li Si also rediscovered his own value and meaning. He understood that life is not only about the pursuit of wealth and status, but more importantly, the pursuit of inner peace and kindness. He began to cherish the time spent with his family and enjoy the happy time with his friends. He proved with his actions that a person's change can be seen, and it can also change the perception of others.

Because he was given two pieces of silver, the carpenter put scissors in the main beam, and he suffered his own retribution

However, just when Li Si thought he had regained people's respect and affection, an unexpected reversal occurred. It turned out that the scissors that were placed in the main beam did not completely dissolve the evil spirit. Although it was taken out and worshipped, the evil qi remaining on the scissors still had an effect on the royal family.

As time passed, the business of the Wang Yuanwai family gradually declined, and the family also fell into difficulties. They began to wonder if the scissors hadn't completely cleared up. So, they approached the Taoist priest for help.

After careful investigation, the Taoist priest told Wang Yuanwai the truth: although the scissors had been taken out and worshipped, because Li Si's greed and evil had not been completely eliminated, the evil qi remaining on the scissors still had an impact on Wang Yuanwai's family. The Taoist priest told Wang Yuanwai that in order to completely eliminate the evil spirit, he must find Li Si and make him sincerely repent and eliminate the evil in his heart.

The people of Wang Yuan's family were shocked when they heard the news, they didn't expect Li Si's greed and evil to bring them such serious consequences. So, they decided to find Li Si and make him sincerely repent.

When Li Si was found by the people outside the royal family, they found that Li Si had become kind and helpful. They explained their intentions to Li Si and asked him to sincerely repent. Li Si felt deeply guilty and remorseful after hearing this, and he apologized to the people outside the royal family and promised that he would definitely work harder to do good deeds and accumulate virtue in the future to make up for his past mistakes.

With the help of a Taoist priest, Li Si performed a profound confessional ritual. He expressed his remorse to the gods and promised to be a kind and upright person in the future. After this ritual, the residual evil energy on the scissors was finally completely eliminated. Wang Yuanwai's business has gradually improved, and the family has returned to the track of happiness.

Li Si's sincere repentance and change not only won the understanding of Wang Yuan's family, but also gave the entire Qingyun Town a new understanding of him. His story inspires the townspeople to believe that everyone has a chance to turn over a new leaf, and that if they are willing to put in the effort, they can be recognized and respected by others.

Because he was given two pieces of silver, the carpenter put scissors in the main beam, and he suffered his own retribution

With the passage of time, Li Si not only continued to improve his carpentry skills, but also continued to improve his moral cultivation. He was no longer just a craftsman, he became a moral role model for the town. In his spare time, he often went to the town school to tell his story to the children, so as to teach them to be honest and kind, and not to follow the detours he had taken.

And the scissors that had brought disaster were also treasured by Li Si as a reminder of his past mistakes. He often took it out and watched it, reminding himself never to make the same mistake again.

However, the calm days did not last long. One day, a group of bullies came from outside Qingyun Town, and they oppressed the people and did all kinds of evil. The people of the town are afraid to speak out, and they are living in dire straits. When Li Si saw this scene, his heart was full of anger and a sense of justice. He decided to stand up and protect his hometown and his fellow villagers.

Li Si used his carpentry skills to craft some ingenious traps and weapons to help the townspeople defend themselves against the bullies. He also united the other artisans and warriors in the town to form a resistance force. Under the leadership of Li Si, they launched a fierce struggle with the bullies.

In the course of the struggle, Li Si showed amazing courage and wisdom. Not only did he charge into battle himself, but he also used his carpentry skills to create many traps and obstacles that caught the bullies off guard. Under his leadership, the people of Qingyun Town gradually regained their confidence and courage, and fought to the death against the bullies.

In the end, with the joint efforts of Li Si and the people in the town, the bullies were defeated one by one, and Qingyun Town regained its former tranquility and harmony. People thanked Li Si for his bravery and wisdom, and regarded him as a hero of the town.

And the scissors that once brought disaster also played an unexpected role in this struggle. Li Si used its sharpness and hardness to create a special hidden weapon and successfully repelled the leader of the bullies. As a result, the scissors have become an artifact in the hearts of the people of Qingyun Town, and it also symbolizes that Li Si draws strength from his past mistakes and brings hope and victory to his hometown and fellow villagers.

