
From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

author:Xiaozhu Literature
From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain
It is said that those who read my articles have become big bosses, please use your golden finger to make a fortune, pay attention to the top and like it, it is difficult to do it if you don't want to get rich Like and walk, love you to permanently, focus on a little, get rich to permanent, I wish you good luck in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and meet nobles in the southeast and northwest
From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

Chen Ming, a legendary name, is an admirable musician. Her life is an inspirational epic of struggle, and it is also a moving movement of joys and sorrows.

Chen Ming was born in Shanghai in 1968 to a family of intellectuals. Both parents were intellectuals, and Ben worked in Shanghai. But in response to the call of the country, they moved their families to Luoyang, Henan Province, and became workers in the No. 1 Tractor Factory.

From a bustling metropolis to an industrial city, from a comfortable life to a harsh environment, the family has undergone a sea change.

Chen Ming, who was a child, lived in the compound of a tractor factory. Although her life was poor and her material conditions were scarce, she had the purest dreams in her heart.

Music, like a beam of light, illuminates her monotonous life and also illuminates her future.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

However, the tribulations of life followed. Chen Ming's father suffered from a serious heart attack and was hospitalized for many years. Mothers are exhausted from having to go to work and take care of their husbands and children.

For the sake of this family, the young Chen Ming had to take on the heavy responsibility of taking care of the family.

At that time, no one would have thought that a female worker in a tractor factory would have the opportunity to become a superstar in the music world. But Chen Ming used her hard work and persistence to create a legend.

But the reality is brutal. Parents want their daughter to have a stable job instead of risking her uncertain musical dreams. After graduating from high school, Chen Ming was admitted to a university to study mechanics.

After graduating from university, she returned to the tractor factory and became an ordinary female worker.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

However, in the roar of the machine, Chen Ming's heart always resounded with the sound of music. She knew she didn't belong here. Her dreams beckoned from afar.

In this way, with the dream of music, Chen Ming spent his youth in the tractor factory. But she never gave up because she believed that one day, she would sing her voice and sing her life.

From the daughter of an intellectual to a female worker in a tractor factory, Chen Ming's life seems to have been set on a trajectory. But she has the courage and determination to change her fate.

In her ordinary life, she has accumulated extraordinary strength and waited for the opportunity to come.

This is Chen Ming's original intention. A girl with a dream of music, a tenacious struggler, and a musician who writes legends. Her story has just begun.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

1989, a special year. This year, some people have followed one after another on the road of pursuing freedom, and some people have chosen to be stable under the pressure of reality. Chen Ming, on the other hand, chose to follow his inner voice and bravely embarked on the road of pursuing his music dream.

After graduating from university, Chen Ming entered the tractor factory and became an ordinary female worker. In the forge shop, she was confronted with red-hot molten iron, roaring machines, and acrid smoke every day.

In this miserable environment, her musical dreams seem to be getting farther and farther away.

But Chen Ming did not give up. She knew that if she didn't take the first step bravely, her life would be stuck forever in the workshop of a tractor factory. Her brother has always been her staunchest supporter.

With his encouragement, Chen Ming made a decision: quit his job, leave his hometown, and pursue his musical dreams in Shenzhen.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

This decision, for an ordinary girl from a working family, is so brave and firm. She had to give up her stable job, leave her familiar environment, and go to work in a completely unfamiliar city.

She has to face the incomprehension of her parents, and she has to face unknown challenges and difficulties. But Chen Ming has a fearless heart. She believes that as long as she works hard, she will be able to achieve her dreams.

In 1990, Chen Ming came to Shenzhen alone. This young city is full of opportunities and competition. Chen Ming is one of the thousands of young people who come here to work hard.

In order to survive, she had to sing in a song hall. It was a tough time. She had to travel between several cabarets every day, and it was late at night to finish her work.

She has spent almost all of her life on stage.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

But Chen Ming was not discouraged. She knows that this is just a necessary grind on the road to chasing her dreams. Every time she sings on stage, she passionately tells her dreams.

Her singing voice is full of love for life and longing for the future. Gradually, she made a name for herself in Shenzhen's music scene. Her name began to be remembered by more and more people.

However, the road to chasing dreams is never easy. Frustrations and difficulties go hand in hand. Sometimes, Chen Ming also feels hesitant and helpless.

But every time this happens, she remembers her original intention. She came to Shenzhen to chase her dream of music. No matter how many difficulties lie ahead, she must face them bravely and move forward firmly.

In this way, on the big stage of Shenzhen, Chen Ming grew up step by step and approached his dream step by step. Her singing voice is becoming more and more mature and moving.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

She began to have her own fans and began to have a certain popularity. She knows that this is just a new beginning on the road to chasing her dreams.

Chasing dreams requires courage, perseverance, and dedication. Chen Ming, with her actions, interprets the quality of a dream chaser. In that era, an ordinary girl from a working family could have the courage to quit her stable job and break into the Shenzhen music scene alone, which in itself was a rare spirit.

Chen Ming's story inspires everyone with dreams. As long as you have a dream, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will definitely be able to create miracles. Dreams are never big or small, as long as you chase them wholeheartedly, it will get closer and closer to you.

The road of life is always full of accidents and challenges. Just as Chen Ming's music scene in Shenzhen was gradually improving, a bad news shattered her world. In 1993, Chen Ming's father died of illness.

This news, like a thunderbolt from the sky, knocked Chen Ming to the ground.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

Father is the most important man in Chen Ming's life. Although he was seriously ill, he was always the breadwinner of the family. His death made the already not wealthy family even worse.

