
At the age of 62, I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and after finding two partners, I am completely dead


You will never believe that a 62-year-old retired old man can still experience such bizarre emotional twists and turns. My name is Lao Li, with a pension of 8,000 yuan, I thought I could live a peaceful life in my old age, who would have thought that after finding two partners, I completely lost my heart to my marriage in my later years.

It all started with me and my first partner, Aunt Zhang. Aunt Zhang is two years younger than me and met through community senior activities. On that day, the community held a square dance competition, and I was not very interested in these activities, but I couldn't resist the repeated invitations of my old friend Uncle Wang, so I finally went. Uncle Wang recommended Aunt Zhang to me, saying that although she doesn't like to talk much, she is diligent and a good person to live.

The music of the square dance echoed in my ears, and Uncle Wang and I sat under the stage, watching a group of old men and old ladies dance on the stage. Aunt Zhang is dressed in a red square dance costume, with a beautiful dancing posture and a vigorous posture, which is indeed outstanding among these people. Uncle Wang patted me on the shoulder: "Lao Li, do you see it, that's Aunt Zhang, I've been single for many years, maybe you can talk." ”

I'm a little moved, after all, I've been living alone for a long time, and I'm always a little lonely. But I'm still a little hesitant, after all, I'm older, and finding a wife is not as good as when I was young.

After the game, Uncle Wang pulled me over to meet Aunt Zhang. When they met for the first time, Aunt Zhang seemed a little shy, but her words and demeanor were full of simplicity. She said she was a primary school teacher before she retired, and she enjoys making crafts and participating in various community activities. My first impression of her was good, and I thought I could try to get in touch with her.

We exchanged contact details and agreed to go for a walk in the park together on the weekend. It was a sunny day, and I came to the park early to wait for her. It didn't take long for Aunt Zhang to come slowly dressed in plain clothes and carrying a small bag in her hand. We talked as we walked, and the topics ranged from trivial matters in life to children's education, from our respective interests and hobbies to our plans for the future.

"Lao Li, I don't think it's easy for people of our age to find a partner." Aunt Zhang looked at the lake in the park, her eyes were a little confused, "But if there is fate, I am willing to try it." ”

"Yes," I nodded, "at our age, finding a suitable person to live is more about supporting and accompanying each other." ”

We talked speculatively and got along well. After a while, we decided to try to live together. Aunt Zhang moved to my house and we started living together.

At first, everything seemed to be going well. Aunt Zhang is very good at taking care of people, and she takes care of the house in an orderly manner, and cooks three meals a day for me, which has improved my quality of life a lot. But slowly, I noticed some problems.

Aunt Zhang seemed to be particularly concerned about my financial situation. She always inadvertently inquired about how my monthly pension was spent, and sometimes suggested that I give her some extra pocket money. This makes me a little uneasy, after all, money is the foundation of life, but feelings are more important. I tried to communicate with her, hoping that she would understand my concerns.

"Lao Li, you said that we are all so old, why do you care about this? You have so much monthly pension, shouldn't you give me some pocket money? Aunt Zhang's expression on her face made me feel a little unhappy.

"Auntie, it's not that I don't want to give you money, but we are together to be with each other, not for money." I tried to be as calm as I could and said, "I wish we could have more emotional exchanges, and money is secondary." ”

Aunt Zhang's face stiffened a little when she heard my words, but quickly regained her smile: "Lao Li, what you said also makes sense, maybe I'm too anxious." In the future, we will live a good life and never talk about these things again. ”

However, things didn't settle with a single communication. Aunt Zhang still mentions money from time to time, and her attitude has begun to change subtly. One day, I stumbled upon her talking to a stranger on the phone in a very speculative way, with intimacy between her words. I asked her who she was, and she said it was an old friend of hers, nothing special.

I felt a little uneasy in my heart and decided to keep an eye out for it. Sure enough, a few days later, I found some ambiguous text messages in her room, and the sender was none other than the so-called "old friend". My heart was completely cold.

"Aunt Zhang, let's separate." That night, I calmly said to her, "I don't think we're the right fit." ”

Aunt Zhang obviously didn't expect me to be so direct, she was stunned for a moment, and then showed a helpless smile: "Lao Li, in fact, I also feel that something is missing between us." Since you think so too, forget it. ”

After Aunt Zhang moved out, my mood was much lighter. But this experience made me shadow my wife again, after all, there may be too many unknown interests hidden behind the relationship.