Because he was given two pieces of silver, the carpenter put scissors in the main beam, and he suffered his own retribution

After this incident, Li Si understood his responsibility and mission even more. He is no longer just a carpenter, but also the guardian and moral leader of Qingyun Town. With his actions and wisdom, he brought safety and happiness to the people of the town.

Li Si became a legend in Qingyun Town, and his deeds became a good story in the town. However, instead of being complacent, he became more humble and low-key. He knows that true heroes are not measured by fame and status, but by how much they have contributed to their hometown and people.

Under the influence of Li Si, the cultural atmosphere of Qingyun Town has become increasingly strong. The town's school attracted more children to come to study, not only to learn cultural knowledge, but also to learn Li Si's character and spirit. Li Si also often goes to the school to share his experiences and insights with the children, encouraging them to be brave, honest and kind.

With the passage of time, Qingyun Town has gradually become a well-known cultural town. Literati and writers from all over the world have come to visit and collect style, they are attracted by the beautiful scenery and humanistic atmosphere of Qingyun Town, and have left many well-known poems and masterpieces.

However, at this moment, an unexpected news reached Qingyun Town. It turned out that the defeated bullies had not completely disappeared, they had secretly gathered in a valley in the distance, preparing to attack Qingyun Town again.

This news caused the people of Qingyun Town to fall into panic and unease. They fear that the bullies will bring disaster and suffering to the town again. However, Li Si calmly analyzed the situation, and he saw that this was an opportunity to test the unity and strength of Qingyun Town.

So, Li Si once again gathered the craftsmen and warriors in the town and formulated a detailed battle plan. They took advantage of Qingyun Town's terrain and set up many traps and defenses to prepare for the challenge of the bullies.

Because he was given two pieces of silver, the carpenter put scissors in the main beam, and he suffered his own retribution

The day of the battle has finally come. The bullies arrived as scheduled, and they launched a fierce attack on Qingyun Town. However, with the heroic resistance of Li Si and the people of the town, the offensive of the bullies was quickly contained.

In the fierce battle, Li Si once again showed his wisdom and courage. Not only did he charge into battle himself, but he also used his carpentry skills to create a number of ingenious traps and weapons that dealt a fatal blow to the bullies.

After a tough battle, the bullies were finally defeated once and for all. They were captured by the people of Qingyun Town and sent to the government for disposal. This battle not only defended the security and stability of Qingyun Town, but also once again proved the unity and strength of Li Si and the people in the town.

After the battle, the people of Qingyun Town held a grand celebration. They thanked Li Si for his bravery and wisdom, and they were also proud of their ability to unite and resist foreign enemies together. Li Si also delivered a heartfelt speech at the celebration, in which he encouraged people to continue to carry forward the spirit of unity, bravery, integrity and kindness to create a better future together.

However, just as this celebration is coming to an end, a mysterious figure appears. He claimed to be the original owner of the scissors and came to find the scissors that had brought him disaster. When he learned that the scissors had been used by Li Si to defeat the bullies and defend his hometown, he bowed deeply and expressed his respect and gratitude to Li Si.

It turned out that this mysterious figure was a Taoist hermit. Many years ago, because of his improper cultivation, the evil qi on the scissors leaked, which brought disaster to his master. Later, he was always looking for opportunities to make amends for his mistakes. When he learned that Li Si had protected Qingyun Town with scissors, he felt very relieved and grateful.

In the end, the hermit gave the scissors to Li Si and told him that the scissors had lost their evil spirit and had become an ordinary pair of scissors. He hoped that Li Si could continue to use this pair of scissors to contribute to his hometown and people.

Li Si took the scissors and was full of emotion. He knows that this pair of scissors is not only a witness to his changing fate, but also an important guide on his life path. He decided to treasure this pair of scissors as his eternal memorial and reminder.

Because he was given two pieces of silver, the carpenter put scissors in the main beam, and he suffered his own retribution

Since then, Li Si has continued to use his carpentry skills and wisdom to serve the people of Qingyun Town. He used his practical actions to interpret the spiritual connotation of bravery, integrity, and kindness, and became the eternal hero and model of Qingyun Town.

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