
A wise woman, when she meets a man from such a family, will hold on firmly


As the saying goes, "Men are afraid of choosing the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong person." "The importance of marriage to women cannot be overstated.

Although more and more women nowadays choose to be independent and stick to singleness, most women still see marriage as a "hurdle" in life.

Some people say that good love makes you better and more beautiful; Similarly, a good marriage will make women better and happier.

It is not only a chance but also a happiness for a woman to meet someone who truly loves and tolerates each other in her life.

Finding the right partner may make a woman happy for the rest of her life, but if she chooses the wrong person, there will be no peace in her future life.

We all know that love is a matter between two hearts, and if you want to have a good relationship, you only need two people to fit in and tolerate each other.

A wise woman, when she meets a man from such a family, will hold on firmly

However, marriage is unique in that it emphasizes family and requires you to put in more effort and patience to choose and eventually find someone who is compatible with you.

After all, no matter how happy the relationship is, the real marriage must be reflected in the daily trivialities.

After experiencing too many unhappy marriages, you will understand that love between two people is the foundation, but it is not the panacea.

A wise woman understands this, so when choosing a partner, it is not just about the individual, but about the family background.

After all, the degree of happiness in marriage and a happy life in the future largely depends on the other party's family and surrounding environment.

A wise woman, when she meets a man from such a family, will hold on firmly

01 A family where parents are sensible and have "decent" behavior

Generally speaking, the man's family is more open-minded and methodical. After a woman marries into such a family, her life will be more comfortable and pleasant.

Because of such a family, parents generally do not interfere in the affairs between you and your husband and wife. They know that you are a small family, and the best way to encounter problems is to solve them yourself.

Xiaoli's married life makes the female colleagues in the office very envious, not because she married a particularly rich husband, nor because her husband is particularly handsome, but because her in-laws are very sensible.

Xiaoli lives in an environment, but her in-laws never take the initiative to interfere in the lives of the young couple, as long as the young couple is happy.

Compared with those parents who always interfere in their children's marriages, this attitude is really reassuring and relaxed.

In addition, Xiaoli's husband was nurtured by his parents' education and respected his wife very much in their daily interactions, and their married life could not be more appropriate than that of "happy".

A wise woman, when she meets a man from such a family, will hold on firmly

02 A family that is open-minded and does not believe in feudal ideas

If a person's idea has already been formed, then no matter how well you do, you can't change his opinion.

In "Dear Yourself", Zhang Zhizhi, played by Kan Qingzi, met a mother-in-law full of feudal ideas in her married life.

Mother-in-law once said a sentence that made Zhang Zhizhi remember it vividly: "No matter how capable a woman is, she is not as capable as a man." In the mother-in-law's opinion, despite Zhizhi's excellent performance, not having a grandson is the biggest shortcoming.

Therefore, when a smart sister looks at marriage, she will give priority to the open-mindedness of the family and not be backward and conservative.

Marrying such a man, the status of the two is always equal.

Men in such families do not leave all the housework to their wives, and they think that it is a blessing to be able to help their wives share some of the things they can.

When a couple is pregnant, they will not worry about the sex of the baby, but will be more concerned about the mother's physical comfort and be grateful to the mother.

A wise woman, when she meets a man from such a family, will hold on firmly

03 Family harmony, a loving family of parents

As the saying goes, "Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and the children of mice also make holes." That's a profound statement.

Family has a great influence on a person's personality and attitude, and if a person grows up in a happy family, he will maintain an optimistic attitude regardless of the environment.

If in a person's family environment, parents are always arguing and arguing over small things and big things, then children who grow up in such a family can easily imitate the way their parents behave when dealing with marital relationships.

If the family is harmonious and the career is prosperous, if the family is not harmonious, the person will live in an unhappy environment, so it will be difficult for his work and career to become better and better.

Smart women know this and therefore pay more attention to their partner's family environment.

In many cases, you can infer whether your parents will be happy in the future from whether or not your parents are happy together.

A wise woman, when she meets a man from such a family, will hold on firmly

Emotional Interpretation:

When a woman falls in love with someone, she is often emotional, always thinking that love can resolve everything, and thinking about marriage is too simple and shallow.

In fact, in life, couples who go from acquaintance and love to marriage to breakup and parting are not because they don't love each other, but because the trivial troubles of marriage have consumed their love.

Smart women value their partner's family, not because they lack confidence in marriage, but because they are a reflection of responsibility in marriage.

They understand the importance of family in marriage and understand that choosing a partner is not only about being with him personally, but also about the family background of the other person. Whether the family atmosphere is good or bad will greatly affect your marital happiness.

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