However, the lonely days are really hard. Not long after, in a calligraphy class at a university for the elderly, I met Sister Li. Sister Li is a year older than me, has a cheerful personality, and is enthusiastic, and she quickly gets along with me. We took classes together, practiced calligraphy together, and quickly became familiar with each other.

Sister Li is completely different from Aunt Zhang, she is always full of energy and seems to have endless energy. She said that she was a corporate employee before her retirement, and after retirement, she liked to travel and photography, and lived a colorful life.

"Lao Li, you see, this is a photo I took when I went to Yunnan last month." Sister Li took out her mobile phone and excitedly showed me her work, "Are you interested in traveling together?" ”

I wasn't really interested in traveling, but seeing her so enthusiastic, it was hard to refuse. So we made an appointment to go to Guilin together next month. That trip really allowed me to see another side of Sister Li. She is passionate about life and can always find the good side, whether it is the mountains, rivers and lakes, or the snacks in the streets and alleys, she can relish.

"Lao Li, life is short, while you still have energy, take a walk and take a look." Sister Li stood by the Li River, the breeze blowing her white hair, and her eyes flashed.

"Yes, Sister Li, with you, I seem to be a lot younger." I sigh from the bottom of my heart.

After returning from the trip, our relationship took a step further. Sister Li proposed to move in with me, and I readily agreed. Her arrival has added a lot of color to my life, and every day is like a holiday. Not only does she cook all kinds of food, but she also takes me to learn photography, and my life is colorful.

But gradually, I found that Sister Li was particularly sensitive to the evaluation of the outside world. She likes to share our daily routines in her circle of friends, but every time she sees that others have few likes or comments, she becomes a little lost. She also likes to compare, always comparing our lives to other people's, which makes me a little uncomfortable.

At the age of 62, I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and after finding two partners, I am completely dead

"Lao Li, you see that Lao Wang next door has bought a new camera, should we also get a new one?" Sister Li swiped her phone and suggested to me.

"Sister Li, aren't our cameras pretty good now? Why compare yourself to others? I tried to convince her, "Life is for yourself, not for others to see." ”

"But you see, everyone else is improving, and we can't fall behind." Sister Li looked a little stubborn, "Besides, we don't lack that money." ”

I sighed helplessly and decided to compromise for the time being. But there are more and more things like this, and Sister Li's pursuit of material things makes me begin to wonder what our relationship is for.

Once, we were having dinner at a high-end restaurant, and Sister Li suddenly offered to travel to Europe and said that she wanted to stay in the best hotel. I chuckled in my heart, knowing that such a trip would be expensive.

"Sister Li, is it really good for us to spend so extravagantly?" I asked her with some concern.

"Lao Li, life is short, you have to enjoy the moment." But she replied indifferently, "Besides, don't you have a pension?" What's so bad about using this money to enjoy life? ”

I was disappointed that her enthusiasm and positivity were for the good things of life, but now it seems that she values material satisfaction more. This forced me to re-examine our relationship.

When I got home that night, I talked to Sister Li once. She listened to my thoughts and was silent

After being silent for a while, Sister Li put down the chopsticks in her hand and looked at me with a hint of disappointment and doubt in her eyes.

"Lao Li, I thought you were a person who knew how to enjoy life. I didn't expect you to be so conservative. She sighed, "At our age, what else is there to worry about?" ”

"Sister Li, it's not that I don't want to enjoy life, I just think our consumption is a little too much." I explained as calmly as I could, "Money is finite, and we can't always spend it like this." ”

"Lao Li, do you know? I used to be like you, always budgeting, but I ended up living a very tired life. Later, I realized that money is earned and spent, especially at our age, and we should be kind to ourselves. Sister Li said earnestly.

"Yes, I understand your thoughts, but we can't ignore the actual situation." I was a little helpless, "Proper consumption is okay, but not excessive." ”

Sister Li didn't say anything more, just silently cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, obviously she didn't agree with my point of view. After that night, our relationship became a little delicate, and although it was still harmonious on the surface, I could feel some knots in her heart.

