
The list of lip-synching at the 618 party is open, and if you can't sing it yourself, you won't give others a chance! Bad money drives out good money

author:Yuri said that Yi said
The list of lip-synching at the 618 party is open, and if you can't sing it yourself, you won't give others a chance! Bad money drives out good money

The publication of the 618 Gala Lip-synching List has sparked widespread controversy and heated discussions. This list includes many well-known singers, idols and actors, but most of them are accused of "nail households" of lip-synching. They themselves can't show their real performance ability on stage, but they are not willing to let those really powerful artists get this opportunity.

Some fans can always find a reason to whitewash their idols, especially when the idol is exposed to lip-syncing. They will argue that lip-syncing is common in the entertainment industry, and even think that it doesn't matter because they are more concerned about the image and performance of their idols. This stance seems to be on the side of idols, but it ignores the negative impact of lip-syncing on the entire stage.

For fans, their idol is not only an artist, but also an emotional sustenance and spiritual support. They habitually choose to believe in their idols because the success of idols also contributes to their pride and presence as fans. When idols are accused of lip-syncing, fans' first reaction is often to protect them and be unwilling to accept this reality.

The list of lip-synching at the 618 party is open, and if you can't sing it yourself, you won't give others a chance! Bad money drives out good money

Lip-synching is not harmless. It is not just a matter of ethics and professional conduct, but also a betrayal of the integrity of the audience. When the audience buys tickets or watches the live broadcast, they expect real artistic expression and wonderful stage performances, not superficial falsehood and deception. When viewers find out that what they are seeing is pre-recorded or lip-synched, their trust is inevitably undermined and can even have a negative impression of the entertainment industry as a whole.

Truly powerful artists have proven their worth through their musical talent and stage prowess. Artists such as Gong Linna, Wanida, and Shantimo have won praise and respect from the audience with their real performances. They do not rely on lip-synching or other techniques to disguise themselves, but through long-term hard work and professional attitude, they bring high-quality music enjoyment and audio-visual feast to the audience.

The list of lip-synching at the 618 party is open, and if you can't sing it yourself, you won't give others a chance! Bad money drives out good money

Netizens' evaluations of Gong Linna can be described as mixed, reflecting different views on real musical talent. Some netizens "MusicFan123" expressed her feelings on social platforms: "Gong Linna is one of my favorite powerful singers, and every time I watch her performance, I can feel her deep emotions and extraordinary musical talent. Every one of her songs is intoxicating, and it really sounds natural. ”

There are also many netizens who have reservations about Gong Linna's evaluation. MusicCritique567 commented: "Gong Linna does have a certain singing ability, but her musical style and performance style are not suitable for everyone. Sometimes it feels like her performance is a bit too emotional rather than a real musical expression. ”

For powerful artists like Gong Linna, discussions on social platforms are endless. A netizen "StageObserver99" shared his opinion: "Gong Linna's musical talent is indisputable, and her every note touches people's hearts. I feel like she's able to really touch the hearts of the audience through her own musical style and expression. ”

The list of lip-synching at the 618 party is open, and if you can't sing it yourself, you won't give others a chance! Bad money drives out good money

However, some netizens have a conservative view of Gong Linna's music style. "Linna Gong's singing voice is really infectious, but I prefer the traditional style of music, and her modern style sometimes feels a little strange to me," says OldSchoolMusicLover. ”

For such disagreements, fans have launched heated discussions and debates. "FanDebate2020" has formed a continuous topic on social media: "Is Gong Linna a 'natural voice' or a 'emotional excess'?" Is her musical style innovative or does it cater to market demand? This is a topic that deserves to be explored in depth. ”

In these discussions, Gong Linna, as an artist, endured multiple perspectives from different fans and music critics. Her performance style and musical work are not just personal expressions, they are part of culture and art. Her fans hope that she will continue to insist on authentic music creation, while critics hope that she can explore and innovate more in her musical style.

The list of lip-synching at the 618 party is open, and if you can't sing it yourself, you won't give others a chance! Bad money drives out good money

These powerful artists are not only performers on stage, but also social and cultural leaders. Through their hard work and perseverance, they set an example for the younger generation and inspire them to pursue authenticity and professionalism. Their success is not only a personal glory, but also the glory and cultural heritage of the entire industry.

For fans, it is essential to look at the idol's ability to perform rationally and objectively. Idols are certainly part of the entertainment industry, but their actions and influences go far beyond the individual. Fans can support and love their idols, but they should also treat every performance and behavior of their idols with a rational attitude.

Public opinion has become more and more negative towards lip-to-sing, believing that this kind of behavior has seriously ruined the reputation of domestic entertainment and the Chinese music scene. Some people have called for a strict crackdown on the phenomenon of bad money driving out good money, and strive for more performance opportunities for those powerful artists.

The list of lip-synching at the 618 party is open, and if you can't sing it yourself, you won't give others a chance! Bad money drives out good money

For the future, the domestic entertainment industry needs to seriously examine and deeply reflect. The prevalence of lip-syncing has seriously damaged the authenticity of the stage and the trust of the audience. If it is not taken seriously and effectively stopped, the fairness and professionalism of artistic performances cannot be maintained.

On the Internet, there is a discussion about lip-synching. A netizen "MusicLover88" expressed her opinion on social platforms: "As a long-time music lover, I really can't accept the phenomenon of lip-synching. Every time I see those so-called 'idols' 'singing' on stage, I feel a wave of disappointment in my heart. Why can't they speak with their strength like real powerful artists? ”

Another netizen "StageDreamer99" has a different opinion: "I don't think it's a big deal to lip-synch. After all, stage performances nowadays are not only about sound, but also about dance, stage effects, and other elements. Lip-syncing is only one part of the equation and is able to better present the overall effect. ”

The list of lip-synching at the 618 party is open, and if you can't sing it yourself, you won't give others a chance! Bad money drives out good money

These conversations on the Internet reflect society's divergent attitudes to the issue of lip-synching. On the one hand, there are those who insist that lip-to-play erodes the essence of art, making it difficult for the audience to truly enjoy the charm of music. On the other hand, there are also those who believe that lip-to-lip singing is not a heinous crime in today's entertainment industry, and even a necessary entertainment product.

No matter which view it is, the domestic entertainment industry should have a clear attitude on the issue of lip-syncing. Lip-synching is not only a matter of artistic morality, but also an injury to the trust of the audience. The audience invests time and money to see the show, expecting a real and wonderful performance, not a superficial fake and deceptive.

The exposure of the 618 party lip-syncing scandal is a warning. I hope that the future stage can be more fair, and truly outstanding artists can get the recognition and opportunities they deserve, which is the artistic and cultural value we pursue together.

The list of lip-synching at the 618 party is open, and if you can't sing it yourself, you won't give others a chance! Bad money drives out good money

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