
How much do you know about the traitors who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty at the end of the Ming Dynasty? Who will sit in the first place?

author:Codename Rusty Watermelon


How much do you know about the traitors who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty at the end of the Ming Dynasty? Who will sit in the first place? In troubled times, power and money are intertwined, and there are often contradictions between ideals and reality. In the troubled years when the Ming Dynasty was falling, some people took refuge in the invaders for fame and fortune, and even sold their countries; Others are determined to die rather than give in. The elders of the Ming Season must have unique opinions and judgments on this. How will Emperor Shunzhi reuse those traitors who are "light on literati" but are power-hungry? Where will they be seated? Let's wait and see as this struggle unfolds over power.

How much do you know about the traitors who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty at the end of the Ming Dynasty? Who will sit in the first place?

First, the whole country, everyone is in danger

Zhu Changluo, the king of Yan, was stationed in Beiping, and was originally the son of Zhu Youlang, the ancestor of the Ming dynasty, in order to guard the important land of Gyeonggi, shouldering the heavy trust of the family and the country. Who knew that Li Zicheng's soldiers were approaching the city, and he actually abandoned the city and fled in a panic, throwing away his armor and avoiding it. Immediately afterwards, the civil and military officials of the Ming court followed suit and fled in all directions. The royal family members were no exception, Zhu Changluo's siblings all fled for their lives, and even Emperor Ming himself was abandoned.

Although Emperor Chongzhen was resentful of King Yan's surrender, he was disheartened when he saw that the general trend had gone. Hearing that his nephew Zhu Youxiao fled with his relatives, he was arrested, and Zhu Youxiao had no choice but to return to Beijing. Although Chongzhen ordered the requisition of all kinds of armies to join the divisions, no one dared to wade into this troubled water, and the warlords from all walks of life even excused themselves. When you advanced and I retreated, Chongzhen knew that the building was about to collapse, and committed suicide in the Palace of Eternal Life.

Seeing that the Qing army had conquered Beiping, the Manchu commander Dolgon, decided to take advantage of the victory to pursue him. The Manchu Qing Dynasty was not in danger, but when they saw that there were many civil strife and the city fell without blood, they had the ambition of unifying the Central Plains. The following year, Dolgon's army crossed Yingzhou and advanced southward, penetrating into the hinterland of the Beijing division. The people in the city are like facing the abyss, and everyone is in danger. At this time, the soldiers approached the city, and the peasant rebel army led by Li Zicheng also came to the border...

Second, there is a reason for the surrender of the family

Zu Dashou has read military books since he was a child, and he is very intelligent, and he was arrested and imprisoned by the Ming court. During the Tiancong period, he was named a general and was ordered to garrison the Daling River. Unexpectedly, he was besieged by Qing soldiers from many roads, and Zu Dashou was helpless and surrendered to the Qing army for the first time. At this time, his family members Zu Kefa, Zu Zerun, Zu Zehong, etc. also served their lives.

However, Zu Dashou had a broad vision and understood that surrender was tantamount to a temporary expediency. After a few years, he revived the anti-flag and led his family to rebel again. In the seventh year of Chongde, Zu Dashou was surrounded and suppressed by the Qing army, and there was nothing to be done. Zu Dashou had no choice but to bring the whole family to surrender to the Qing Dynasty again, and this surrender can be described as a last resort.

Similar to the ancestral family, there is also the family of Prince Guisui of Manchuria. In 1637, Nurhachi's eldest son, Huang Taiji, succeeded to the throne and named Prince Sui Azig as Dorobelle. However, Azig's courtier, Hu Fuxing, and others made an incident in Narhu, the residence of Prince Sui, and forced Prince Sui to surrender with his family. Although Huang Taiji punished the rebel leader, he also resettled the prince's family helplessly.