A few days later, Sister Li suddenly offered to go back to her house for a while, and she said that she wanted to be quiet. I knew she was upset because of our argument, but I couldn't force it, so I had to agree. After she left, the house returned to its former tranquility, and I sat alone in the living room, feeling a sense of emptiness in my heart.

A few weeks later, Sister Li called me and said that she wanted to try again, but this time she hoped that we could communicate better. I agreed to her request and hope that this time it will improve. However, it didn't take long for our problems to resurface.

Sister Li still likes to share our lives, and from time to time she proposes some extravagant consumption plans. I tried to communicate with her, hoping that she would understand my position, but each time it ended in an argument.

"Lao Li, are you really happy if you live so conservatively all your life?" Sister Li couldn't help but get angry once, "I just hope we can live better, why do you always resist so much?" ”

"Sister Li, I just hope that our lives can be more stable, and we don't always pursue those empty things." I said helplessly.

"Nothingness? Do you think I'm after nothingness? Sister Li looked very disappointed, "If you think so, then let's separate." I'm fed up with this life. ”

That night, Sister Li packed up her things and left me completely. Looking at her departing back, I felt powerless. This is the second time I've tried to live together, and it turned out again. I began to wonder if I really wasn't fit to find a wife anymore.

In the following days, I lived alone, and although I was a little lonely, my mood was much calmer. I started to reorganize my life, exercising on time every day, and occasionally catching up with old friends, so that life was simple and fulfilling.

However, fate always brings you new twists and turns when you are at your calmest. Just when I thought I could spend my old age in peace like this, an unexpected person appeared in my life.

On this day, I was walking in the park when I suddenly heard someone calling my name. I turned my head and saw a familiar figure walking towards me. It was my old classmate Zhang Zhihua, who was a year older than me, who had moved to another city after retirement and rarely came back.

"Lao Li, long time no see!" Zhang Zhihua walked over with a smile and gave me a big hug.

At the age of 62, I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and after finding two partners, I am completely dead

"Zhang Zhihua, why are you back?" I was a little surprised, I didn't expect to meet him here.

"The kids are older, and my wife and I want to come back and stay for a while and see our old friends." Zhang Zhihua said, "I just happened to meet you, it's really fate." ”

We chatted and reminisced about our youth. Zhang Zhihua's wife, Aunt Li, also came over and greeted me warmly. She is a cheerful woman, always smiling and welcoming, and they look very happy when they are with Zhang Zhihua.

"Lao Li, do you live alone?" Aunt Li asked with concern.

"Yes, the children have their own families, and I'm doing well alone." I replied with a smile.

"That's not good, how lonely it is to live alone. Otherwise, if you have time to come to our house and sit down, everyone will be lively together. "Aunt Li warmly invited me.

I didn't want to bother them, but seeing that they were so enthusiastic, it was hard to refuse. So, a few days later, I went to their house as a guest. Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Zhihua live in a small courtyard with a quiet environment and a warm furnishing.

"Lao Li, come on, come on, sit here." Zhang Zhihua beckoned me to sit down, "Let's not get drunk today!" ”

We talked a lot, from the fun stories of our youth, to our respective families, to our lives now. Aunt Li made a table of good dishes, and we chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

"Lao Li, how have you been doing in the past few years?" Zhang Zhihua asked.

"It's okay, life is dull, and it's not a big deal." I replied briefly.

"Lao Li, you should find a companion, it's too lonely to live alone." Aunt Li interjected, "There is a widowed Aunt Wang next door to our house, who is very nice, do you want me to introduce you to you?" ”

I hesitated, and the previous two experiences made me a little reluctant to find another wife. But seeing them so happy, I was also a little touched in my heart. Perhaps, the third attempt will be different?

"Aunt Li, I'...... Think again. I replied with a smile.

In the next few days, I couldn't help but think of Aunt Li's words. Perhaps, I should really try again, after all, it is a bit lonely to live alone.

Finally, I decided to take their advice and go and meet Aunt Wang. That day, we made an appointment to meet at a café. I arrived early and was a little nervous. It didn't take long for Aunt Wang to walk in.

