
No wonder Bo Yi didn't make an inch, but he was able to be named the emperor by Jiang Ziya, and see what Hongjun Ancestor said

author:Upward stream 4

1. On the eve of King Wu's war, Bo Yi was killed to save his father

No wonder Bo Yi didn't make an inch, but he was able to be named the emperor by Jiang Ziya, and see what Hongjun Ancestor said

The sun hangs high on the land of China, but the cruel and unjustified rule of the king of Xuan has made the people miserable. King Wen Jichang has already secretly supported King Wu to fight and seek peace for the people of the world. However, how could the huge Shang Dynasty tolerate rebels? It was rumored that Ji Chang had betrayed state secrets, and the king was furious and immediately issued a decree to take down Ji Chang.

Faced with an arrest warrant from King Xu, Ji Chang was not surprised. He had divined a hexagram beforehand, and the hexagram was quite unfavorable, indicating that he would be imprisoned for this trip. Thinking of his only son Bo Yi Kao, Ji Chang was very worried. He knew that Bo Yi Kao was a filial son, and once he suffered, Bo Yi Kao would definitely come to the rescue regardless of everything. So Ji Chang calculated a hexagram for Bo Yi again, and the result surprised him, only to see that the hexagram pointed to the dying life. Ji Chang immediately urgently summoned Boyi to take the exam, and told him not to enter the court to rescue, and to wait for his father's return in Xiqi.

Unexpectedly, Bo Yi was arrogant and doubtful about his father's life. When he learned that his father was arrested by the king of Zhou, he did not hesitate to go to Chaoge in person. In order to save his father, he was even more stingy and gave the Xiqi Three Treasures to the King of Xu. Seven incense cars, sobering felt, white apes, and ten beauties are enough to make anyone's mouth water. Seeing this, King Su did have a plan to release Ji Chang. Who would have thought that at this moment, the cunning nine-tailed fox Daji had disrupted everything.

Daji has been a beautiful woman since she was a child, and she has become more and more beautiful when she grows up. As soon as she saw the handsome Bo Yi Kao, she suddenly fell in love with her. In order to get her sweetheart, Daji spared no effort to seduce Bo Yi Kao. It's a pity that Bo Yi is pure and kind-hearted and unmoved. What's more, he even denounced Daji as an adulterer, which angered Daji. Daji held a grudge and turned to fabricate rumors to frame Bo Yi Kao for killing the king.

Faced with the slander of the vixen of his sworn friend, the king did not suspect it at all, so he killed the killer and put Bo Yi Kao to death. Ji Chang lost his beloved only son and was devastated by grief. Although King Wu's army was already on the road, Ji Chang was unable to join, so he could only mourn in prison.

Second, before entering the dynasty to save his father, Bo Yi had foresight

Looking at the heroes of heaven and earth, there is no shortage of people who are noble and noble, but Bo Yi Kao is unique. It is really admirable to be in danger and strike first.

brushing away the dust of the years, go back to the moment before Bo Yi Kao entered the court alone. At that time, Ji Chang had been taken by the king of Xu, although there was a fortune calculation first, but Bo Yi Kao still had to go to Tang to save his father. But before leaving, he did not blindly charge, but made sufficient preparations first.

First of all, Bo Yi opened the book and carefully checked the past fortune records of his father Ji Chang. He found that his father had analyzed that the road to the court would face many crises, and the two most difficult hurdles were rampant evil and slander. In order to resolve these two hidden dangers, Bo Yi Kao must be carefully deployed.

In response to the rampant demons in the first level, Bo Yi thought of a countermeasure. He summoned more than a dozen masters with unique skills and asked them to go to the court together. Once you encounter a monster rebellion, immediately launch a heavenly thunder formation to suppress it. As for the second level of slander, Bo Yi Kao is even more painstaking. He specially prepared a heavy gift, ready to use it to favor the king, so as not to be framed by a false unjust case.

In addition to dealing with the crisis, Bo Yicao also made all preparations to save his father. He searched all over Xiqi, searched for treasures and foreign objects, and formed a generous gift to the king. It can be described as feather pearls, beautiful women like clouds, everything. Bo Yi Kao hopes that with the help of this heavy gift, he can awaken the conscience of the king and let his father return.

Everything is ready, and Bo Yi Kao can finally start with confidence. Along the way, he did not relax for a moment, and always raised his vigilance, for fear of giving up halfway. Whenever he passed through a dangerous place, Bo Yi Kao would take the initiative to give an order for his entourage to raise a defensive array in case of accidents. It can be seen that he had foresight for this trip to see the court, and he was not blindly conceited.

No wonder Bo Yi didn't make an inch, but he was able to be named the emperor by Jiang Ziya, and see what Hongjun Ancestor said

Third, there are many obstacles, and the road to saving my father is tortuous and difficult

Bo Yi Kao is brave and good at fighting, and he is indestructible. However, when faced with the cunning and treacherous demons, he has repeatedly fallen into passivity. Along the way, Bo Yi Kao has indeed experienced many obstacles, and the road to saving his father is tortuous and difficult.


Soon after coming to Chaoge, Bo Yi Kao encountered the first obstacle in his life - the seduction of the nine-tailed fox Daji. Daji has been an unguardable goblin since ancient times, and once she falls in love with someone, she will do whatever it takes to get entangled. This time, she has her eyes on the handsome Bo Yi Kao, determined to take it down.

So, Daji showed all kinds of gestures and tried every means to get close to Bo Yi Kao. Some fashions are dressed as fair ladies, and sometimes they are transformed into passionate young women. But no matter what means were used, Bo Yikao turned a blind eye to her and retreated. The more Daji did this, the more angry she became, almost going crazy.