Another famous surrender incident was Wu Sangui's three mutinies. Wu Sangui was originally a cloth cloth, and he was entrusted with important tasks by the Ming court by virtue of his martial arts and courage. However, Wu was narrow-minded and domineering, repeatedly offended the powerful, and encountered many injustices such as being infamous as "ugly" by his grandmother. So between his personal interests and the mission of his family and country, Wu Sangui finally chose to betray the motherland and surrender to the Qing army after several repetitions.

Compared with Wu Sangui's hideousness, Sun Zhiqi is particularly sinister. Sun Zhiqi was originally the embodiment of fame and fortune in the Ming Dynasty, and he was promoted to the rank of Jinshi many times. However, seeing that the Ming family was about to die, Sun Zhiqi turned to follow the Qing army. What's even more odious is that he did not hesitate to write documents to compliment the Qing Dynasty for "changing the Zuo Zhongxing", and even vigorously advocated shaving his hair and making it easy to wear, so he swept away the last obstacle for the Manchu Qing Dynasty to enter the Central Plains...

3. The Han military generals were demoted to the position of protection

In the last years of Chongzhen, Kong Youde, the heart of the Ming Dynasty, was surrounded by the Qing army in Gaizhou. Faced with heavy troops, Kong Youde weighed the pros and cons, and finally chose to surrender to the Qing army. Although Kong Youde is a middle-level general, he has helped the Qing army a lot. After surrendering, he not only handed over a large number of advanced Hongyi cannons to the enemy, but also secretly coerced the Ming officers and soldiers to surrender. With this merit, Nurhachi canonized Kong Youde as a submissive king and reused it.

The one with a higher status than Kong Youde is Hong Chengchou. In the fourteenth year of Chongzhen, the main force of the Ming army was defeated by the Qing army in the Battle of Songjin. Hong Chengchou led an army of 130,000 to retreat, and was finally captured in the Songshan area. Hong Chengchou could have died, but seeing that the situation had gone, he weighed it again and again before making the decision to surrender.

After Emperor Shunzhi took over the Central Plains, he was well aware of the psychological sensitivity of the Han people, so he paid special attention to the old Ming Dynasty that had descended to the Qing Dynasty. Hong Chengchou was promoted to important positions such as the crown prince and the secretary of the military department, and was later entrusted with the important task of passing through the five provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou, Yunnan and Guangdong. Under the leadership of Hong Chengchou, the Qing army easily pacified most of the southern territory.

is equivalent to Hong Chengchou's status, and there is another figure - Wu Liuqi. Wu Liuqi was originally a cloth cloth in Fengshun, Guangdong, and he was mixed at sea when he was young, and later met a celebrity who recommended him to join the army. After his meritorious service in suppressing the rebel army, Wu Liuqi was named the chief soldier by Emperor Yongli. In the seventh year of Shunzhi, the Manchu army moved south, and Guangdong became the object of conquest. Seeing that the situation was compelling, Wu Liuqi led the troops to take the initiative to submit to the Qing Dynasty and was awarded the post of Chaozhou General Soldier.

The surrender of Wu Liuqi, Hong Chengchou and others was undoubtedly a major rebellion of the Han military generals at that time. It's just that out of their selfish desire to maintain their personal power, they do not hesitate to abandon the righteousness of their family and country...

Fourth, the surrender of celebrities is notorious

In the turbulent times of the fall of the Ming Dynasty, there were many literati and scholars who surrendered to the Qing army in order to save their lives. Among them, the most criticized are Wang Xueyang and Li Zhiyuan, the two masters and apprentices.

Wang Xueyang is a smart and studious person, and he is a scholar and a later official who worships the Hanlin Academy. However, he was indecisive and weak-willed, and in the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, in the face of the siege of the Qing army, he surrendered without a fight, and led his troops to submit to the enemy's position. After surrendering to the Qing army, Wang Xueyang was not only not appreciated, but was despised by the Qing marshal. It wasn't until six years later that he was given an insignificant petty position. Such an incompetent person has betrayed his country, which can be said to have suffered retribution.

