
After the age of 50, I realized that the most important thing in life is only these two things

author:An idler


Many people, who have lived all their lives, don't know why they came?

I don't know what the point of living is it?

Busy every day, like ants on a hot pot, it is just a mixture of "the princes will look at each other for a long time, and the food and clothing will be enough".

Many people have worked hard all their lives and have never lived a day for themselves in their lives.

When I was a child, I was diligent and self-denying and studied hard for a better life in the future; When I grew up, I worked day and night for the happiness of my family; When I am old, I cut back on food and clothing for the sake of the life of my children and grandchildren.

I have never enjoyed it in my life, and I dare not enjoy it. As if enjoyment is selfishness and sin.

It is also said that there is no meaning in human life.

Life is an experience.

Whether it's good or bad, it will eventually pass.

The saddest thing in life is that you have been immersed in a certain thing or a certain emotion, and you can't get out of it for the rest of your life. And miss out on feeling more of a life experience.

People don't rejoice for a whole year because of a happy event, but they can be depressed for the rest of their lives because of a trauma.

Venerable Hongyi said: People live in the world, in fact, there are two things. One is to settle your body; Another thing is to settle your soul.
After the age of 50, I realized that the most important thing in life is only these two things

Settle your body

Many people don't know how to take care of their bodies.

There are also many people who have been ignoring the existence of their bodies.

It's as if the mind governs the body, and whatever you do, it's a matter of course.

If you want to stay up late, you can stay up late, completely ignoring the fatigue of your body; If you want to eat and drink, you will not be restrained, completely ignoring the burden of your stomach; If you want to do something, you do it desperately, completely ignoring the fact that your body has been seriously overdrawn.

How many people died before their ambitions were paid and fell on the job. How many people are sick and weak at a young age; How many people are happy in life, but they have a big belly, and they have become an obese cripple.

In fact, the body and soul are two in one.

They are both coordinated and independent.

Whatever you want to do, you can only do it if your body cooperates.

If you don't take care of your body and your health, your body will malfunction.

What do you want to do, your body doesn't cooperate, even if you have big ideas, it's just a fantasy.

So, we get up every morning to thank our body, thank our body for its health.

Thankfully, the body can take us to do anything without the help of someone else's body.

The body is each of our best friends.

It allows us to take your body with us wherever we want to go; When you want to eat, you can have your hands to cooperate and bring it to your mouth; When you want to exercise, take you for a run, and when you want to rest, let you lie in bed.

In this life, only when we are healthy can we have a better experience of life.

If you are not healthy, when you want to do something, your body is not under your control, how can you enjoy your life?

Those who are hemiplegic, those who have had a stroke, those who have a lot of physical diseases, those who have physical disabilities, are all people who do not have complete control over their bodies.

It is also a person whose body refuses to cooperate with the activities of the soul.

The body is the companion of the soul, and the soul gives wings to the body.

Therefore, the most important first thing in this life is to settle down in your body.

Take care of your body and keep it as healthy as possible.

For example, don't stay up late, don't eat junk food, don't have emotional internal friction, don't let yourself be too tired, and let your body relax and rest when your body needs to rest. It's all a sign of caring for the body.

Our bodies love the control of our thoughts. In fact, our bodies can also accept the hints of our thoughts.

If you cherish it and cherish it, it will feel comfortable and healthy; You ignore it, you hurt it, and it gets angry and strikes. Sickness to show you.

When people live, it is inherently the body and soul to experience different lives.

So, be sure to take good care of your body. Maintain good health.

After the age of 50, I realized that the most important thing in life is only these two things

Settle your soul

If a person wants to be in good health, he must be in a good mood.

A good mood means peace of mind.

Traditional Chinese medicine says: All serious illnesses must be related to emotions; If you fail to be emotionally unsuccessful for a long time, you will get seriously ill.

Therefore, if you want to have a healthy and good body, you must have an emotionally stable life.

In fact, emotions and bodies go hand in hand.

When the body is better, the mood is often good;

If you are in a good mood, your body will not have any liver qi stagnation, and there will be no problems with your health.

If you are not in good health, your mood will definitely be affected, and then a vicious cycle will appear.

The body is sick, not controlled by thoughts, and cannot do whatever it wants. The mood will be depressed. If you are in a bad mood, it will aggravate the symptoms of physical discomfort.

As a normal ordinary person, you must take care of your body and take care of your soul.

Don't allow yourself to be in a constant state of anxiety and pain.

Some people will say: I don't want to be anxious, but what if life is unsatisfactory everywhere?

Thoreau said in Walden: The soul needs nothing to buy.

So, whether your emotions are good or bad doesn't really depend on how much you have or how much you have lost; It's about whether your heart is satisfied.

When you are satisfied in your heart, you can be happy even if you have very little; If you are not satisfied in your heart, you will not feel happy, no matter how much material and wealth you have.

So, read more books and think more about the meaning of life, and you won't let yourself be stuck in the quagmire of emotions and make yourself unhappy because of any little thing.

Let the mood be happy first. Try to make your body as comfortable as possible.

The most successful life is to be healthy, to have the ability to do what you want to do, and to be able to satisfy both the material needs of your body and the enjoyment of your soul through your own efforts.

After the age of 50, I realized that the most important thing in life is only these two things

Pack up your mood, let the time be warm, and let the years be stable.

Everyone will experience many things in their lives.

It is these things that enrich our lives and make us have more feelings and insights.

Therefore, at every stage of life, no matter what happens, you must learn to self-digest and self-heal.

Life is hard, and the only way to cross it is to cross it.

Dong Yuhui said: The biggest mission of people in this life is to make themselves happy!

What is happiness?

Be physically healthy, emotionally stable, and do what you want. Fate was very generous, even giving us, much more than we wanted.

Life will be very happy because of contentment.

Some people, some things, in the past, are over, there is no need to revisit them over and over again, and they refuse to let go.

Anger and resentment are nothing but wasting one's life on other people's mistakes.

Yesterday was fate, and it was a certainty; Tomorrow is luck, and anything is possible.

Live well today, and tomorrow will be good.

The most beautiful state of life is that people are quiet, things are simple, and the heart is beautiful.

Yang Jiang said: We have looked forward to the waves of fate so much, and in the end we found that the most beautiful wind and quiet in life is actually the calmness and calmness of the heart;

Minimalism is not about having nothing, it's about having another kind of thing.

True happiness does not lie in external achievements and material abundance; It's about simplicity and refinement; It lies in the peace and tranquility of the heart.

The heart is calm and calm, all things are one, and everything is as you like.

In life, the most important thing is nothing more than two things: settle your body; Settle your soul.

Make the body comfortable and the soul at ease.

It's a happy life.