Aunt Wang looks a few years younger than me and has an elegant temperament. After a brief pleasantries, we chatted. She said she was a doctor before retiring and enjoyed reading and traveling.

"Lao Li, Zhang Zhihua and Aunt Li mentioned you to me and said that you are a very good person." Aunt Wang smiled and said, "I hope we can become friends." ”

"Thank you, you're charming too." I replied with a smile.

We had a great chat and seemed to have a lot in common. Aunt Wang said that her husband had been living alone for many years, and now that her children are working in other places, she also feels a little lonely.

"Lao Li, if you don't mind, we can try to get along." Aunt Wang said frankly.

"Okay, we can try." I nodded, a little anticipatory and a little apprehensive.

In the days that followed, Aunt Wang and I began to see each other frequently, walking, watching movies, and eating together. She has a positive attitude towards life and is always full of enthusiasm and energy. It made me feel very comfortable and our relationship gradually warmed up.

A month later, Aunt Wang suggested that we go on a beach vacation together. I readily agree and hope that this trip will take us one step further.

We had a great time on that trip. The sea breeze was blowing, the sun was shining, and we walked, watched the sea, and chatted together, and the distance between us was getting closer and closer.

"Lao Li, I think we're very happy together." Aunt Wang said to me with a smile on a bench by the sea.

At the age of 62, I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and after finding two partners, I am completely dead

"yes, I think so." I held her hand and felt her warmth.

After returning from the trip, we decided to be together officially. Aunt Wang moved to my house and we started living together. Her arrival has brought new vitality to my life and I feel happier than I have ever been.

However, life is always full of uncertainties. A few months later, Aunt Wang's son suddenly came back to her. When he learned that we were together, he looked very upset.

"Mom, how can you live with a stranger?" He said angrily, "Do you know his background? Is he trying to get your money? ”

Aunt Wang tried to explain, but my son clearly didn't trust me. He insisted that Aunt Wang move back and threatened to sever the relationship. Aunt Wang was in a dilemma, and I also felt very helpless.

"Lao Li, I'm sorry, I didn't expect this." Aunt Wang said to me with tears in her eyes, "I have to think about my child's feelings. ”

I understood her situation, but I still felt a pang of pain in my heart. We tried so hard for so long, and in the end we were defeated by reality. After Aunt Wang moved out, I went back to living alone.

This experience left me dead completely

This experience completely broke my heart and I decided not to go to my wife again. Life is lonely, but at least peaceful. I began to pay more attention to my hobbies, calligraphy, painting, and occasionally going to community activities and chatting with old friends.

One day, the community organized an outing, and everyone went to the countryside together. I was walking with a few old friends and was in a good mood. Just as we were walking to a sea of flowers, I heard a familiar voice.

"Lao Li? You're here too! I turned my head and saw that it was my former partner, Aunt Zhang. She walked over with a smile, looking a little surprised, but more kind.

"Aunt Zhang, long time no see." I nodded, feeling mixed feelings in my heart.

We exchanged pleasantries, and she asked me how I was doing, and I briefly explained how I was. She listened and smiled slightly: "It looks like you're not bad, it's okay to live alone?" ”

"Yes, there's nothing wrong with being free alone." I replied with a smile.

"That's good." She nodded, "Actually, we had some misunderstandings at the time, and now that I think it's wrong, I feel like something was wrong." ”

"Don't talk about the past, it's the present that matters." I said lightly.

During the next outing, we chatted from time to time, and although it was no longer as close as before, it was still peaceful. After the event, everyone went home, but I felt an inexplicable sense of loss in my heart.

A few days later, I met Sister Li again in the park. She was explaining photography techniques to a group of elderly friends, and when she saw me, she immediately beckoned me over.

"Lao Li, long time no see, what have you been busy with lately?" Sister Li asked with a smile.

"Nothing special, just read a book at home and go out for a walk occasionally." I replied.

"Do you remember that trip to Guilin? It was a lot of fun. Sister Li's eyes flashed with memories.

"Of course, I remember, that trip was really beautiful." I nodded.

"Why don't we go on another trip together? I'm planning to go to Huangshan recently, are you interested? Sister Li proposed.

I hesitated, but finally nodded yes. Although we had some arguments before, the fond memories of that trip still touched my heart.