Chen Ming was devastated, and she felt her world fall apart.

In those days, music became Chen Ming's greatest comfort. She poured all her sorrows and thoughts into her singing. Every time she sings, it is like telling her father her heart.

She hoped that her father's spirit in heaven would be able to hear his daughter's singing.

It was at this difficult time that a turning point appeared. In 1994, Chen Ming released his debut novel "Loneliness Makes Me So Beautiful". This album, like a bright shooting star, crosses the music sky of Shenzhen.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

Chen Ming's ethereal and slightly hoarse voice sings about the loneliness and loneliness of urban people. Her singing has touched the hearts of countless people.

The success of "Loneliness Makes Me So Beautiful" made Chen Ming a household name overnight. She is no longer the obscure singer-in-residence of the cabaret hall, but a rising star in the limelight.

This year, Chen Ming was only 26 years old, and her music career was just starting.

The next few years were the golden period of Chen Ming's music career. Her songs, one after another, became classics. "Happy Home", "For You", "Waiting for You to Love Me", ...... Every song carries people's memories and emotions.

Chen Ming used her singing voice to accompany a generation through the green years.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

By the end of the 90s, Chen Ming's career had reached its peak. Not only did she release a number of best-selling albums, but she also began to try her hand at film and television acting. Her name has become a symbol of the times.

"There is Chen Ming in the south, and Na Ying in the north", people use such words to describe her status in the music industry.

However, behind the aura of his career, Chen Ming has never forgotten his father. She knows that although her father is gone, his love will always accompany her. Whenever she stands on the stage, she remembers her father's kind face.

She knew that her father, in the spirit of heaven, would be proud of his daughter's achievements.

Sadness makes Chen Ming's music deeper. Success has enriched Chen Ming's life. This female worker who came out of the tractor factory has achieved a legend with her hard work and persistence.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

She uses music to interpret the meaning of life. With her actions, she proved the power of dreams.

But Chen Ming knows that the meaning of life is not only about career success. Deep down, she longs to have a complete family. She hopes to have a husband who loves her and can have lovely children.

She wants to experience happiness as a wife and mother.

This is another dream of Chen Ming's life. A dream about family affection and love.

The year 2004 was an important turning point in Chen Ming's life. This year, she ended her single life for more than ten years and entered the marriage hall with her boyfriend who had been in love for many years.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

In the same year, she welcomed her first child, a lovely daughter.

Chen Ming has always been an independent and strong woman. On the road of her career, she has overcome obstacles all the way and has never thought of relying on others. But deep down, she longs for a warm home, longing for someone who can be with her through thick and thin, hand in hand for a lifetime.

When Chen Ming met her husband, she knew that this was the person she was looking for. Although he is not a rich man or a celebrity, he has a kind heart and a pair of warm hands.

He understands Chen Ming's dream, supports her career, and gives her the warmth of home.

After getting married, Chen Ming resolutely made a decision: fade out of the music scene and devote himself to family life. For a singer whose career is at its peak, this decision requires great courage.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

But Chen Ming did not hesitate at all.

The life after marriage is dull, but it is also happy. Chen Ming is a good wife and mother, and runs this small home with all his heart. She cooks and prepares delicious meals for the whole family; She plays with her daughter and teaches her to sing and dance; She took care of her mother's daily life and warmed her mother's old age with filial piety.

In the process, Chen Ming reaped happiness as a wife and mother. She found that family life could bring her a sense of satisfaction that her singing career could not give.

She is grateful that she has a loving husband, a lovely daughter, and a loving mother.

Of course, as a singer, music will always be an indispensable part of Chen Ming's life. Even in the busiest of family life, she never put down music.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

She would hum a few words in her free time and play the guitar after her daughter fell asleep. Music has been in her blood and has become a part of her life.

This period was the most peaceful and happiest day in Chen Ming's life. With the care of her family, she found inner peace. She understands that no matter how great her achievements are, they can't compare to the warmth of her family; No matter how bright the halo is, it can't compare to the sweetness of family affection.

However, the singer's dream never stopped. As his daughter grew up and her mother's health deteriorated, Chen Ming felt a new sense of responsibility. She knew that she still had a lot to say in song; She still has a lot of love to pass on through music.

She prepares to set off again and return to the stage that haunts her dreams.

2013 was a special year. This year, Chen Ming ushered in her 45th birthday. In this period of "mid-life crisis" in the eyes of others, Chen Ming made an amazing decision: to return to the music scene and continue his musical life.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

This decision was not made on the spur of the moment. Over the past few years, Chen Ming has never stopped loving music. She knows that music is an integral part of her life.

Even in the busiest of family lives, she never really put down music.

More importantly, Chen Ming felt a sense of responsibility. Her singing has touched and inspired countless people. Her music carries the youthful memories of a generation.

Now, she has more life insights and more emotional experiences, and she wants to share them with everyone through music.

The process of returning to the music scene has not been smooth sailing. After all, Chen Ming has been away from the stage for many years, and the music market has changed dramatically. But Chen Ming has the strength to not admit defeat.

From a female worker in the workshop to a famous singer, Chen Ming's career and family affection are full of tears and pain

She practiced her singing voice diligently, studied dance hard, and tried to return in the best possible condition.

In August 2013, Chen Ming held her first concert in Beijing. This concert can be described as highly anticipated. Fans are eagerly awaiting to hear the heavenly voice of the goddess in their hearts again.

When Chen Ming stepped on the stage again, the audience was boiling. She appeared elegantly in a black dress. The years did not leave too many marks on her face.

She is still radiant and radiant.

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