If Wang Xueyang still has some talent to rely on, then his traitor Li Zhiyuan is even more unforgivable. Although Li Zhiyuan was not appointed due to his old age, he was quite famous. In the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, Beiping fell, and Li Zhiyuan, in order to save his own body, surrendered to Emperor Shunzhi under the pretense of the old department of the ancestor Wang Xueyang. What's even more shameful is that Li Zhiyuan not only betrayed the country, but also betrayed the division commander and lured the wolf into the house.

It can be said that the biggest lie manipulator of the Qing army at that time was this shameless Li Zhiyuan. He did not hesitate to fabricate lies to confuse the public and make the Manchu rulers maintain a high degree of misjudgment of the situation at that time. He vigorously advocated the statement that "Xizong is in the sky", believing that Emperor Chongzhen had already died, so as to confuse the public. What's even more odious is that he actually called Zhu Youxiao "the grandson of Xizong", the only legitimate heir of the Ming family, in an attempt to keep the Qing army away from Chongzhen's henchmen.

If Wang Xueyang and Li Zhiyuan are opportunists, then Feng Menglong is a complete traitor. Feng Menglong was born in the late Ming Dynasty, was quite talented and learned, and once worshipped a cabinet bachelor. However, when the Ming Dynasty fell, this so-called "pillar of the country" did not hesitate to surrender to the Qing army. Not only that, Feng Menglong tried his best to flatter the Qing family and wrote many praises for it....

Fifth, the banner generals are arrogant in power

In order to consolidate the newly conquered territory of the Central Plains, Emperor Shunzhi had to reuse a large number of Manchurian banner generals. In the hands of these powerful bannermen, they often contain great power, and they openly insult the old and reckless.

Among them, the most famous is Fan Wencheng's scandal in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Fan Wencheng was born in Manchuria, and was entrusted with important tasks because of his outstanding military achievements, and was in charge of the military and political power in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. It can be said that he is an important figure among the courtiers. Unexpectedly, Fan Wencheng had no one in his eyes, and in the first year of Shunzhi, he insulted the old men of the Ming Dynasty in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and spoke wildly, scolding them as "Sven scum".

At that time, Zhang Dai, an honest and patriotic minister, immediately issued a reprimand, accusing Fan Wencheng of "violating human reason", and was severely punished by Fan Wencheng and imprisoned. This incident caused great controversy, and Geng Jingzhong and others then made Chen Qiren arrogant. However, Emperor Shunzhi had to maintain Fan Wencheng because his national strength was not yet stable. Later, Fan Wencheng even broke down because of the corruption crime.

Geng Jingzhong's family history should have been the object of Emperor Shunzhi's dependence. At the beginning, Geng Jingzhong was indeed courteous to Emperor Shunzhi and was named a scholar of Wuyingdian University. But Geng Jingzhong was upright, and in the end he was dismissed and belittled for his outspokenness. However, just after the death of Emperor Shunzhi, Emperor Kangxi reused Geng Jingzhong, which shows that he is quite talented.

And what is more arrogant and domineering than Geng Jingzhong is Duoduo, the banner general. Duoduo was entrusted with an important task by Emperor Shunzhi because of his military exploits, and he commanded the town to defend the northern and equal lands. However, Duoduo was arrogant in power and often brutalized the Han people. It is reported that Duoduo once insulted the Han subjects in the street: "The emperor cut off your nose, you are still alive, and the king of Hades can't stand it!" What's even more odious is that more than 100 of his men actually beat up innocent people, amounting to hundreds.

This kind of conceitism that completely disregarded the Han people made Emperor Shunzhi extremely angry. He immediately dismissed Duoduo from his post and investigated it, demonstrating the emperor's prestige. However, Duoduo did not receive any substantial punishment, and was still affirmed by Emperor Shunzhi for his military merits and placed in other important positions. The privileged position of the flag man is thus evident.

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