We made an appointment on the day of departure and went to Huangshan together. The beauty of Huangshan Mountain is unforgettable, and we walked on the mountain trails and enjoyed the gifts of nature. Sister Li is still enthusiastic, and her smile makes people feel warm.

"Lao Li, look, how beautiful the scenery here is!" Sister Li pointed to the mountain peaks in the distance and said excitedly.

At the age of 62, I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and after finding two partners, I am completely dead

"yes, it's beautiful." I replied with a smile.

After the trip, our relationship seemed to improve. Sister Li is no longer as obsessed with material things as before, but pays more attention to the essence of life. We started our life as a partner again, and this time it was more peaceful than before.

But just when I thought I could be happy forever, an accident broke the peace. That day, we were cooking at home when Sister Li suddenly felt a wave of dizziness and fell to the ground. I quickly called the emergency services and took her to the hospital.

After the doctor's examination, we were told that Sister Li had a heart attack and needed surgery. The news came as a bolt from the blue for us, but we all knew we had to face it.

"Lao Li, I'm a little scared." Sister Li was on the hospital bed with tears in her eyes.

"Don't be afraid, I'll always be with you." I took her hand and tried to calm myself down.

The operation was successful, but Sister Li's body needed a long time to recover. I went to the hospital every day to take care of her, chat with her, read to her, and hope to make her feel better.

"Lao Li, you really don't have to bother so much, I can do it myself." Sister Li was a little moved, but also a little uneasy.

"Don't talk about it, we're old friends, we should." I replied with a smile.

As time passed, Sister Li's body gradually recovered, and our relationship became deeper. After she was discharged from the hospital, we continued to live together, but I began to pay more attention to her health, walking with her every day, doing some light exercises, and my life became more regular.

However, fate played a joke on us again. A few months later, I also felt a little unwell, and after going to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor told me that I had high blood pressure and needed to take long-term medication to control it.

"Lao Li, you have to take good care of yourself, you can't always worry about other people's affairs." Sister Li said to me worriedly.

"I know, but wouldn't it be better if we took care of each other?" I replied with a smile.

We decided to face these health issues together and support each other to get through each day together. Although life was a little difficult, we relied on each other and felt a warmth that we had never felt before.

One day, Sister Li suddenly proposed: "Lao Li, let's go see our former friends and tell them about our situation, maybe they can give us some help and support." ”

I agreed to her suggestion, and we went to visit Auntie Zhang and her friends together. Aunt Zhang listened to our situation, seemed very concerned, and invited us to come over often.

"Lao Li, Sister Li, if you need anything, just tell me." Aunt Zhang said sincerely.

"Thank you, Aunt Zhang, we will." I replied gratefully.

Over time, our health has stabilized and life has become more peaceful. We participated in various activities in the community together and had many wonderful times with our friends.

Once, the community held a talent show for the elderly, and Sister Li suggested that we participate together. She said: "Lao Li, let's put on a show together, so that everyone can see our current life." ”

I hesitated, but finally agreed. We chose a simple pas de deux and after several days of rehearsals, we finally completed the show on the day of the performance. The audience gave us a round of applause and we were very happy.

"Lao Li, look, everyone likes our performance very much." Sister Li said excitedly.

"yes, we did." I replied with a smile, feeling extremely satisfied.

After this performance, we were even more popular in the community, and everyone gave us approving glances. As a result, our lives have become more fulfilling, and there are new things to look forward to every day.

Although we have all gone through many ups and downs, we have finally found our own happiness. Perhaps, life is like this, constantly experience, learn, grow, and then find that sincere emotion in the ordinary.

Now, although I am no longer young, my heart is full of strength. I know that no matter what the future holds, Sister Li and I will face it together and welcome every new sunrise together.

At the age of 62, I have a pension of 8,000 yuan, and after finding two partners, I am completely dead

After all, true happiness does not lie in how much material wealth you have, but in having someone around you who is willing to accompany you through the ups and downs. As long as she is there, I will not be alone in my later years. We will continue like this until the end of our lives.

"Lao Li, let's go for a walk together." Sister Li looked at me gently and said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go." I held her hand, my heart filled with anticipation for the future.

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