
The official announcement of the Platoon Association! Lang Ping appeared in the new post of the women's volleyball team, Lai Yawen was delighted, and Chen Zhong regretted that he was not available

author:Double-headed eagle in land and air


Double-headed eagle in land and air


Double-headed eagle in land and air

The official announcement of the Platoon Association! Lang Ping appeared in the new post of the women's volleyball team, Lai Yawen was delighted, and Chen Zhong regretted that he was not available

The Chinese women's volleyball team has achieved excellent results of 9 wins and 3 losses in the World League sub-tournaments, especially in the Hong Kong competition, which won four consecutive victories and successfully won the Bangkok finals and the Paris Olympics ticket.

A number of volleyball celebrities cheered on the spot, which greatly boosted morale.

The official announcement of the Platoon Association! Lang Ping appeared in the new post of the women's volleyball team, Lai Yawen was delighted, and Chen Zhong regretted that he was not available

Although Cai Bin's coaching ability has been questioned, fans miss the glory of Lang Ping's coaching period.

Lang Ping became a member of the Chinese women's volleyball expert group and continued to support the team, looking forward to her and Lai Yawen teaming up to achieve better results for the team.

The Chinese women's volleyball team showed its strength again, and Lang Ping helped Paris with a new identity

In the World League, the women's volleyball team showed an indomitable fighting spirit with a proud record of 9 wins and 3 losses.

Especially in the Hong Kong competition, the women's volleyball girls won four consecutive victories, not only successfully locked the quota for the finals in Bangkok, but also won the ticket to the Paris Olympics in advance.

The official announcement of the Platoon Association! Lang Ping appeared in the new post of the women's volleyball team, Lai Yawen was delighted, and Chen Zhong regretted that he was not available

At this moment, countless Chinese people cheered and were proud of it.

Recalling the game process, every attack of the Chinese women's volleyball team is like a sharp knife out of the sheath, and every defense is like an iron wall.

On the field, they used practical actions to interpret what is the spirit of the women's volleyball team and what is the glory of the country.

Behind this is the careful guidance of the coaching team, the hard training of the players day after day, and the expectation and support of hundreds of millions of people.

It is worth mentioning that in the Hong Kong competition, many volleyball celebrities came to the scene to cheer for the Chinese women's volleyball team.

The official announcement of the Platoon Association! Lang Ping appeared in the new post of the women's volleyball team, Lai Yawen was delighted, and Chen Zhong regretted that he was not available

Their arrival not only added more highlights to the game, but also greatly boosted the morale of the girls of the women's volleyball team.

When I saw that the seniors were still paying attention to the Chinese women's volleyball team and still cheering for their success, the sense of responsibility and mission in the hearts of the women's volleyball players was even stronger.

Behind the victory, there are also some doubts.

Some fans believe that the current head coach Cai Bin's coaching ability needs to be improved, and they miss the Chinese women's volleyball team during Lang Ping's coaching period.

The official announcement of the Platoon Association! Lang Ping appeared in the new post of the women's volleyball team, Lai Yawen was delighted, and Chen Zhong regretted that he was not available

At that time, the women's volleyball team not only achieved great results in the international arena, but also became the pride of countless Chinese people.

Lang Ping's wisdom and courage, as well as her deep understanding of the spirit of the women's volleyball team, have deeply influenced generations of players.

However, just recently, an exciting news came - Lang Ping officially became a member of the Chinese women's volleyball expert group.

This news is undoubtedly a powerful response to all the doubts, and it is also the best response to the expectations of fans.

Although Lang Ping has left the position of head coach, her love and attention to the women's volleyball team has never diminished.

Now, she will continue to contribute to the development of the Chinese women's volleyball team in her new capacity.

The official announcement of the Platoon Association! Lang Ping appeared in the new post of the women's volleyball team, Lai Yawen was delighted, and Chen Zhong regretted that he was not available

As a legend of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Lang Ping's return has undoubtedly injected new vitality into the team.

Her experience and wisdom will have a profound impact on the team.

And her arrival also gave fans hope for the future of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

We believe that under the guidance of Lang Ping, the Chinese women's volleyball team will be able to achieve new achievements in the Paris Olympics and win glory for the country.

The official announcement of the Platoon Association! Lang Ping appeared in the new post of the women's volleyball team, Lai Yawen was delighted, and Chen Zhong regretted that he was not available

As a member of the expert group, Lang Ping will work with Lai Yawen, director of the volleyball management center and team leader, to formulate a more scientific and reasonable plan for the future development of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Together, they will study the characteristics and tactics of their opponents and develop a more targeted training plan for the team.

At the same time, they will also pay attention to the mental state and physical well-being of the players to ensure that the team can perform at their best in the game.

As the team leader, Lai Yawen has always been the strong backing of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

The official announcement of the Platoon Association! Lang Ping appeared in the new post of the women's volleyball team, Lai Yawen was delighted, and Chen Zhong regretted that he was not available

She has a wealth of experience and great ability to manage teams.

The addition of Lang Ping will make this team even stronger.

The cooperation between two experienced legends of the women's volleyball team will surely bring a better tomorrow to the development of the Chinese women's volleyball team.

Looking back on the history of the Chinese women's volleyball team, it is not difficult for us to find that it has not been easy for them to go all the way.

From the glory of Lang Ping's coaching years to the ups and downs in recent years, the girls of the women's volleyball team have always maintained their desire for victory and tenacity for defeat.

The official announcement of the Platoon Association! Lang Ping appeared in the new post of the women's volleyball team, Lai Yawen was delighted, and Chen Zhong regretted that he was not available

With sweat and tears, they wrote their own legendary stories.

Now, in the context of Lang Ping's new identity, we have reason to believe that the Chinese women's volleyball team will shine again at the Paris Olympics.

While I was delighted, I couldn't help but think a little about the future of the team.

Although Coach Cai Bin showed his coaching ability in the game, some fans still have a skeptical attitude towards him, and even miss the glory of Lang Ping's coaching period.

This sentiment is not groundless, it reflects the fans' nostalgia for the glory of the women's volleyball team's history and the expectation of higher results.

This expectation and pressure is undoubtedly a huge challenge for the coaching team and the players.

The official announcement of the Platoon Association! Lang Ping appeared in the new post of the women's volleyball team, Lai Yawen was delighted, and Chen Zhong regretted that he was not available

At this time, Lang Ping's return as a member of the expert group undoubtedly brought new hope and motivation to the team.

Her experience and wisdom will provide invaluable support and advice to the team.

I also have some questions.

As a member of the expert group, how will Lang Ping communicate and collaborate effectively with the existing coaching team and players? How will her role and positioning be defined? These issues deserve our further attention and discussion.

The official announcement of the Platoon Association! Lang Ping appeared in the new post of the women's volleyball team, Lai Yawen was delighted, and Chen Zhong regretted that he was not available

In my opinion, Lang Ping's joining is not only a symbolic meaning, but also a substantial support.

She will bring more tactical ideas and experience sharing to the team to help the team better cope with various challenges and difficulties.

Her return will also boost the fighting spirit and confidence of the players, making them more confident and decisive in the game.

The excellent performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the World League let us see their strength and potential.

The official announcement of the Platoon Association! Lang Ping appeared in the new post of the women's volleyball team, Lai Yawen was delighted, and Chen Zhong regretted that he was not available

The addition of Lang Ping as a member of the expert group has injected new vitality and hope into the team.

Let's look forward to the wonderful performance of the Chinese women's volleyball team in the Paris Olympics!

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