In the end, he was framed and slandered by poisonous hands

Soon, Daji completely lost her mind and became a personal vendetta. She fabricated rumors and framed Bo Yi Kao for plotting to murder the king, which led to the killer and brutally murdered the innocent Bo Yi Kao. Just when Bo Yi thought he could get what he wanted, a sudden poisonous plan knocked him down at the last moment.

Demonstrated high moral integrity

Looking back on the whole process, Bo Yi Kao has indeed gone through hardships. But it was this hardship that better demonstrated his noble moral integrity. In the face of Daji's temptation, he remained steadfast; When the slander is flying, he takes it in stride. Bo Yi Kao interprets loyalty and filial piety with actions, which can be described as a model of heroes in ancient and modern times.

Despite falling on the way, Bo Yi Kao did not give up. In fact, his filial piety to save his father has long been spread all over the land of China and is admired by people. In later generations, whenever the example of father's love and filial piety was mentioned, the name of Bo Yi Kao would definitely be mentioned. As the saying goes, "Jingwei reclamation, hair can be gracious". Although Bo Yi Kao has died in the Demon Dao, he has also achieved his wish to save his father to a certain extent, and has won the praise of the world.

Fourth, the filial piety of the son and father is deeply affectionate, and the unfortunate death is really innocent

Filial piety to children and kindness to fathers is a traditional virtue that has existed since ancient times, and it can be called a great principle of righteousness. And the spirit of the son forged by Bo Yi Kao with his life is the most representative model of filial piety in the world. He was not afraid of hardships and dangers, and he was alone in order to rescue his imprisoned father Ji Chang. Although he was finally killed because of the goblin framed, his affection is deep and his righteousness is thin and cloudy, and he is definitely an immortal model of filial piety.

Let's talk about the depth of the relationship between Bo Yi Kao and his father Ji Chang. Ji Chang has been brilliant since he was a child, and he was promoted to the prince in his early years, and he was deeply respected by King Wen. And Bo Yi Kao is Ji Chang's only son, who has been personally nurtured by his father since he was a child. The father and son are double superimposed on the kindness and family affection of teachers and students, and the relationship is extremely intimate. Even when Ji Chang was imprisoned by King Xu, Bo Yi Kao still remembered and was unswerving.

No wonder Bo Yi didn't make an inch, but he was able to be named the emperor by Jiang Ziya, and see what Hongjun Ancestor said

Let's talk about Bo Yikao's courage in the face of danger. In the face of King Xu's order to arrest Ji Chang, many of his peers were afraid to escape, but Bo Yi saw death as if he were at home and was not afraid at all. What's even more valuable is that he did not act blindly, but made sufficient preparations first. He has made several layouts, together with the prophecy left by the great wise man Ji Chang, which can be described as meticulous. The desperate spirit of enduring hardships and not being afraid of sacrifice is indeed awe-inspiring.

Moreover, although Bo Yi Kao finally fell into a trap and died, it also played a certain deterrent role. Under his appreciation, the king of Xu, who had been gullible in Daji's slander, was greatly frightened, knowing that he had actually wronged a filial son in the past. From this point of view, Bo Yi Kao's heroic deeds can be regarded as immeasurable merits, and there is no doubt about it.

I would like to praise Boyi as a model of national spirit, and I deserve it. With the deep affection of filial piety and the courage to be fearless in danger, he can be called a model in the world. I hope that the majority of Miao descendants can take this as a mirror, be ashamed and self-reliant, and always carry forward the traditional virtues of filial piety and loyalty!

Fifth, the heroic spirit is immortal, and future generations admire Wujiang as the emperor

After Bo Yi was admitted to the Shang Dynasty clan, he should have returned to his hometown in fine clothes and was high. However, fate destined him to go through hardships and suffering. In the end, this filial son was killed for saving his father and became a victim of the envy of the enemy. But such a tragic end better demonstrated the noble character and immortal spirit of Bo Yi Kao. In later generations, when it comes to the model of filial piety, they will definitely mention the name of Bo Yi Kao with admiration and respect him as the emperor.

The immortality of the spirit of Bo Yi Kao lies first in his filial piety to his father. As Ji Chang's only son, he was personally taught by his father since he was a child. A good family education naturally allowed Bo Yi to develop the noble sentiments of a new generation of people, and he had great love for his father. As the saying goes, "filial piety comes first", the most important thing that Bo Yi Kao can not forget in his life is filial piety. When he learned that his father was imprisoned by the king, he decided to go to the court alone to rescue him, even if he was martyred.

Secondly, the immortality of the spirit of Bo Yi Kao lies in his loyalty and integrity. Although he was the ruler of the whole country, he was promiscuous and cruel, and the people and ministers regarded him as a mediocre person. Although Bo Yi Kao was born in the Zhou Dynasty, he resolutely refused to be with him, and even did not hesitate to go to the soup to rescue his father Ji Chang and King Wu to overthrow the tyrannical rule. It is this kind of fearless spirit and courage that makes Bo Yikao sacrifice his precious life without regrets.

Moreover, the immortality of Bo Yi Kao's spirit lies in his wisdom and courage in daring to act. Most people only know that he has filial piety, but they don't know that Bo Yi Kao is also a strategic, calm military strategist. During his solo journey, he laid out a number of defensive lines such as the Heavenly Thunder Array and the Heavy Guarded Array, which can be called prepared. These layouts seem to have been bypassed by later demons, but it must be admitted that Bo Yi Kao was indeed prescient. From this point of view, Bo Yi Kao is an outstanding figure of wisdom and courage.

It was based on Bo Yikao's immortal spirit and outstanding character that Jiang Ziya later admired him and honored him as the "Emperor of Filial Piety". From ancient times to the present, there is no doubt that people have revered Bo Yi Kao, and his spirit has become a symbol of the inheritance of the national spirit.

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